Raymond Cattell
Raymond Cattell
Raymond Cattell
Major Goal
Prediction (Not Behavior Modification)
His aim was to study personality, not treat it
Only when we know someone’s traits can we predict how that person will behave in a
given situation. Thus, to understand someone fully, we must be able to describe in
precise terms the entire pattern of traits that define that person as an individual.
The Life of Cattell
Happy Childhood – Good Parenting His time in London intensified his interest in
social problems, but he realized that training in
At the age of 9, observed wounded soldiers
the physical sciences did not equip him to deal
returning from battlefields of France during with social ills.
World War I The best solution was to master the study of the
this experience made him unusually human mind.
serious for a young boy and aware of the Psychology at that time was regarded as a
“brevity of life and the need to accomplish discipline for eccentrics.
while one might.” Cattell began graduate studies at the University
His intense dedication to work may have of London, working with the eminent
originated from these experiences. psychologist-statistician Charles E. Spearman,
who had developed the technique of factor
At age 16, Cattell enrolled at the University analysis.
of London to study physics and chemistry, Spearman had used factor analysis to measure
graduating with honors in 3 years. mental abilities, Cattell resolved to apply the
method to the structure of personality
The Life of Cattell
During this period, he developed chronic Married a mathematician at the age of 40
digestive disorder resulting from overwork, and settled as a research professor at
deficient diet, and residence in a cold University of Illinois.
basement apartment
Published more than 500 articles and 43
His wife left him due to his poor economic
prospects and total absorption in work
He finally received an opportunity to work in Was a dedicated hard worker, died at the age
his chosen field eight years after his PhD. of 92.
Edward Lee Thorndike invited Cattell to spend In 1997, received Gold Medal Award for Life
a year at his lab at Columbia University. Achievement in Psychological Science from
Later, Cattell moved to Harvard; his APA.
colleagues included Henry Murray, Gordon The citation noted;
Allport, and William Sheldon working on his
personality theory and body types. In a remarkable 70-year career, Raymond B.
Cattell has made prodigious, landmark
contributions to psychology, including factor
analytic mappings of the domains of personality,
motivation, and abilities.. Cattell stands without
Cattell’s Definition
of Traits
Cattell defined traits as
relatively permanent
reaction tendencies that are
the basic structural units of
the personality. He classified
traits in several ways
Cattell’s Approach to Personality Traits
Cattell’s Approach to Personality Traits
10 Ergs
Source Traits: The basic factors of