Menstrual Disorders
Menstrual Disorders
Menstrual Disorders
Menopausal complaints need to be evaluated carefully because they may indicate
other disorders.
Most women have few problems and are relieved to be free from menstrual periods
Treatment options for preventing fractures
Vitamin D
Monoclonal antibodies
Hormonal medications Estrogen therapy (considered a second-line therapy for
Nursing Management
Nurses can encourage women to view menopause as a
Natural change resulting in freedom from symptoms related to menses.
No relationship exists between menopause and mental health problems;
Measures should be taken to promote general health.
The nurse explains to the client that cessation of menses is a normal occurrence that is
rarely accompanied by nervous symptoms or illness.
The nurse also the client that the current expected lifespan after menopause for the
average woman is 30 to 35 years, which may encompass as many years as the
childbearing phase of her life.
Normal sexual urges continue, and women retain In their usual response to sex long after
Premenstrual symptoms (PMS)
Premenstrual symptoms are common in ovulating women and can influence quality of
Symptoms occur in the luteal phase and disappear with the onset of menses.
PMS is a combination of bothersome symptoms, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder
is a severe type of premenstrual disorder that significantly impairs normal
The cause of these conditions is unknown; they are diagnosed if symptoms occur
during the 5 days prior to the onset of menses, disappear within 4 days of the onset of
menses, and occur through several cycles.
PMS tends to become less symptomatic with menopause.
Clinical Manifestations
Major symptoms of PMS include
Behavioral and emotional symptoms
physical symptoms such as
may include
Headache, General irritability,
Fatigue, Mood swings,
Low back pain, Fear of losing control,
Painful breasts, and a Binge eating, and
feeling of abdominal fullness. Crying spells.
Generally stressful life and problematic Symptoms vary widely from one woman
relationships may be related to the to another and from one cycle to the
intensity of physical symptoms. next in the same woman.
PMS may also be a factor in reducing
productivity, work-related injuries, and
Amenorrhea (absence of menstrual flow) is a symptom of variety of disorders and
It Can be either primary or secondary.
Primary amenorrhea: is defined as either
(a) the lack of menstruation by the age of 15 years (or within 3 years after thelarche)
with otherwise normal pubertal development or
(b) the lack of secondary sexual characteristics by the age of 13 years
Amenorrhea may be of considerable concern but often occurs as a result of minor
variations in body build, heredity, environment, and physical, mental, and emotional
I. Anatomic defects – Müllerian agenesis, complete androgen insensitivity syndrome;
imperforate hymen; transverse vaginal septum
II. Primary hypogonadism - Gonadal dysgenesis: Turner syndrome (45,X), Swyer
syndrome (46,XY); gonadal agenesis
III. Hypothalamic causes - Dysfunctional (stress, exercise, diet, eating disorders);
IV. Pituitary causes - Tumors (prolactinoma, other hormone-secreting tumors)
V. Other endocrine gland disorders - Adrenal (adult-onset adrenal hyperplasia, Cushing
syndrome); thyroid disease; ovarian tumors
VI. Multifactorial/other causes - PCOS; constitutional delay, systemic illness
Secondary Amenorrhea
The nurse encourages the patient to express her concerns and anxiety about this
problem because the patient may feel that she is different from her peers.
A complete physical examination, careful health history, and simple laboratory tests
help rule out possible causes, such as metabolic or endocrine disorders and systemic
Treatment is directed toward correcting any abnormalities
Nutritional such as vitamin D to prevent osteoporosis
Help the adolescent girls to formulate self-esteem and body images despite impaired
Adolescence encompasses a broad spectrum of emotional maturity which need to be
considered in assessment and treatment
Thank you