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EE-260 Lecture 13

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School of Electrical Engineering

and Computer Science

Department of Electrical
EE-260 : Electrical Machines
Fundamentals of AC Machinery
Text Book: Chapter 02 (Stephen J. Chapman 4th

Instructor: Ms Neelma Naz

Class: BEE 14

The Motor Action

4.1: A Current-Carrying Loop in a Uniform

Magnetic Field
The torque induced in a current-carrying loop

4.5: Induced Torque in an AC Machine

Production of Induced Force on a VI
Current Carrying Wire F i (l B )
The force induced on the conductor is:
Fleming’s Right Hand Rule: F ilBSin
The thumb, forefinger, and middle finger Direction of l defined to be in
of the right hand are extended at right the direction of current flow
angles to each other.

“If the index finger of right hand

points in the direction of the vector l
and the middle finger points in the
direction of flux density vector B,
then the thumb points in the direction
of the resultant force F on the wire.”
4. The Torque Induced in a Current-Carrying Loop
Assume that the rotor loop is at
some arbitrary angle θ with respect
to the magnetic field, and current is
flowing in the loop

Torque will be induced on the wire loop

To determine the magnitude and direction of torque, first the force on

each segment of the loop is calculated:

 rF sin  4
4. The Torque Induced in a Current-Carrying Loop

4. The Torque Induced in a Current-Carrying Loop
Segment ab: The direction of current is into
the page, while the magnetic field B points to
the right, the vector lxB points down. The
induced force and torque are:
F i (l B)  F (r sin  ab )
F ilB down  rilB sin  ab clockwise

Segment bc: The direction of current is in

the plan of the page, while the magnetic
field B points to the right. The vector lxB
points into the page. The the induced force
and torque are:
F i (l B)
 F (r sin  bc )
F ilB into page
0 6
4. The Torque Induced in a Current-Carrying Loop
Segment cd: The direction of current is out of the
page, while the magnetic field B points to the
right, the vector lxB points up. The induced force
and torque are:
F i (l B)   F (r sin  cd )
F ilB up  rilB sin  cd clockwise

Segment da: The direction of current is in

the plan of the page, while the magnetic
field B points to the right. The quantity lxB
points out the page. Thus the induced force
and torque are:
F i (l B )  F (r sin  bc )
F ilB out of page 0
4. The Torque Induced in a Current-Carrying Loop
The total induced torque on the loop is the sum of the torques on
each of its side.
 ab  cd
 ind  ab bc cd  da
 ind rilB sin  ab  rilB sin  cd  ind2rilB sin 

 The resulting torque is shown as a

function of angle
 The torque is maximum when the
plane of the loop is parallel to the
magnetic field
 The torque is zero when the plane
of the loop is perpendicular to the
magnetic field
4. The Torque Induced in a Current-Carrying Loop

The Torque Induced in a Current-Carrying Loop
 ind2rilB sin  2rilBS sin 
The equation can be alternatively expressed in terms of the
flux density produced due to current in the loop
If the current in the loop is as shown in the
figure , it will produce magnetic flux
density Bloop.
The magnitude of the flux density will be:
 Ni
Bloop  H  Loop area is equal to 2rl
Bloop 
i  i ( ) Bloop  ind (2rl )

Bloop BS sin 
l 
G depends upon the geometry of  ind  A Bloop BS sin 
the loop

 ind kBloop BS sin 
The Torque Induced in a Current-Carrying Loop
 ind kBloop BS sin 
k depends upon construction of the machine, Bs is the stator
magnetic field

The torque eq. can be expressed  ind kBloop BS

as a cross product

The torque induced in the loop and also in general the

torque in any real ac machine depends on four factors:
1) The strength of the rotor magnetic field
2) The strength of the external magnetic field
3) The angle between the two magnetic fields
4) Aconstant representing the construction of the machine
(geometry). 11
Induced Torque in an AC Machine (1/4)
In ac machines, there are two magnetic fields:
- magnetic field from the rotor circuit (BR)

- magnetic field from the stator circuit (BS)

The interaction of the two magnetic fields produces torque in the
machine, just as two permanent magnets near each other will
experience a torque which causes them to line up

A simplified ac machine with a

sinusoidal stator flux distribution
that peaks in the upward direction
and a single coil of wire mounted
on the rotor

Induced Torque in an AC Machine (2/4)
Induced force and torque on
conductor 1 are:
F1 i l× Bs  ilBs sin 
τind,1 = r × F = rilBs sin 
Induced force and torque on
conductor 2 are:
F2 i l× Bs  ilBs sin 
τind,2 = r × F = rilBs sin 
The resultant torque is:
τind = τind,1  τind,2 = 2rilBs sin 
Induced Torque in an AC Machine (3/4)
• The current i flowing in the rotor coil produces a magnetic
field of its own. Direction of the peak of this magnetic field
is given by the right-hand rule
• The angle between the peak of the stator flux density Bs
and the peak of the rotor magnetic filed BR is 
 The induced torque can be
expressed as:
τind = kBR × BS
 ind kBR BS sin  ccw

  ind kBR BS sin  ccw

Induced Torque in an AC Machine (4/4)
Alternative expression in terms of
BR and Bnet
τind = kBR × BS
Bnet = BR + Bs
BS = Bnet - BR
τind = kBR × (Bnet - BR )

τind k (BR × Bnet ) - k (BR × BR )

τind = k (BR × Bnet )

 ind kBR Bnet sin 
The induced torque is a cross product of BR and Bnet.
Where  is the angle between BR and Bnet15
The Rotating Magnetic Field (1/7)
A rotating magnetic field induces three phase set of voltages in the three-
phase windings of a stator

What happens if three-phase set of voltages are applied to the three

windings of the stator?

Fundamental principle of ac machine operation

The Rotating Magnetic Field (2/7)

How the stator magnetic field be made to rotate?

The fundamental principle of ac machine operation is that:
IF a 3-phase set of currents, each of equal magnitude and
differing in phase by 1200, flows in a 3-phase winding, then it will
produce a rotating magnetic field of constant magnitude (1.5
times the peak value).
Production of Rotating Magnetic
Field (3/7)
• The rotating magnetic field concept is illustrated by
an empty stator containing just three coils, 120o
• Since such a winding produces only one north and
one south magnetic pole, it is a two pole winding.
To understand the concept of the
rotating magnetic field, apply a set of
currents to the stator of the machine
shown in the Figure and see what
happens at specific instants of time
(i.e. ωt=0o, ωt=90o)

1: The Rotating Magnetic Field (4/7)
The three phase current are given by:
iaa t   I M Sint A
ibb (t )  I M Sin(t  120 ) A
icc (t )  I M Sin(t  240 ) A
The current produces magnetic field intensity:
H aa (t )  H M Sint0 A.turn/m
H bb (t )  H M Sin(t  120 )120 A.turn/m
H cc (t )  H M Sin(t  240 )240 A.turn/m

The resultant flux density is given by:

B  H T
Baa (t )  BM Sint 0 T
Bbb (t )  BM Sin(t  120 )120 T
Bcc (t )  BM Sin(t  240 )240 T
The Rotating Magnetic Field (5/7)
Flux densities at various
instants of time
Baa (t ) BM Sin t 0 T
Bbb (t ) BM Sin(t  120 )120 T
Bcc ' (t ) BM Sin(t  240 )240 T

At ωt=0o
Baa 0
Bbb BM Sin( 120 )120  BM 120
Bcc BM Sin( 240 )240  BM 240
Bnet Baa  Bbb  Bcc
Bnet 1.5 BM   90
The Rotating Magnetic Field (6/7)
Flux densities at various
instants of time
Baa (t ) BM Sin t 0 T
Bbb (t ) BM Sin(t  120 )120 T
Bcc ' (t ) BM Sin(t  240 )240 T

At ωt=90o
Baa  BM Sin 90 0
Bbb  BM Sin ( 30 )120
Bcc  BM Sin ( 150 )240

Bnet Baa  Bbb  Bcc

BM  0.5 BM 120  0.5 BM 240
Bnet 1.5 BM 0
The Rotating Magnetic Field (7/7)
Similarly at ωt=180o and at ωt=270o, the net magnetic field is:

Bnet 1.5BM 90 and Bnet 1.5BM 180

• Thus the direction of Bnet changes

but magnitude remains constant.
The net magnetic field is rotating
in a circle
• This rotating magnetic field in the
stator can be represented as
rotating north and south poles

The Rotating Magnetic Field
ALTERNATOR (AC Generator or Synchronous Generators)

The elementary 3-phase 2-pole synchronous generator has a stator equipped with
3 coils displaced 120o from each other; although shown as concentrated, they
actually are distributed. When the rotor is excited with dc and rotated, the resultant
field will also rotate so that sinusoidal voltages are generated in the 3 stator
phases, displaced 120o in time and having a frequency directly related to rotor
Relationship between Electrical Frequency and
Speed of Magnetic Field Rotation (1/3)
 Where the flux leaves is denoted as North
Pole, and where it enters is called South
 When the electrical cycle of the applied
current completes one rotation the magnetic
poles also complete one mechanical rotation
 Therefore, mechanical speed of rotation of
magnetic field in revolution per second is
equal to the electric frequency in Hertz

fe  fm 2 poles
 e  m 2 poles
Relationship between Electrical Frequency and Speed of
Magnetic Field Rotation (2/3)
• The windings on the two pole stator occur in
the order (taken counter clockwise): a-c’-b-
 If the winding pattern is repeated twice;
a-c’-b-a’-c-b’ - a-c’-b-a’-c-b’
When the 3 phase current is applied, two
north and two south poles will be created.
 A pole moves only half way around the stator
surface in one electrical cycle.
• The electrical frequency of the  e 2 m
current is twice the mechanical f e 2 f m
frequency of rotation e 2m
Relationship between Electrical Frequency and
Speed of Magnetic Field Rotation (3/3)
• If P are the magnetic poles then P/2 are repetition of windings
sequence around the inner surface of the stator
• The electrical and mechanical quantities on the stator are related as:
 e   m ; e   m ; f e  f m
2 2 2
 The electrical frequency in hertz can be related to the resulting
mechanical speed of the magnetic fields in revolution per minute

If nm is revolution per minute

nm P nm 120 f e
fm  rev / sec fe   nm 
60 2 60 P
The Stator Seen from its Inner

Winding diagram of
the stator as seen from
its inner surface,
showing how the
stator currents
produce north and
Reversing the Direction of the
Magnetic Field
 If the current in any of the two phases is
swapped, the direction of the magnetic field
rotation will be reversed
 It is possible to reverse the direction of
rotation of an ac motor just by switching
the connection on any two of the three coils
 Take the winding sequence when you start
your HW and prove it to yourself…


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