Surface Irr Eng CH I
Surface Irr Eng CH I
Surface Irr Eng CH I
Assosa University
Irrigation is the science of artificial
application of water to the land, in
accordance with the crop requirements
throughout the crop period for full
nourishment of the crops.
It is application of water to soil
to meet the crop water needs for its
vegetative development and for production.
to supplement natural precipitation.
BY: Bekalu Z .
BY: Bekalu Z.
Need of irrigation
for a continuous and reliable water supply to different
when water supply is not sufficient and timely
Needed in areas
Arid and semi-arid regions
The characteristics are low rainfall and does not
provide all the water needed but irrigation can
make up this deficiency
The major source of irrigation water is rivers
Importance of irrigation
Choice of crops
irrigation enables to grow cereals & high value crops such
Control of weed
Pre-sowing irrigation is a good practice to control weeds.
Scope of irrigation engineering
Irrigation Engineering is not only confined to the
application of water to the land for raising crops. It
includes all aspects and problems extending from
the watershed to the agricultural fields.
Deals with
river engineering ,
design and construction of dams,
canals and
various other hydraulic and irrigation structures
The climate is a very important factor in any
sort of cultivation.
Adequate Capital
Enough initial capital to install, operate and
maintain irrigation project is required.
Effective management of soil and water
irrigation canals
In general ground water or surface water from
Furrow Natural r
Lack of Finance:
Despite ambition plan of the government, sources of finance
for implementing the planned irrigation projects is expected
from foreign aid and loans.
Inadequate research undertakings in the area:
So far, little emphasis for irrigation in agricultural research.
Operation and Maintenance:
Institutional water operation and management is in a very
poor condition with regard to the administration of supply,
maintenance and repair of the networks due to lack of trained
manpower, sufficient maintenance tools and equipment.
Irrigation history and Development
Irrigation has been practiced in some parts of the world for
several thousands of years.
the Tigris-Euphrates valley 6000 years ago
India & the Far-East for nearly 5000 years
Today, 16% of the total cultivated land in the world (over 200
million hectare) is irrigated
Irrigation in Ethiopia
Agricultural sector - contributes about 40 percent of the GDP
and employs 80 percent of the labor force
virtually all food crops come from rain fed agriculture
Generally, 75% of the rain fall is concentrated in a period of 3
to 4 months
Drought and famine are common phenomena in Ethiopia.
In the four and half decades since the 1950’s, there have been 13
events of drought.
The probability of a drought shock in Ethiopia is as high as 3 out
of 10 years.
These drought and famine are30mainly due to failure of rain fall
both in amount and variation in time.
Nowadays, highly variable rainfall in spatial and temporal scales
make farming a risky business
Government policy –
Transformation and intensification of agricultural sector.
Optimal development of water resources of the country
Water resource of the country:
Surface water is about 112 billion m3
Ground water potential is about 2.6 billion m3
One of the fundamental water resource development options so as
to transform the agricultural sector is irrigation development.
Why? Because
Irrigation development provides the best insurance against
weather-induced fluctuation in total agricultural production.
It is the only way in which we can make our agriculture
sustainable, competitive and profitable.
• Cognizant of this fact irrigation is now a national issue and is
given a priority to meet the following objectives.
• To increase production and supply of food crops both
quantitatively and qualitatively so that the population will be fed
• To improve the quality of life of rural population through the
generation of higher incomes and reduction of poverty.
• To promote higher standards of nutrition and health, greater equity
progress in education and personal freedom.
• To increase and diversify the production of raw materials for
industry and to promote linkage with the industrial sector
• To increase and diversify production for export and maximize the
country’s foreign exchange earnings from agriculture
• To make agriculture the driving force for economic development
Irrigation is an old art practice in Ethiopia but was
Modern irrigation started at the beginnings of 1960’s
at the Middle Awash Valley
Potential irrigable land of the country = 3.7 Mha
At present, actually irrigated = 0.276 Mha
Irrigation projects –
small scale (<200ha)
medium scale (200ha < A < 3000ha)
large scale (>3000ha)
Current Irrigation Development Plan:
Development 20,000ha at Kassem for expansion of Methara
sugar factory farm.
Large scale project – 60,000ha of land at Tendhao underway
Medium Scale project – Koga Irrigation project (Near Bahir Dar)
Final Detail Design:
Ziway Pressurized Irrigation project (15500ha)
Raya Pressurized Irrigation project (18000ha)
Final feasibility studies at:
Gode for about 3000ha
Dedessa for more than 10,000ha
Humera for about 20,000 to 40,000ha
Wolenchiti for about 15,000ha
Bilate for more than 5000ha
Gidabo for more than 5000ha
Tana lake watersheds (megech, Rib etc
Sugar industry 300, 000 ha
Flower companies – Oromia, south