MF Sample Paper 01

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a. A portfolio of stocks, bonds and other securities b. A company that manages investment portfolios c.

A pool of funds used to purchase securities on behalf of investors d. A collective investment vehicle

a. Private sector banks b. Public sector banks c. Financial institutions d. Non-banking Finance Companies

a. Portfolio diversification b. Risk reduction c. Large volume of trades d. None of the above

a. It entitles the unit holder to tax rebate b. The investment is locked in for 3 years c. A minimum stated level of investments is made in equity and equity related instruments d. None of the above

a. NAV b. Fund Size c. Rate of Return d. Number of Distributors

a. Balanced Funds b. Gilt Funds c. Equity Growth Funds d. Debt Funds

a. Is appointed for safekeeping of securities b. Need not be an entity independent of the sponsors c. Not required to be receive deliveries with SEBI d. Does not give or receive deliveries of physical securities

a. A trust b. A private limited company c. An asset management company d. A trustee company

a. All entities in the market b. Only its own members in a limited way c. Its own members with total jurisdiction d. No entity at all

a. SEBI b. RBI c. Jointly by SEBI & RBI d. AMFI

a. Open ended funds b. Both open and close ended funds c. Close ended funds d. None of the above

a. Board of Trustees b. Company Law Board c. SEBI d. RBI

a. Signed by a Compliance Officer of the mutual fund b. A certificate that all legal formalities of a scheme are completed c. Attached to Annual report d. A part of offer document

a. 1 fiscal year b. 2 fiscal year c. 3 fiscal year d. Six months

a. 50% of the unit holders b. 50% of the trustees c. 75% of the unit holders d. None of the above

a. Details of the Sponsor and the AMC b. Description of the Scheme & investment objective/strategy c. Investors Rights and Services d. Performance of other mutual funds

a. Agents voluntarily paying back the commission to the Mutual fund b. Trail commission is not paid to the agents c. None of the above d. The whole of commission is paid to the agents

a. The AMC b. The trustees c. The sponsor if returns have been guaranteed by them d. None of the above

a. Can distribute several mutual funds simultaneously b. Cannot appoint sub-agents or sub-brokers c. Should be only individuals not companies or banks d. Should not be an employee or associate of the AMC

a. Accept the application without wasting time b. Reject the application outright c. Refer to the offer document d. Accept the application as a direct application

a. He should transfer the investment to his relative b. He should get RBI approval for continuing c. If he does not need the money, he can continue d. He should immediately redeem his investment since foreign citizens are not eligible investors

a. Adequate disclosures should be made to the investors b. Funds should be managed in accordance with stated investment objectives c. Conflict of interest should be avoided in dealings with directors or employees d. Each investment decision should be approved by investors

a. Obtaining from the trustees any information having an adverse effect on their investments b. Inspecting major documents of a fund c. Receiving of a copy of the annual financial statements of that fund d. Approving investment decisions of the fund

a. 10% b. 12% c. 20% d. None

a. Is higher for investors who stay invested in the scheme longer b. Is lower for investors who stay invested in the scheme longer c. Is the same for all investors irrespective of how long they stay invested d. Is not allowed to be charged to mutual fund investors in India.

a. Rs. 2000 b. Rs. 2015 c. Rs. 1985 d. Rs. 2030

a. Value fund b. Growth fund c. Balanced fund d. Equity diversified fund

a. Economy stocks b. Cyclical Stocks c. Value Stocks d. Growth stocks

a. Stocks that are currently undervalued in the market b. Stocks whose worth will be recognized by the market in the long term c. High current yield d. Long term capital appreciation

a. Reinvestment risk b. Default risk c. Inflation risk d. Interest-rate risk

a. Also rise b. Fall c. Are not affected d. Fluctuate either up or down

a. Total net assets b. 50% of net assets c. 25% of net assets d. 20% of net assets

a. > 25% of its net assets b. > 10% of its net assets c. Not at all d. > 5% of net assets

a. In the form of long-term loans b. Strictly short term in Nature c. Combination of long term and short term d. Not allowed as per regulations

a. Rs. 10.5 Crore b. Rs. 10.25 Crore c. Rs. 20.5 Crore d. Rs. 17.5 Crore

a. Rs. 30.19 b. Rs. 24.98 c. Rs. 32.15 d. Rs. 40.49

a. The security is valued at the last quoted price b. The security is valued on the basis of earnings capitalization c. Making to market is applied d. If the security has not been traded on valuation date, the trading price on any previous date may be used, provided that date is not more than 30 days prior to valuation date.

a. The fund is very active in market b. Transaction costs are high c. The fund may be quite risky d. All of the above

a. Be able to beat the benchmarks b. Earn the same returns as the benchmark c. Have no benchmarks d. Under-perform when compared with the benchmark

a. Rs. 25.71 b. Rs. 27.51 c. Rs. 21.27 d. Rs. 21.75

a. BSE Sensex b. S&P CNX Nifty c. BSE 200 d. S&P CNX Sectorial Indices

a. The fund manager b. The investment objective of the fund c. SEBI d. AMFI

a. Total expenses and average net assets b. Total expenses and total asset c. Average expenses and average net assets d. None of the above

a. NAV Change b. Total Return c. Total Return with reinvestment d. None of the above

a. Allocating funds to asset classes (e.g. debt, equity etc.) b. Allocating funds to individuals securities c. Tracking stocks which they feel have potential d. None of the above

a. Defining a clients profile and goals b. Recommending appropriate asset allocation c. Monitoring financial planning recommendation d. All of the above

a. Asset Allocation b. Selection of fund c. Studying the features of a scheme d. None of the above

a. The financial planner b. The investor himself c. A professional fund manager d. An objective advisor

a. Less potential for capital appreciation b. High purchase price c. Depreciation in value as time passes d. Value gets eroded due to inflation

a. 10.5% b. 11% c. 10% d. 9%

a. 5 years b. 6 years c. 7 years d. 8 years

a. Yield b. Rate of interest c. Credit rating of the deposit d. None of the above

a. The creditworthiness of the bank b. Because the bank does not invest in securities c. That the bank offers a guarantee d. All of the above

a. Rs. 10000 b. Between 100 and Rs. 60000 c. Between Rs. 600 and Rs. 1000 d. None of the above

a. Balanced fund b. Growth fund c. Value fund d. Income fund

a. Guaranteed returns b. Long term capital appreciation c. Low risk d. High liquidity

a. 9.5% b. 9.5% before tax c. 8.5% before tax d. 8.5% after tax

a. Continuously changing the ratio of various assets in the portfolio b. Not doing any re-balancing and letting the profits run c. Active switching d. None of the above

a. In distribution phase b. In accumulation phase c. In transition phase d. Who are wealth preserving affluent individuals

a. Financial planning is required b. The right investment strategy depends upon who the beneficiaries are c. The right investment strategy depends upon the state of the stock market d. All the funds can be invested in aggressive equity funds

a. Value Fund b. Diversified Equity Fund c. Growth Fund d. Balanced Fund

a. Buy and hold on to investments for a long time b. Liquidate poorly performing investments from time to time c. Liquidate good performing investments from time to time d. Switch from poor performers to good performers

a. Financial goals have been already met b. The investor has retired c. Financial goals are approaching d. Investor suddenly gets a windfall

a. Fixed Rates of Asset Allocation b. Flexible Ratio of Asset Allocation c. Investment without any asset allocation plan d. Buy and Hold Strategy

a. Investment is for the same amount at regular intervals b. Over a period of time, the average purchase price will work out lower than if one tries to guess the market highs and lows c. It does not tell you when to buy, sell or switch from one scheme to another d. Rupee cost averaging has no serious shortcomings.

a. Equity securities b. Debt funds and fixed income securities c. Money market d. Real estate

a. Gives higher returns b. Is less risky c. Gives lower returns d. Is more risky

a. Lower rated portfolio and higher expense ratio b. Higher rated portfolio and lower expense ratio c. Lower rated portfolio and lower expense ratio d. None of the above

a. Gross dividend yield 15% Beta 1.5, Ex-Marks 90 b. Gross dividend yield 10% Beta 1, Ex-Marks 70 c. Gross dividend yield 11% Beta 0.9, Ex-Marks 80 d. Gross dividend yield 12% Beta 1.2, Ex-Marks 80

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