Grade 12 - Philosophy of The Human Person Lesson 6 - Harmony With Nature
Grade 12 - Philosophy of The Human Person Lesson 6 - Harmony With Nature
Grade 12 - Philosophy of The Human Person Lesson 6 - Harmony With Nature
• As a steward he/she is
responsible for the well-
being and harmony in the
environment, and not to
subdue it as an enemy.
The Human Being as the Summit of Creation
Emmanuel Levinas, is an
existentialist philosopher who put
morality a “Human Face”. It mean
the human face is more primordial
than any claims to philosophical
arguments and doctrines, and the
before we hear the voice of any reason
and commandment, we see the other
person when we encounter his/her
human face, and we see mutuality in
y between
Human Being
Spirit of Noncoexistence