4 Homesostasis SHORTER Version
4 Homesostasis SHORTER Version
4 Homesostasis SHORTER Version
When one of these conditions deviates far away from the normal
if not brought back within set limits the body will not function
properly and the eventual consequence without medical
intervention will be death.
Regulation is controlled by the brain which contains receptors cells sensitive to the
temperature of the blood.
The skin also has temperature receptor cells and sends nervous impulses to the brain.
The brain responds to this information by sending nerve impulses to the skin to maintain
the temperature within a narrow range of the optimum, 37°C.
Fatty tissue under the dermis acts as a layer of insulation to prevent too much body heat
being lost through the skin
•When we are hot blood flow in capillaries
increases because blood vessels to the skin get
wider – this is known as vasodilation
•This cools the body as blood (which carries heat
around the body) is flowing at a faster rate through
the skin’s surface and so more heat is lost by
•When we are cold blood flow in
capillaries slows down because
arterioles leading to the skin get
narrower – this is known
as vasoconstriction
•This reduces the amount of heat
lost from blood by radiation as
less blood flows through the surface
of the skin
In hot conditions, skin arterioles In cold conditions, skin arterioles
are dilated, sphincter muscles are are constricted, sphincter muscles
relaxed and shunt vessels are are contracted and shunt vessels
constricted; blood flow to the skin are dilated; blood flow to the
capillaries is increased skin capillaries is decreased
Temperature control in newborns
Sayid has a baby sister. Samira was born premature and is
too young to control her temperature. An incubator helps to
control her temperature, using negative feedback.
Glucagon is produced when blood glucose falls and stimulates liver and muscle cells to
convert stored glycogen into glucose to be released into the blood.
The pancreas and blood glucose
Blood glucose levels are pancreas
monitored and controlled
by the pancreas.
The pancreas produces ology - Co
ntrol of Bl
and releases different ood Gluco
hormones depending on se Conce
ntration #
the blood glucose level. 56 - YouT
Can animal-
free research
be the future
of medical
“All in all, it
was found
that in total,
only about
10% of
was useful.”
Homeostasis –
Regulating Water Content in the Blood
•If body cells lose or gain too much water by osmosis they do not
function efficiently:
• Too much water in the blood results in cells swelling as
water moves into them, this has a diluting effect and can
lead to cell lysis (bursting)
• Too little water in the blood (or too high an ion
concentration) and the cells lose water by osmosis, this has a
dehydrating effect and can lead to cell death
Homeostasis –
Water content of the body