Lec 05b Fat Soluble Vitamins Nurition
Lec 05b Fat Soluble Vitamins Nurition
Lec 05b Fat Soluble Vitamins Nurition
Vitamin A—Retinoids
• Zinc is found in foods such as beef, crab, and cashews. One of the most notable
uses of zinc is structural stabilization of zinc finger proteins, which have diverse
functions includIng DNA sequence recognition, transcriptional regulation, and
protein folding.
• A common cause of zinc deficiency is consumption of food grown in soil lacking
zinc. Common manifestations include delayed wound healing, hypogonadism,
anosmia, and acrodermatitis enteropathica (characterized by well-demarcated,
scaly plaques in the intertriginous area).
• Oral zinc supplements can reduce the symptoms of diarrhea in children with low
levels of zinc, such as from malnutrition. There isn't enough evidence to
recommend use of oral zinc for children with diarrhea who have a healthy, varied
1. Textbook Of Medical Biochemistry by Chatterjea Shinde 8th edition.
2. Biochemistry by U. Satyanarayana and U. Chakrapani 4th edition
3. First Aid for the basic science general principles latest edition
4. NICE ( National institute of health and care excellence )
5. Medscape
6. Clinical Biochemistry an illustrated color text book 5th edition