Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023
Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023
Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023
Data Protection Terms
Data Principal
Denotes the person to whom the
personal data belongs, highlighting
Data Fiduciary
Represents the entity responsible for
the focus on individual rights and
determining how and why personal
consent in data processing.
data is processed, underscoring
accountability and transparency in
data management.
X - Data Principal
X, as the Data Principal, is the web user Z - Data Fiduciary
providing personal data and necessary
Z, the Data Fiduciary, decides to use the
consent, initiating data processing.
data for targeted marketing, acting as the
custodian of the user's data.
Data Processing Roles Overview
Illustration of Key
Y - Data Processor
Understanding the Roles in Data Y, the Data Processor, processes the data Legal Framework
on behalf of the company Z, ensuring
Processing under the Digital compliance with data protection
Personal Data Protection Act 2023 regulations. All actors must adhere to the Digital
Extraterritorial Understanding the Scope and Impact of the data protection regulations.
Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023
The act extends to processing digital
personal data outside India if it pertains
to offering goods/services to Data
Principals in India, emphasizing cross-
border data protection.
Data Processing Regulations
Legitimate Uses
Consent as a Importance of Withdrawal of
Legal Basis Notice Consent
Legitimate grounds for
Processing personal data Providing notice before Individuals have the
processing personal data
is permissible with seeking consent is right to withdraw
include government
individual consent, crucial to inform consent at any time,
ensuring transparency individuals about data emphasizing the
medical emergencies,
and compliance with collection purposes and importance of respecting
and employment
data protection ensure transparent user choices and data
regulations. processing. control.
Data Rights & Duties Obtain Information about
Rights and Duties of Data Data principals have the right to request and
obtain details about how their personal data is
Principals being processed by organizations.
Understanding the Fundamental Rights and Duties of Data
Principals under the Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023 Seek Correction and Erasure of
Personal Data
Data principals can request corrections to inaccuracies
in their personal data and ask for the deletion of
specific information when necessary.
Obligations of Data
Navigating Data Protection Regulations Under the Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023
Prevention and Enforcement of Legal Exemptions by Central Security of the State and
Investigation of Offences Rights or Claims Government Public Order
Data processing exemptions Certain data protection The central government holds Data protection exemptions
apply for activities related to regulations do not restrict the authority to exempt may be granted to uphold
the prevention and processing activities specific data processing state security and public
investigation of criminal necessary for enforcing legal activities concerning national order, allowing essential data
offences, ensuring legal rights or claims, safeguarding security, public order, processing for these critical
compliance and security. legal proceedings and rights. research, archiving, or purposes.
statistical purposes.
Data Protection Governance
Monitoring Compliance
and Penalizing
The Board oversees adherence to data
protection regulations and enforces penalties
for non-compliance, ensuring data security.
Addressing Data
Breaches and
In cases of data breaches, the Board takes
prompt action by directing necessary
measures and addresses grievances to
safeguard individuals' data rights.
Penalty Implications
Up to Rs 200 crore Penalty for Obligations Non-Fulfillment Up to Rs 250 crore Penalty for Data Breach Prevention Failure
Non-compliance with obligations for children may result in Failure to implement adequate security measures to prevent data
penalties of up to Rs 200 crore, emphasizing the seriousness of breaches can lead to penalties of up to Rs 250 crore, highlighting
protecting children's rights and data privacy. the importance of robust data protection practices.
Compliance Strategies
Designate a DPO for Significant assessments help identify measures and breach protocols enhance employees' awareness
Data Fiduciaries to oversee data vulnerabilities, ensure data to safeguard sensitive of data protection protocols,
protection strategies and accuracy, and compliance information from unauthorized privacy policies, and compliance
Adopt robust security protocols to safeguard personal data from breaches.
Essential Guidelines
for Compliance with
the Digital Personal Accountability
Data Protection Act Regularly review policies to ensure compliance and improvement in data practices.
Compliance Strategy
Data Audit
Conducted a thorough audit to assess Data Protection Officer
current data management practices and
Appointed a dedicated Data Protection
identify gaps.
Officer to oversee compliance and data
security initiatives.
Security Measures
Implemented robust data security and
breach response protocols to safeguard
sensitive information.
Employee Training
Consent Management Provided comprehensive training
programs for employees to enhance
Developed clear consent management
awareness of data protection.
policies to ensure compliance with user
privacy preferences.
Conclusion and Call
to Action