Anatomy of Thyroid - 2
Anatomy of Thyroid - 2
Anatomy of Thyroid - 2
Renuga P
Final year MBBS
► The thyroid gland is the largest endocrine gland
with rich blood supply situated in the lower part of
the front and sides of the neck.
► It regulates the basal metabolic rate, stimulates
psychosomatic growth of the body, plays an
important role in calcium metabolism.
► The gland consists of right and left lobes that are
joined to each other by isthmus
The gland weighs about 25 g
► The thyroid gland is located opposite to C5, C6, C7
and T1 vertebrae clasping the upper part of the
► Each lobe extends from middle of thyroid cartilage
to 4th or 5th tracheal ring
► The isthmus extends from 2nd to 4th tracheal ring
Capsules of thyroid
► True capsule
► False capsule
Parts and relations
Each lobe of the thyroid gland is roughly pyramidal
and presents
► Apex
► Base
► Three surfaces
► Two borders
Relations of isthmus
► Two surfaces- anterior and posterior and two borders-
superior and inferior
► Anterior surface is related to strap muscles
(sternothyroid and sternohyoid), anterior jugular veins
► Posterior surface is related to 2nd,3rd, 4th tracheal
► Superior border is related to anastomoses between
anterior branches of two superior thyroid arteries
► Inferior border - along this border inferior thyroid vein
Arterial supply
►Superior thyroid artery- it is a branch of external
carotid artery
►Inferior thyroid artery – it is a branch of
thyrocervical trunk from the first part of subclavian
►Thyroidea ima artery
►Accessory thyroid arteries.
Venous drainage
► The venous blood from thyroid gland is drained by
three set of veins
► Superior thyroid vein
► Middle thyroid vein
► Inferior thyroid vein
► Thyroid vein of Kocher
Lymphatic drainage