6 Topic 2 Part
6 Topic 2 Part
6 Topic 2 Part
Content units:
6.1. Concept and elements of credit.
6.2. Types of credit.
Didactic goals:
define basic terminology used when discussing credit activity;
list the elements of the credit relationships;
explain thew diference between different types of credit.
Key words: credit, commercial credit, banking credit
6.1. Concept and elements of credit
5. Classification based on the method of issuing a loan and the procedure for its
- Revolving credit involves the continuous credit in which the lender gives the
extension of credit to the borrower so long as the account is regular and open by
regular payments like in case of credit card the credit is given regularly and limit of
credit is given and payment to be made on monthly or quarterly basis. And the
account will continue till it is closed, i.e., credit is extended every month.
A line of credit is one type of credit that comes with a capped limit and can be used up
until you reach the predetermined threshold. It may include regular minimum
payments, but usually, there is not a fixed repayment schedule.
6.2. Types of credit
- Installment loans are another type of credit that includes a fixed payment schedule
for a specified duration. An example of an installment loan would be a car loan —
you are required to pay a set amount of money at a recurring interval (ex. $280 per
month) until the loan is paid off in full. Other examples include mortgages, student
loans, and term loans.
- Open credit is a type of credit that requires full payment for each period, such as per
month. You can borrow up to a maximum amount, similar to a credit card limit, but
you are required to pay the funds borrowed in full at the end of each period. An
example of this would be a cellphone bill — you can make phone calls, send text
messages, and use data each month, and at the end of the month, you are required
to pay for the services you used (including any additional usage fees). Another
example would be a utility bill (such as electricity usage in your household, gas
bills etc).
6.2. Types of credit
6.2. Types of credit
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