Lecture 05 17102024 043132pm
Lecture 05 17102024 043132pm
Lecture 05 17102024 043132pm
Lecture 05
Ms. Sarah Farrukh
ERP Project Team Organization Structure
ERP Project Team Organization
Steering Committee
Approves scope and set priorities as per vision of the company’s long-term
goals and objectives.
Meets generally once a month, resolves issues escalated by implementation
Process Owner
Final decision makers about the process. Typically department heads takes on
this role.
Project Manager - Client
owner of the project deliverables; provides day-to-day direction to the project
Maintains the project plan, streamline resolution of issues, and communicates
project status to steering co
ERP Project Team Organization
Project Manager - Consulting
Assist client project manager for proper scope definition, development of the
project plan and training schedule, etc.
Integration Manager
Coordinate all functional, technical and change management teams.
Data Manager
Responsible for ensuring proper data in the ERP system; extracting data from
legacy systems, data cleaning, creating data not available in legacy
applications, and finally loading data.
Training Manager
Responsible for identifying the training needs, preparing training materials,
identifying trainers, organizing trainings and evaluating training effectiveness.
ERP Project Team Organization
Industry Subject Matter Expert
Can help in business blueprinting phase and while designing TO BE process.
They help in adopting what best companies in the industry are doing.
Change Management Consultants
Drive change management initiatives like continuous communication,
designing new organization structure and roles, incentives for project team
members, etc.
Project Team Leads
Responsible for day to day project team management; manage team, manage
project operation, provides direction to teams, assign tasks and coordinates
resources, ensure project constraints are met (timelines, cost and scope),
provide report and escalate issues to project managers.
ERP Project Team Organization
Team Members
Works under team lead and helps in project activities like business
blueprinting, configuration, testing, data loading etc.
Extended Team Members
From business side; applicable when core team members have not complete
knowledge about the processes
Dedicate certain time for project implementation activities as and when
Core Team Selection
Team from business organization which participates in the implementation.
It brings knowledge of existing processes, critical requirements, existing
constraints etc.
Provides business inputs to design the right processes which need to be
configured in the system.
Explains consulting team current way of doing things, current problems in
process and improving the same.
Configuring the system.
Validating data before loading into the new system
Ensuring the solution will meet the need of their organization in future through
its testing.
Training the end users in the solution (using Train The Trainer concept).
ERP Project Scoping
There are nine levers of ERP Project Scoping.
Location Scope: list of factories, warehouse and distribution centers where ERP
had to be implemented. Out of scope location should also be documented.
Implementation location (project team location) is also finalized.
Business Scope: States the business of the company under scope for
implementation or part of it is included and part of it is not. For example, a
company can decide to do the implementation only for their domestic business
which contributes to 95% of turnover. The company may not include the export
business as it is only 5% of turnover.
Process Scope: This part details out the organization processes which are part of
the project implementation and the ones which are not
Process Scoping
ERP Project Scoping
Application Scope: includes application modules which are part of the
implementation process
ERP Project Scoping
Interface Scope: Company implementing ERP is usually have legacy applications.
ERP cannot replace all legacy application as these are specialized system for a
particular business process which ERP does not have. Also, company’s management
does not want to replace all legacy application. So, ERP system need to be
interfaced with several applications, i.e. the data need to flow between ERP and
these applications for smooth running of the business
ERP Project Scoping
Reports Scope: ERP provides lots of reports but there are certain reports which
needs to be developed for the organizations. ERP solutions also comes up with
BI and data warehousing tools for better reporting.
Data Migration Scope: Lots of data elements needs to move from the existing
legacy application to ERP. Data also need to be cleaned and erroneous data to be
removed, i.e. obsolete products, customers, vendors. Data also needs to be
created for ERP.
ERP Project Scoping
User Scope: includes the expected number of users for the application. This is
required at project budgeting stage to calculate application licenses cost. It also
depicts the efforts required to build authorization feature in ERP application.
Sizing the landscape documents for all server including client strategy
ERP Project Risk Management
Lack of top management support.
Untested technology; Latest version of ERP is planned to be implemented
which is not yet implemented on many sites
Core team has many non-experienced staff members.
Aggressive time frame for implementation
Too large scope of the project
Frequent changes in scope
Low computer literacy of employees
Unhappy employees with the project
Connectivity issues incase of multiple/far away geographical location
No prototyping (due to short timelines)
Limited senior members in an organizations.
Risk Management Process
Finding potential risk elements
Analyzing risk impact of risk elements
Accessing the probability of each of risk element
Prioritizing the risk
Develop risk mitigation strategies
Periodic Risk Assessment
Thank You