Presentation 1
Presentation 1
Presentation 1
• Benefits of Networking in Business:
– Share resources (E.g. Printer, data)
– Communication (E.g. e-mail, internal networks)
– Share Internet access
– Integrate business (including sales activity, stock holding, quotations, ordering raw
materials, control the production process, process invoices, process all the accounts,
analyze business performance, quality control, etc).
• Benefits of Networking in Scientific Applications:
– Share data
– Use remote powerful computers to carry complex computations
Components of Data Communications
Intensity Intensity
Time Time
f0 Frequency
• Result: Distortion
Bandwidth: 900 Hz
• The more limited the bandwidth,
the greater the distortion
• The grater the bandwidth of a Bandwidth: 1300 Hz
Bandwidth: 4000 Hz
Signal Attenuation/Amplification
N dB 10. log
Digital Data Digital data are encoded using Digital data are encoded to
a modem to produce analog produce a digital signal with
signal. desired properties.
Analog and Digital Data Transmission (Cont’d)
0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0
Types of Data Flow and Transmission (Cont’d)
• Transmission speed expressed in number of bits transferred in one second.
Units include:
• bits per second (bps)
• kilobits per second (kbps) = 1000bps
• megabits per second (Mbps) = 1000 kbps
• gigabits per second (Gbps) = 1000 Mbps
• Two different methods of serial transmission:
– Asynchronous transmission - source and destination clocks are free
running and not locked to each other.
• Short characters of 7 to 8 bit data are sent one at a time framed by a start bit and 1 or
2 stop bits. It is used for low data transfer rates, usually 128 kbps or less and short
bursts of data.
Types of Data Flow and Transmission (Cont’d)
• In Bus Topology:
– All devices are connected to a central cable, called the bus or backbone
– The bus is terminated at its ends
Difficult to isolate network faults.
Difficult to add new devices.
Advantages: Signal reflection at the taps.
•Ease of installation. Inefficient with heavy traffic
•Less cabling than mesh or star
Star Topology
• Central device, called hub or concentrator
• The hub:
– manages and controls all functions of the network.
– acts as a repeater for the data flow.
• RJ-45 Connectors.
Advantages: Disadvantages:
•Less expensive than a mesh topology. •A single point of failure, the hub.
•Easy to install and reconfigure additions, •More cabling than in bus.
moves, and deletions involve only one connection.
•It is robust.
Ring Topology
• All devices are connected to one another in the
shape of a closed loop
• Actually connected to a central device called
MSAU (multistation access unit), forming a star-
wired ring topology.
Advantages: •Limitations on media length and traffic
•Relatively easy to install and reconfigure.
(number of devices).
•Performance is even despite many users
•A break in the ring can disable the entire
network. Solution: a dual ring or a switch
capable of closing off the break
Mesh Topology
• Redundant interconnection.
• Full mesh: every node to every other node
– No of cables = ½ n(n-1), where n = number of nodes
•Dedicated link security & privacy
•Robust: Failure of link does not affect network •Difficult installation and reconnection
•Easy fault identification and isolation •Requires large wiring space
•Expensive: I/O ports and cables
Network Categories
• LAN (Local Area Network).
– Small area, private media, high speed
– Equipments: hubs, switches, routers
– E.g. Ethernet, Token Ring, FFDI
the receiving computer must perform the same steps, but in reverse order
accept the data from the NIC
remove transmitting information that was added by the transmitting computer
reassemble the packets of data in to the original message
the key elements of a protocol are syntax, semantics, and timing
syntax: refers to the structure or format of the data
semantics: refers to the meaning of each section of bits
timing: refers to when data should be sent and how fast they can be sent
functions of protocols
each device must perform the same steps the same way so that the
data will arrive and reassemble properly; if one device uses a protocol
with different steps, the two devices will not be able to communicate
with each other
the following are categories of functions that form the basis of protocols
segmentation and reassembly
connection control
transmission services
a) Encapsulation
a) the inclusion of control information to data is called encapsulation. Each frame
contains not only data but also control information
a) such control information falls into three categories: address
(sender/receiver), error-detecting code and protocol control (information
about protocol functions)
b) Segmentation (by the sender also called fragmentation) and reassembly (by the
a block of data for transmission is of some bounded size
at the application level, we refer to a logical unit of data transfer as a message
lower level protocols may need to break the data up into blocks of some
bounded size
this process is called segmentation
reasons for segmentation:
the communication network may only accept blocks of data up to a certain
error control may be more efficient with a smaller frame size; fewer bits need
to be retransmitted when a frame gets corrupted
facilitates more equitable access to shared transmission facilities (for
example, without maximum block size, one station could monopolize a
multipoint medium)
since a frame contains certain amount of control information, the smaller the
block size, the greater the percentage overhead
frame arrivals may generate an interrupt that must be serviced; hence smaller
blocks result in more interrupts
more time is spent processing smaller, more numerous frames
the counterpart of segmentation is reassembly
on receipt, the receiving device must reassemble the segmented data into a
message appropriate to the application
c. Connection control
two types of protocols (services)
connectionless service
the packets are sent from one party to another with no need for connection
establishment or connection release
the packets are not numbered, they may be delayed, lost, or arrive out of
sequence; there is no acknowledgement either
UDP (User Datagram Protocol), one of the transport layer protocols, is
connection-oriented service
in connection-oriented data transfer, a logical association or connection is
established between the communicating computers (devices)
long sustained session
orderly and timely delivery of packets, e.g., FTP
because each side remembers that it is engaged in a logical connection, it can
keep track of both outgoing numbers, which it generates, and incoming numbers
which are generated by the other side
error control: error control is implemented as two separate functions; error detection
and retransmission
if an error is detected, the receiver discards the frame
upon failing to receive an acknowledgement to the frame in a specified
reasonable time, the sender retransmits the frame
some protocols also employ error correction which enables the receiver not only
to detect errors but, in some cases, to correct them
we will study some details of flow control and error control again in the data link
layer and in TCP
d) addressing
a unique address is associated with each end-system in a configuration (e.g.
workstation, server) and each intermediate system (e.g. router)
an example is an IP address in TCP/IP connection, but addressing spans more
layers: data link, network, transport
e) multiplexing
occurs when multiple connections share a single connection (multiple access)
f)transmission services
a variety of additional services can be provided
priority: messages such as control messages may need to get through to the
destination station with minimum delay
security: security mechanisms, restricting access, may be invoked
Protocols in a layered architecture
protocols that work together to provide a layer or layers of the model are known as a
protocol stack or suite, e.g. TCP/IP
each layer handles a different part of the communications process and has its own
Data Communication Standards
standards are essential for interoperability
Standards (Cont’d)
• Standards provide guidelines to manufacturers, vendors, government
agencies, and other service providers to ensure interconnectivity.
• Data communication standards fall into two categories:
– De facto – are those that have not been approved by an organized body but have
been adopted as standards through widespread use.
– De jure – these have been legislated by an officially recognized body.
• Data telecommunications standards are set by:
– International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
– International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication
Standards Sector (ITU-T)
– American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
– Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
– Electronic Industries Association (EIA)
• Standards for TCP/IP protocol Suite are developed and published
by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB)
• The IAB has two principal subsidiary task forces:
– Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
• responsible for publishing the RFCs (working notes of the Internet research and
development community). The final decision of which RFCs become Internet
standards is made by the IAB, on the recommendation of the IETF.
– Internet Research Task Force (IRTF)
• promotes research of importance to the evolution of the future Internet by creating
focused, long-term and small Research Groups working on topics related to Internet
protocols, applications, architecture and technology
Network (Reference) Models
there are three different activities at the sender side and
another three at the receiver’s side
the tasks must be done in the order given in the hierarchy
Layers and Services
within a single machine, each layer uses the services
immediately below it and provides services for the layer
immediately above it
between machines, layer x on one machine communicates
with layer x on another machine
Why layering?
reduces complexity (one big problem to smaller ones)
standardizes interfaces (between layers)
facilitates modular engineering (different teams work on different modules)
assures interoperable technology
accelerates evolution of networking technology
simplifies teaching and learning
Two important network models or architectures
The ISO OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Reference Model
The TCP/IP Reference Model
a. The OSI Reference Model
consists of 7 layers
was never fully implemented as a protocol stack, but a good theoretical model
Open – to connect open systems or systems that are open for communication with
other systems
Principles to arrive at the 7 layers
a layer should be created at different level of abstraction
a layer should perform a well-defined function
the function of each layer should be chosen towards defining internationally
standardized protocols
layer boundaries should be chosen to minimize the information flow across the
the number of layers should be optimal
large enough so that distinct functions should not be put together, and
small enough so that the architecture does not become unwieldy
b. The TCP/IP Reference Model
TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
used by ARPANET and its successor the Internet
design goals
the ability to connect multiple networks (internetworking) in a seamless way
the network should be able to survive loss of subnet hardware, i.e., the
connection must remain intact as long as the source and destination machines
are properly functioning
flexible architecture to accommodate requirements of different applications -
ranging from transferring files to real-time speech transmission
these requirements led to the choice of a packet-switching network based on a
connectionless internetwork layer
has 4 (or 5 depending on how you see it) layers: Application, Transport, Internet
(Internetwork), Host-to-network (some split it into Physical and Data Link)
OSI and TCP/IP Layers Correspondence
Components of Network
There are three categories of network components:
o Devices
o Media
o Services