DC Machine - 8

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University of wasit

Department of Electrical Engineering

Second Year / Semester I

DC Machine
Speed of a DC Motor:
From the voltage equation of a motor , we get
Eb V  I a Ra .....(1)
But Eb  ( ) .....( 2)
60 a
ZN P V  I a Ra 60 a
V  I a Ra  ( ) N  ( ) r. p.m.
60 a  ZP
From this the speed proportion directy to the supply voltage and inversely to the magnetic flux and armature current
from equation (2)
E b 60a
N ( ) r. p.m.
 ZP
 N  K b  N b
 
The speed is proportion directy to the back EMF and inversely to the magnetic flux
If any change happen in the motor operation then the new speed will :
N 2 Eb 2 1
 *
N1 Eb1  2
N 2 Eb 2 I a1
In case of series motor :  *
N1 Eb1 I a 2
N 2 Eb 2
In case of shunt motor the magnetic flux is almost considered constant : 
N1 Eb1
Characteristics of the DC Motor
There are three principal types of dc motors: shunt
motors, series motors and compound motors. The
performance of a dc motor can be judged from its
characteristic curves known as motor
characteristics; following are the three important
characteristics of a dc motor:
Torque and Armature current characteristic
(Ta/Ia): It is known as electrical characteristic of
the motor.
Speed and armature current characteristic (N/Ia):
It is very important characteristic as it is often the
deciding factor in the selection of the motor for a
particular application.
1. Characteristics of Series Motor
1. Ta/Ia Characteristic: We have seen that Ta α ΦIa. In
this case, as field windings also carry the armature
current, Φ α Ia up to the point of magnetic saturation.
Hence, before saturation, Ta α ΦIa and Ta α Ia2 At light
loads, Ia and hence Φ is small. But as Ia increases, Ta
increases as the square of the current. Hence, Ta/Ia curve
is a parabola. After saturation, Φ is almost independent of
Ia hence Ta α Ia only. So the characteristic becomes a
straight line. The shaft torque Tsh is less than armature
torque due to stray losses. It is shown dotted in the figure.
So we conclude that (prior to magnetic saturation) on
heavy loads, a series motor exerts a torque proportional
to the square of armature current. Hence, in cases where
huge starting torque is required for accelerating heavy
masses quickly as in hoists and electric trains etc., series
motors are used.
2. N/Ia Characteristics: Variations of speed can be
deduced from the formula: N α Eb/φ
Change in E, for various load currents is small and hence
may be neglected for the time being. With increased Ia, Φ
also increases. Hence, speed varies inversely as armature
current. When load is heavy, Ia is large. Hence, speed is
low (this decreases E and allows more armature current to
flow). But when load current and hence Ia falls to a small
value, speed becomes dangerously high. Hence, a series
motor should never be started without some
mechanical (not belt-driven) load on it otherwise it
may develop excessive speed and get damaged due to
heavy centrifugal forces so produced. It should be
noted that series motor is a variable speed motor.
3. N/Ta or mechanical characteristic: It is found from
above that when speed is high, torque is low and vice-
2. Characteristics of Shunt Motors
1. Ta/Ia Characteristic: Assuming Φ to be practically
constant (though at heavy loads, φ decreases somewhat due
to increased armature reaction) we find that Ta α Ia. Hence,
the electrical characteristic, is practically a straight line
through the origin. Shaft torque is shown dotted. Since a
heavy starting load will need a heavy starting current, shunt
motor should never be started on (heavy) load.
2. N/Ia Characteristic: If Φ is assumed constant, then N α
E. As E is also practically constant, speed is, for most
purposes, constant. But strictly speaking, both E and Φ
decrease with increasing load. However, E decreases slightly
more than φ so that on the whole, there is some decrease in
speed. The drop varies from 5 to 15% of full-load speed,
being dependent on saturation, armature reaction and brush
position. Hence, the actual speed curve is slightly drooping
as shown by the dotted line in the figure. But, for all practical
purposes, shunt motor is taken as a constant-speed motor.
3. N/Ta Characteristic: can be deduced from (1) and (2)

3. Characteristics of Compound Motors:
These motors have both series and shunt windings. If series
excitation helps the shunt excitation i.e. series flux is in the
same direction; then the motor is said to be cumulatively
compounded. If on the other hand, series field opposes the
shunt field, then the motor is said to be differentially
compounded. The characteristics of such motors lie in
between those of shunt and series motors.
(a) Cumulative-compound Motors: Such machines are used
where series characteristics are required and where, in
addition, the load is likely to be removed totally such as in
some types of coal cutting machines or for driving heavy
machine tools which have to take sudden cuts quite often.
Due to shunt windings, speed will not become excessively
high but due to series windings, it will be able to take heavy
loads. Compound-wound motors have greatest application
with loads that require high starting torques or pulsating
loads (because such motors smooth out the energy demand
(b) Differential-compound Motors: Since series
field opposes the shunt field, the flux is decreased as
load is applied to the motor. This results in the motor
speed remaining almost constant or even increasing
with increase in load (because, N α E/Φ). Due to this
reason, there is a decrease in the rate at which the
motor torque increases with load. Such motors are
not in common use. But because they can be
designed to give an accurately constant speed under
all conditions, they find limited application for
experimental and research work. One of the biggest
drawback of such a motor is that due to weakening
of flux with increases in load, there is a tendency
towards speed instability and motor running away
unless designed properly.
Speed Control of DC Motors:
the speed of a motor is given by the relation:
V  I a Ra 60 a
N ( )
 ZP
where Ra= armature circuit resistance. It is
obvious that the speed can be controlled by
(i) Flux/pole, Φ (Flux Control)
(ii) Resistance Ra of armature circuit (Rheostat
Control) and
(iii) Applied voltage V (Voltage Control).
Speed Control of Shunt motor:
(i) Variation of Flux or Flux Control
Method: By decreasing the flux, the speed can
be increased and vice versa. The flux of a dc
motor can be changed by changing Ish with help
of a shunt field rheostat. Since Ish is relatively
small, shunt field rheostat has to carry only a
small current, which means Ish2R loss is small,
so that rheostat is small in size.
(ii) Armature or Rheostat Control Method: This method
is used when speeds below the no-load speed are required.
As the supply voltage is normally constant, the voltage
across the armature is varied by inserting a variable
rheostat in series with the armature circuit. As controller
resistance is increased, voltage across the armature is
decreased, thereby decreasing the armature speed.
(iii) Voltage Control Method: In this method,
the shunt field of the motor is connected
permanently to a fixed exciting voltage, but the
armature is supplied with different voltages by
connecting it across one of the several different
voltages by means of suitable switchgear. The
armature speed will be approximately
proportional to these different voltages. The
intermediate speeds can be obtained by
adjusting the shunt field regulator.
Speed Control of Series Motors:
1. Flux Control Method: Variations in the flux of a series
motor can be brought about in any one of the following ways:
(a) Field Diverters: The series winding are shunted by a
variable resistance known as field diverter. Any desired
amount of current can be passed through the diverter by
adjusting its resistance. Hence the flux can be decreased and
consequently, the speed of the motor increased.
(b) Armature Diverter: A diverter across the armature can
be used for giving speeds lower than the normal speed. For a

diverter, the φ must increase (∵Ta α φIa ) This results in an

given constant load torque, if Ia is reduced due to armature

increase in current taken from the supply (which increases

the flux and a fall in speed (N α E/φ )). The variation in speed
can be controlled by varying the diverter resistance.
(c) Tapped Field Control
This method is often used in
electric traction. The number
of series filed turns in the
circuit can be changed. With
full field, the motor runs at
its minimum speed which can
be raised in steps by cutting
out some of the series turns.
2. Variable Resistance in Series with
Motor: By increasing the resistance in series
with the armature the voltage applied across
the armature terminals can be decreased. With
reduced voltage across the armature, the speed
is reduced. However, it will be noted that since
full motor current passes through this
resistance, there is a considerable loss of
power in it.

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