Crypto 1

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Frxuvh qxpehu: 4003-482 / 4005-705

Lqvwuxfwru: Lyrqd Ehcdnryd

Wrgdb’v Wrslfv:
1. Orjlvwlfv:
- Fodvv olvw
- Vboodexv
2. Wkh Pdwk
3. Zkdw lv Fubswrjudskb
4. Vrph Fodvvlfdo Fubswrvbvwhpv
Course number: 4003-482 / 4005-705
Instructor: Ivona Bezáková

Today’s topics:
1. Logistics:
- Class list
- Syllabus
2. The Math
3. What is Cryptography
4. Some Classical Cryptosystems
The Math
We will go beyond descriptions of cryptographic
algorithms and ways how to break them.

We will use a lot of math and CS theory in this course,

- some abstract algebra (number theory, groups, rings,
- some linear algebra
- some probability and information theory
- some complexity theory
What is Cryptography
- the study of secure communication over insecure

Typical scenario:

Alice Bob

What is Cryptography
Alice Bob


Private-key cryptosystems: Chapter 2 (& 4)

- Alice and Bob agree on a key beforehand

Alice: plaintext -> encryption (via the key) -> ciphertext -

> send to Bob
Bob: decrypt the ciphertext (using the key) to
reconstruct the plaintext
What is Cryptography
- she does not know the key, she cannot decrypt… ???
- she tries to read the current message, she can also try
to figure out the key
- in our book she sometimes acts as a malicious active
attacker (usually called Mallory): corrupting Alice’s
message, or masquerading as Alice

Symmetric-key cryptosystems:
- private-key cryptosystems use (essentially) the same
key for encryption and decryption
ome Cryptanalysis Terminology
- the process of attempting to compute the key
- the most common attack models:
- ciphertext only attack
- known plaintext attack
- chosen plaintext attack
- chosen ciphertext attack

What’s the weakest type of attack?

ryptographic Applications
1. Confidentiality

2. Data integrity

3. Authentication

4. Non-repudiation
lassical Cryptosystems
(Starting Chapter 2, sneaking in some math from Chapter 3.)

- plaintext: lowercase
- CIPHERTEXT: uppercase
- Spaces and punctuations will be usually omitted.
- Letter of the alphabet will be often identifies with
numbers 0,1,…,25.
Monoalphabetic Ciphers
- Each letter is mapped to a unique letter.
- Examples: shift cipher, substitution cipher, affine cipher

- We will need modular arithmetic (and we’ll introduce

more than we need in this chapter – it will all be useful
Modular Arithmetic
Let a, b be integers, m be a positive integer.
We write:
a ´ b (mod m) if m divides (a-b)
(Read it as: “a is congruent to b mod m”.)

Examples: (true/false)
7 ´ 5 (mod 3) 4 ´ 1 (mod 3)
7 ´ 1 (mod 3) -4 ´ -1 (mod 3)
66 ´ 0 (mod 3) -8 ´ 7 (mod 3)
Modular Arithmetic
Let a be an integer, m be a positive integer.
We use:
a mod m
to denote the remainder when a is divided by m. The
remainder is always a number from {0,1,2,…,m-1}.

8 mod 3 = 1 mod 1 = 0 mod 2 =
63 mod 7 = -8 mod 3 =
3 mod 6 = -63 mod 7 =
Is % in Java/C/C++ the same as mod ?
Modular Arithmetic
Zm denotes the set {0,1,2,…,m-1}, with two operations:
- addition (modulo m)
- multiplication (modulo m)

Zm is a commutative ring, i.e.:

- addition and multiplication (mod m) are closed,
commutative, associative, and multiplication is
distributive over addition
- 0 is the additive identity
- each element has an additive inverse
Modular Arithmetic
Zm denotes the set {0,1,2,…,m-1}, with two operations:
- addition (modulo m)
- multiplication (modulo m)

Zm is a commutative ring, i.e.:

- addition and multiplication (mod m) are closed,
commutative, associative, and multiplication is
distributive over addition
- 0 is the additive identity
- each element has an additive inverse
Shift Cipher
The key k is an element of Z26.
We encrypt a letter x 2 Z26 as follows:
x  (x+k) mod 26

How to decrypt ?

- For k=3 this is known as the Caesar cipher, attributed to
Julius Caesar.
- Shift cipher works over any Z .
Shift Cipher
How good is it ?
- the good: efficient encryption/decryption computation
- the bad: easy to attack (not very secure)
- how ?

Kerckhoff’s Principle:
- Eve knows the cipher but does not know the key.
- Always assumed in cryptanalysis.
Substitution Cipher
- Monoalphabetic cipher defined by a permutation of the
- Example:


What is the key in this example ?

- Exercise:

Substitution Cipher
How good is it ?
- the good: efficient encryption/decryption
- the bad(?): is it secure ?
- approach 1: try all possible keys
- is this feasible ?

Hint: frequency tables, e.g., for English see Table 2.1,

page 17
Affine Ciphers
The key is a pair (®,¯) 2 Z26£Z26 such that gcd(®,26)=1.
Then, encryption is done via an affine function:
x  (®x + ¯) mod 26
How to decrypt ?

Remark: The affine cipher can be defined over any Zm.

Affine Ciphers
- How does it relate to the shift and the substitution
ciphers ?

- How many possible keys are there ?

- Why do we have the condition gcd(®,26)=1 ?

- What is ®-1 ?
Affine Ciphers
- Efficiently computable encryption and decryption ?

- Is it secure ? How to cryptanalyze ?

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