Grade 7 Lesson 1 Microscope and Cell (BIOLOGY)
Grade 7 Lesson 1 Microscope and Cell (BIOLOGY)
Grade 7 Lesson 1 Microscope and Cell (BIOLOGY)
Common Types of Microscope
There are 2 type of microscope
1. Simple microscope-
composed of one lens and
provide a relatively weaker
magnifying power (5x)
2. Compound microscope-
composed of 2 or more
lenses with powerful
• Compound Light Microscope- is
the usual microscope that is
used for general observation of
Types of
microscopic specimens (objects
being studied under the Compound
microscope). It makes use of the Microscopes
visible light to illuminate
specimens and has multiple
lenses that can magnify up to
1000x and resolves up to 0.4nm.
• Electron Microscopes- are highly
sophisticated and complex that
they can magnify specimens up
to 100,000x. They use the beam
of electrons and electromagnets
for focusing, intensifying the
resolution (clarity), and
magnifying the image.
Types of Electron Microscope
1. Transmission Electron Microscope-The transmission electron
microscope is used to view thin specimens (tissue sections,
molecules, etc) through which electrons can pass generating a
projection image. The TEM is analogous in many ways to the
conventional (compound) light microscope. TEM is used, among
other things, to image the interior of cells (in thin sections), the
structure of protein molecules (contrasted by metal shadowing), the
organization of molecules in viruses and cytoskeletal filaments
(prepared by the negative staining technique), and the arrangement
of protein molecules in cell membranes (by freeze-fracture).
Transmission Electron Microscope
Types of Electron Microscope
2. Scanning electron microscopy depends on the
emission of secondary electrons from the
surface of a specimen. Because of its great
depth of focus, a scanning electron microscope
is the EM analog of a stereo light microscope. It
provides detailed images of the surfaces of
cells and whole organisms that are not possible
by TEM. It can also be used for particle
counting and size determination, and for
process control. It is termed a scanning
electron microscope because the image is
formed by scanning a focused electron beam
onto the surface of the specimen in a raster
Scanning electron
Penicillum sp. under light microscope stained with Penicillum sp. under scanning electron microscope
lactophenol (450x magnification)
Parts of a Compound Light
Microscope: Structural
Structural Component
The three basic, structural components of
a compound microscope are the head,
base and arm.
• Head/Body houses the optical parts in
the upper part of the microscope
• Base of the microscope supports the
microscope and houses the illuminator
• Arm connects to the base and supports
the microscope head. It is also used to
carry the microscope.
Optical Component Parts of a Compound Light
There are two optical systems in a compound microscope: Microscope: Optical
Eyepiece Lenses and Objective Lenses:
• Eyepiece or Ocular is what you look through at the top of
the microscope. Typically, standard eyepieces have a
magnifying power of 10x. Optional eyepieces of varying
powers are available, typically from 5x-30x.
• Eyepiece Tube holds the eyepieces in place above the
objective lens. Binocular microscope heads typically
incorporate a diopter adjustment ring that allows for the
possible inconsistencies of our eyesight in one or both
eyes. The monocular (single eye usage) microscope does
not need a diopter. Binocular microscopes also swivel
(Interpupillary Adjustment) to allow for different
distances between the eyes of different individuals.
• Objective Lenses are the primary optical lenses on a
microscope. They range from 4x-100x and typically,
include, three, four or five on lens on most microscopes.
Objectives can be forward or rear-facing.
• Nosepiece houses the objectives. The objectives are Parts of a Compound Light
exposed and are mounted on a rotating turret so that Microscope: Optical
different objectives can be conveniently selected.
Standard objectives include 4x, 10x, 40x and 100x Component
although different power objectives are available.
• Coarse and Fine Focus knobs are used to focus the
microscope. Increasingly, they are coaxial knobs - that
is to say they are built on the same axis with the fine
focus knob on the outside. Coaxial focus knobs are
more convenient since the viewer does not have to
grope for a different knob.
• Stage is where the specimen to be viewed is placed. A
mechanical stage is used when working at higher
magnifications where delicate movements of the
specimen slide are required.
• Stage Clips are used when there is no mechanical
stage. The viewer is required to move the slide
manually to view different sections of the specimen.
• Aperture is the hole in the stage through which the
base (transmitted) light reaches the stage.
• Illuminator is the light source for a microscope,
Parts of a Compound
typically located in the base of the microscope. Light Microscope:
Most light microscopes use low voltage, Optical Component
halogen bulbs with continuous variable lighting
control located within the base.
• Condenser is used to collect and focus the light
from the illuminator on to the specimen. It is
located under the stage often in conjunction
with an iris diaphragm.
• Iris Diaphragm controls the amount of light
reaching the specimen. It is located above the
condenser and below the stage. Most high
quality microscopes include an Abbe
condenser with an iris diaphragm. Combined,
they control both the focus and quantity of
light applied to the specimen.
• Condenser Focus Knob moves the condenser
up or down to control the lighting focus on the
Levels of Biological Organization
• Atom
• Molecule
• Cell
• Tissue
• Organ
• Organ system
• Organism
• Population
• Community
• Ecosystem
• Biosphere
Characteristics of life
• Chemical or molecular make up- organic and inorganic molecules
• Cellular make up- made up of cells
• Growth- increase in size and volume due to nutrients and essential molecules obtained
from food.
• Reproduction ( Asexual, sexual)
• Metabolism ( Anabolism, Catabolism)
• Excretion- ability to remove toxic waste
• Definite form, size and Lifespan-
• Sensitivity to stimuli (irritability)- phototropism, geotropism, thigmotropism
• Adaptation- ability to adapt to its environment to survive.
• Movement- capability to move from one place to another ( motile and non motile
Classical cell theory
by Rudolf Virchow
1. All organisms are made
up of cells.
2. Cells are the basic units
of life.
3. Cells comes from pre-
existing cells that have
Modern studies and interpretation of the cell theory lead
to the discovery of the key roles and functions of cell.
1. The energy of organism is
formed in the cells
• Cells are responsible fort he
conversion of monomer
molecules to form the life energy
Example: Glucose id converted in
the cell to become the life energy
2. Organisms can be made of one or
more cells.
a) Microscopic organism like bacteria,
protozoa, and the like are made up
of only one cell.
b) Macroscopic organisms like
humans, jellyfishes, frogs, plants
and the like are made up of more
than one coordinated cells.
3. DNA, which is the blueprint of life,
can be replicated (copied) and passed
from cell to cell through cell division.
4. An organism carrying
certain chemical
compositions of cells is the
same with the species
where it belongs
a) Species of organisms are
different from one another,
but organisms in a species
share the same chemical
composition their cells have
5. The activities in an
organism are dependent on
the activities done by its
• The function done by a part of
an organism is the with the
function done by the cells of
that part.
Example: The function of the
leaves is to get sunlight, which is
also the work done by the cells
of the leaves.
Types of Cell: Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
1. Prokaryotic cells- (Greek: pro
means “before” karyon means
“nut or kernel”)unicellular cells
with no membrane bound
organelle. No nucleus.
2. Eukaryotic cells- ( Greek: Eu
means “true”)unicellular and
multicellular cells with a
membrane bound organelle.
With true nucleus.
Parts and
Prokaryotic cell
• Composed of Lipid bilayer and a
• The inner membrane is the
site of ATP production
(electron transport chain)
• It has a circular DNA ( not
labeled in the diagram)
inside the inner membrane.
It can replicate
independently from the cell
• Symbiotic theory
• Site of photosynthesis in plants
• Nucleolus is composed of
• Chromatin contains the
DNA coiled in a protein
called histones
• Nuclear membrane
separates the nucleus from
the cytoplasm
• Nuclear pore allows the
entry and exit of materials
Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi
Bodies, Lysosomes, Vacuole
Types of Cell: Animal Cell and Plant Cell
Recombinant DNA Technology
• Recombinant DNA Technology Recombinant DNA technology has been effectively used to
is defined as “the joining produce various human proteins in microorganisms, such as
together of DNA molecules insulin and growth hormone, used in the treatment of
diseases (see Chapter 4: Recombinant DNA Technology and
from different organisms and Genetically Modified Organisms). Unlike chemically
inserting it into a host organism synthesized drugs, these are biomacromolecules—primarily
to produce new genetic endogenous proteins, and present a variety of special
combinations that are of value considerations and concerns:
• whether the molecule produced through rDNA
to science, medicine, technology is biologically equivalent to the naturally
agriculture and industry.” occurring one
• as these are mostly proteins, will they result in
immunogenic reactions that would limit their usefulness.
Safety issues in recombinant
DNA technology include:
• ”Gene pollution” of the
environment resulting in
“superweeds,” antibiotic-
resistant microbes
• Health effects of foods
from GMOs
• Allergenicity/adverse
reactions/effectiveness of
compounds produced
using rDNA technology
• Risks in gene therapy
CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short
palindromic repeats)
• CRISPR is a family of DNA sequences found in
the genomes of prokaryotic organisms such as
bacteria and archaea. These sequences are
derived from DNA fragments of
bacteriophages that had previously infected
the prokaryote.
• It is currently the simplest, most
versatile and precise method of
genetic manipulation and is
therefore causing a buzz in the
science world.
• CRISPR CAS-9 – is an enzyme that acts like a
“scissor” to cut specific section of DNA
Artificial Cloning(Reproductive Cloning)