Carbon Footprint
Carbon Footprint
Carbon Footprint
Covered so far
Topics Covered :
o Weather vs Climate
o Weather and climate variables
o Earth’s climate system
o Earth’s Energy Budget
o climate classification and
o Climate types of the world
o Role of Greenhouse gases
o Green house and green house effect
o Role of Human Activities influencing climate change
o Climate Change Consequences
o Climate change mitigation
o Climate change Adaptation
o Carbon footprint
What is carbon Carbon Footprint ???
Introduction to Carbon Footprint
Carbon footprint refers to the total amount of
greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual,
organization, event, or product. Understanding and
reducing carbon footprint is crucial in addressing
climate change and promoting sustainable
The term carbon footprint is commonly used to describe the total amount
of CO2 and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for which an individual
or organization is responsible. Footprints can also be calculated for events
or products.
Causes of Carbon
Transportat Energy Consumption
ion Consumption Habits
Emissions from
The use of The production,
vehicles, airplanes,
electricity, heating, transportation, and
and other modes of
and cooling in disposal of goods and
homes, buildings, services we consume also
account for a
and industrial contribute to our carbon
significant portion
facilities footprint.
of a carbon
footprint. contributes to
carbon emissions.
Measuring Carbon
Direct Indirect
Emissions from sources directly Emissions from the production of energy,
controlled, such as fuel combustion, goods, and services consumed, such as
transportation, and industrial processes. electricity, purchased materials, and waste
Carbon Footprint
Calculating the amount of CO2e we emit is known is
Carbon accounting.
We know that:
EF1=0.67 Kg/KWhr
EF2=1.8 kg/m^3
EF3=2.7 kg/lit
=1325 KG CO2e
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