On Demand Labor Project Review-3

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Academic Year: 2024-2025 Semester: I
Project Stage-I Presentation on
“On Demand Labor”
Presented By:
S.N. Name of the student Roll No
1. Mr. Bhushan Chaudhari B211028
2. Mr. Atharva Dhorje B211044
3. Ms. Bhargavi Hadgekar B211061
4. Mr. Dipesh Harmalkar B211062

Guided By:
Prof. Payal Mahajan
Department of Computer Engineering
 Introduction
 Objective
 Problem Statement
 Motivation
 Literature Survey
 Proposed System’s Architecture
 Algorithms/Methodology
 Hardware and Software Requirements
 Comparison With Existing Systems
 Expected Outcomes
 Applications
 Conclusion
 References

Department of Computer Engineering 2

In numerous agricultural areas, farmers face challenges in securing
dependable and skilled labor for short-term or seasonal tasks, particularly
during busy periods such as planting, harvesting, and crop care. Traditional
labor-sourcing methods, such as relying on local contractors, word-of-
mouth, or local labor markets, are often inefficient, resulting in delays,
underutilization of workers, and financial setbacks for both farmers and

Department of Computer Engineering

1. Facilitate Efficient Job Matching
2. Enhance User Experience
3. Ensure Trust and Security
4. Promote Economic Opportunities
5. Support Real-Time Communication
6. Optimize Payment Processing
7. Collect and Analyze Data for Continuous Improvement
8. Ensure Scalability and Flexibility

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 To develop a scalable and secure on-demand labor platform that connects
Farmers with skilled workers in real-time.

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Agriculture is vital to global food supply, but a common issue faced by
farmers is the challenge of finding temporary labor during key times such as
planting and harvesting. Conventional labor recruitment methods are often
ineffective, causing inefficiencies that result in lost productivity for farmers
and missed employment opportunities for laborers. By creating a digital
solution that connects available workers with agricultural jobs, these
inefficiencies can be minimized, benefiting both parties through improved
productivity and more consistent employment.

Department of Computer Engineering 6

Publisher Author Year Name of the objective Methodology Limitation

Current M. 2018 Farmers Strategies To analyse the strategies Mechanization And shifting towards Challenge of integrating timely,
Agriculture Satishkum to Cope Labour adopted by the farmers to alternative crops having less labour- skilled labor with region-specific
Research ar and k. Shortage in overcome the labour requirement was opined as major agricultural demands due to
Journal B. Umesh Northern and shortage strategies adopted by the farmer to fluctuating labor availability and
Southern Dry mitigate labour scarcity. diverse farming practices
Zones of
Karnataka, India

IJRDO Dr K. 2019 Legal regulation of To examine the problems Doctrinal method is followed to enquire Lack of comprehensive legal
CHINNA agricultural labour of agricultural labour laws conceptual and constitutional aspects of frameworks and inconsistent
M NAIDU in India: a critical in rural areas in India for Agricultural labour laws. enforcement of labor regulations
study agricultural labour. in India's agricultural sector

The Pharma P 2022 Labour Scarcity in To evaluate the strategies Machine planting, Cultivation of less It primarily focuses on general
Innovation Vaishnavi Agriculture: A to Overcome the labour labour requiring crops, mixed cropping, trends, potentially lacking
Journal and G Review scarcity in agriculture Herbicidal weed management, region-specific data and real-
Mani fertigation and combined Harvester time case studies

Department of Computer Engineering 7

Publisher Author Year Name of the objective Methodology Limitation

International Sarda 2014 MGNREGA: a To show the cause of Cooperative Farming as Strategies to Potential mismatch between the
Journal of Prasad strategy to labor shortage overcome Labour Shortage in unpredictable nature of on-
Agriculture overcome labour Agriculture demand labor needs in
shortage in agriculture

Agricultural Ashwani 2011 Causes and Examined the supply- Technologies such as sugarcane cutter Limited access to real-time labor
Economics K. Sharma Consequences of demand gap in human planters that directly or indirectly lead market data and regional
Research and Brahm Supply-Demand labour for sugarcane and to reduction in labour requirement in variability in labor availability
Prakash Gap for Labour in has provided some coping cane cultivation.
Sugarcane in India strategies

Agricultural S.H. Baba, 2011 Scarcity of This paper has The study will also analyze the impact The study may face challenges
Economics M.H. Agricultural investigated the extent of of seasonal migration patterns and in obtaining consistent data and
Research Wani, F.A. Labour in Cold- agricultural labour explore how an on-demand labor app the potential reluctance of
Shaheen, Arid Ladakh shortage, its implications could bridge the gap traditional farmers to adopt
Bilal A. and combating Strategies digital solutions.
Zargar and in a cold-arid eco-region
S.S. of Ladakh

Department of Computer Engineering 8

Publisher Author Year Name of the objective Methodology Limitation

Aguirre et al. Verónica 2013 Farmer strategies to To analyze strategies A mixed-method approach using Limited data availability on
Aguirre I face labour Chilean farmers use to surveys and interviews with farmers to long-term outcomes of on-
Rodrigo shortages in address labor shortages, assess their use of on-demand labor demand labor adoption and
Echevarria Chilean agriculture focusing on the role of on- regional variability in farm
Clara demand labor platforms in practices may affect the
Olmedo improving workforce generalizability of the findings
Gustavo flexibility and efficiency.

Agricultural M. Selva 2011 Impact of Rural To assess the impact of A survey-based approach is used, The study is limited by its
Economics Maheshwa Development rural development collecting data from dairy farmers in geographic focus, which may
Research ri and L.S. Scheme on schemes on the Thanjavur District through structured not be generalizable to other
Gangwar Availability of availability of agricultural interviews, analyzing the correlation regions, and it primarily relies
Agricultural labor, focusing on how between rural schemes and labor on farmers self-reported data,
Labour these programs influence availability. which may introduce bias.
labor shortages among
dairy farmers in
Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu.

Department of Computer Engineering 9

Publisher Author Year Name of the objective Methodology Limitation

Agricultural A. 2015 Role of Migration To explore how migration Quantitative analysis using migration Limited to specific migratory
Economics Subramani in Addressing helps alleviate labor data and farm productivity trends. patterns, lacks focus on internal
Review an, V. Labour Shortage in shortages in agriculture. displacement.
Ramanath Agriculture

Journal of R. K. 2017 Impact of Rural To assess the impact of A survey-based approach is used, The study is limited by its
Development Sharma Development rural development collecting data from dairy farmers in geographic focus, which may
Studies and P. Scheme on schemes on the Thanjavur District through structured not be generalizable to other
Mehta Availability of availability of agricultural interviews, analyzing the correlation regions, and it primarily relies
Agricultural Labour labor, focusing on how between rural schemes and labor on farmers self-reported data,
these programs influence availability. which may introduce bias.
labor shortages among
dairy farmers in
Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu.

Department of Computer Engineering 10


Department of Computer Engineering
1. Job Matching Algorithm
2. Search Algorithm for Laborers and Jobs
3. Geolocation and Proximity Matching
4. Recommendation System for Jobs and Laborers
5. Payment and Transaction Algorithm
6. Ratings and Review System Algorithm:

Department of Computer Engineering 12

 Frontend Requirements (Flutter)
 UI/UX Design Tools (Optional)
 Backend Requirements (Firebase)
 Additional Software:-
 Libraries and Packages for Flutter

Department of Computer Engineering 13

SYSTEMS :Features/Aspects Proposed On-Demand Labour TaskRabbit Fiverr

Scope General agricultural labor Physical tasks and home services Micro-tasks, creative services (design,
(furniture assembly, repairs) writing, music)

Real-time Job Matching Real-time matching based on location, Manually browsed tasks based on Manually browsed jobs; workers bid on
skills, and availability location client listings

User Interface Focus on a user-friendly, intuitive Simple interface for local tasks Simple and focused on quick
interface for both clients and workers transactions

Geo-location & Proximity Services Integrated geo-location to match Yes, matches local workers for physical No, platform is for online services
nearby workers with clients for real- tasks
time, in-person tasks

Payment Processing Secure, integrated real-time payments Secure payments Escrow system for payment processing

Worker Verification Built-in worker verification using Background checks for workers No formal worker verification
decentralized verification (optional
blockchain support) and identity checks

Real-Time Communication Built-in real-time messaging and Messaging once tasks are booked Messaging available after task
notifications between clients and confirmation

Department of Computer Engineering 14

 Functional Application
 User Authentication and Security
 Real-Time Job Matching
 Payment Integration (Optional)

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 Application for Farmers
 Job Posting Application Management Communication
 Job Status Tracking
 Ratings and Reviews
 Job Search Profile Management Application Process Communication
 Job History: Community Building:

Department of Computer Engineering 16

The on-demand labor platform is versatile and can cater to a wide range of
applications, addressing diverse needs across various sectors. By leveraging
advanced technologies and real-time functionalities, the platform will
provide users with a seamless and efficient way to find and hire qualified
workers for both remote and local tasks. This adaptability positions the
platform as a valuable resource in the evolving gig economy.

Department of Computer Engineering 17

1) Ashfaque Alam. Upliftment of agriculture labour through labour laws, Asian Mirror. 2020;7(1):69-74.
2) Ante Farm 2020 Journal of Post Keynesian Economics “ Labor demand and product demand”
3) Zeeshan Ahmed,Dongwei Gui,Zhiming Qi, Yi Liu 2021 Arabian Journal of Geosciences “Agricultural
system modeling: current achievements, innovations, and future roadmap”
4) Marko Slavulj1, Krešimir Kanižaj2, Siniša Đurđević3, 2016 CENTRA ,“The Evolution of Urban
Transport – Uber”
5) Guilherme Nunes Pires1 2020 Revista Katálysis “Uberization of labor and Marx’s Capital”
6) FENG LIN1,2, JIANHAO WEI February 18, 2021. IEEE “Local Privacy-Preserving Dynamic Worker
Locations in Spatial Crowdsourcing”
7) Zeeshan Ahmed1,2 · Dongwei Gui1,2,3 · Zhiming Qi4 · Yi Liu1,2,3 · Yunfei Liu1,2,3 ·
Muhammad Azmat 6 February 2022 Arabian Journal of Geosciences “Agricultural system modeling:
current achievements, innovations, and future roadmap”
8) Uber. (2015) The Driver Roadmap: Where Uber Driver-Partners Have Been, And Where They’re Going.
A Uber commission report, Benenson Strategy Group.

Department of Computer Engineering 18

Thank You....!!!!

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