Nature Nurture
• Heredity is the transmission of • Social environment can imprint
genetic characteristics from characteristics on a child
parents to children • Pavlov’s experiments showed
• Instinct is an unchanging that behavior could be taught
biologically inherited behavior • Most social scientists believe
• Sociobiology searches for the personality arises from a
biological basis of all social mixture of both nature and
behavior nurture
Factors in Personality Development
Heredity Birth Order
• Characteristics present at birth • Personalities are influenced by
include hair type, eye color, and brothers and sisters.
certain aptitudes. • Early-born siblings have different
• Biological needs include hunger traits than later-born siblings.
and thirst.
• Culture decides how you will use or
satisfy hereditary characteristics.
• Feral children and those with very little contact with a social
environment do not develop skills such as walking or language.
• In some instances, remedial therapy can allow isolated children to
develop language and social skills..
Youngest to Oldest
Heredity and Genetics
Your genes determine whether or not you
possess certain physical traits. Your
genes make you blue eyed or brown eyed,
or have brown or blond hair. These traits
are highly complex, and involve the
interaction of many genes.
What are Genes?