Lecture Entreprneurship
Lecture Entreprneurship
Lecture Entreprneurship
1. goal-oriented
Entrepreneurs are all about setting goals and putting
everything they have into achieving them. They’re
determined to make their business succeed and will
remove any obstacles that stand in their way. They also
tend to be strategic in their game plans and have a clear
idea of what they want to achieve and how they plan to do
10 Important personal characteristics of entrepreneurs
3. Hands-on
– Entrepreneurs are inherently proactive and
know that if something needs to get done, they
should do it themselves. They are ‘doers’ and
tend to have very exacting standards.
– They view their business as an extension of
themselves and like to be present in day-to-day
operations – even when they don’t have to be.
10 Important personal characteristics of entrepreneurs
4. Thrive on uncertainty
– Not only do entrepreneurs thrive on facing a
new challenges, they remain calm in the face of
those challenges. Sometimes things go wrong
in business, and when they do, it’s your job as
the head of the company to keep your cool.
Successful entrepreneurs know this and
flourish in the wake of a challenge.
10 Important personal characteristics of entrepreneurs