Lecture 9
Lecture 9
Lecture 9
Differences between a private and a public company
• The minimum number of Directors of a private
company is two. The minimum number of
Directors of a public company is seven
• A private company can commence business as
soon as it is registered. A public company can
commence business only after obtaining
certificate for commencement of business
from the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies.
Memorandum and Articles of Association:
definition and distinction
Memorandum and Articles of Association:
definition and distinction
• The Memorandum is the fundamental charter
of the company determining its constitution
and objectives. The Articles are rules regarding
internal management
• Any rules in the Articles contrary to the
Memorandum is invalid
• Articles can be altered easily, the
memorandum can be altered only after the
adoption of certain formalities
Memorandum and Articles of Association:
definition and distinction
• Certain clause of memo cannot be altered
except so far as is provided by the section 12
of the Companies Act. Articles of Association
can be altered as many times as the
shareholders may choose by special resolution
• The company must provide itself with its
Memorandum of Association which are
usually framed in s statutory way. A company
may provide itself with its Articles of
Association by fully adopting Schedule-1 of
the Act 20
Memorandum and Articles of Association:
definition and distinction
• The memo defines the powers of the company and
the relationship between the company and the
members and also non-members. Articles defines
and regulate the relationship between the company
and the members and the relationship between the
members inter se.
• Acts beyond the powers of memo (ultra vires) are
void. Such acts cannot be ratified by the members
even by a unanimous resolution. But acts done by a
company beyond the Articles can be ratified by the
shareholders provided they are within (inter vires)
the powers of memo 21
Memorandum and Articles of Association:
definition and distinction