Science W1
Science W1
Science W1
Around Us and
D ay 1
There are diff erent objects and
materials found at home, in school, or the
community. They are called matters. They
can be solid, liquid and gas.
Name fi ve (5) objects or materials that
can be found at home. Write them in the
box below and say something about their
characteristics. Do this on a separate piece
of paper.
on Everything around us is matter. Matter is anything
that has weight and takes up space. Everything you can
see and touch is made up of matter. Matter comes in
different shapes and sizes.
Why does matter come in different sizes and shapes?
Well, that is because matter comes in three forms: solid,
liquid, and gas. Solid, liquid, and gas will fill up space in
different ways depending upon how big, small, long, or
short the object is.
Examples of solids are flowers, tables,
and chairs. Solids have shape, color,
texture, and size.
Liquids are objects that we can also
touch and see. They change shape
depending on the container. It has weight.
Water is a famous example of liquid.
Gas is another form of matter. It cannot
be seen but is around us. We can feel it.
Gas has weight and occupies space. It
has no shape or size. The air we
Everything around us is matter. You
can classify them into solid,
liquid, and gas.