Youth People's Impressions of Bangladesh's Introduction of Electric Vehicles

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Youth People's Impressions of

Bangladesh's Introduction of Electric

Presented by RIFAT BIN RAHMAN (ID#1921479030)

Rising environmental concerns and escalating fuel prices are driving a shift
towards electric vehicles (EVs) in Bangladesh's automotive landscape.
Global manufacturers like Audi, BMW, Tesla, and Hyundai expanding into
the EV market align with the nation's growing interest in sustainable
transportation. With fuel costs soaring, EVs offer a convenient and cost-
effective alternative. Bangladesh Auto Industries Limited's (BAIL) local
assembly plants for EVs reflect this changing trend. The study's research
questions delve into motivations for EV usage, potential waning interest in
gasoline cars, maintenance sources, and whether safety or convenience
drives EV adoption. The introduction establishes the context, emphasizing
the transformative impact of EVs amid global shifts and local dynamics,
framing the subsequent investigation into the burgeoning electric vehicle
trend in Bangladesh.
Research Questions

1. Why do people use electric vehicles?

2. Are people losing interest in gasoline-powered
3. Are there enough sources for maintaining these
4. Why are they using it, for safety or convenience?

Recently in Bangladesh context, Electric vehicle are so convenient. In

our country prices of fuel increases in dramatically way. On the other
hand, BMW, Audi, Tesla, Hyundai expanded their operation on ev mode
vehicle in rapid way. So, these electric vehicles are mostly convenient
for us for our daily basis usage. This rapid growth emphasizes the
growing importance of electric vehicles for everyday commuting
requirements in Bangladesh. So, from my observation I think electric
vehicle are so convenient in our country.
Literature Review Findings

The Daily Star Highlights, “Electric vehicle sales yet to gain pace.” EVs
will one day dominate the local market as the demand for cars run on
alternative fuel is rising with increasing global awareness about their
environmental and economic benefits.

The Business Standard also highlights “The future of electric vehicles in

Bangladesh”. In the Draft Automobile Industry Development Policy, the
Bangladesh government provides promising insights regarding electric

Relation to Hypothesis: Rising fuel prices and swift expansion by major

manufacturers like BMW, Audi, Tesla and Hyundai underscore the
convenience of electric vehicles and their growing importance in
Bangladesh. The government also supports and encourages people to
use eco-friendly, which are better for the environment.
Demographics Majority Age Group
Male: 47.1%
23-26 (70.6%)
Female: 52.9%
H o w d o i n d i v i d u a l s i n B a n g l a d e s h p e r c e i v e t h e o v e r a l l b e n e fi t s
and drawbacks of using electric vehicles in their daily lives?
Please describe in two to three sentence.

 By switching to the electric vehicles they can reduce the air pollution and
i m p r o v e t h e h e a l t h c o n d i t i o n s o f t h e i r s u r r o u n d i n g . M o r e o v e r, T h e e l e c t r i c
motors in EVs produce zero emissions, which makes them an attractive option
for cities like Dhaka that are plagued by air pollution.

 in Bangladesh, people think electric cars are pretty cool cause they're good
for the planet and save some serious cash. But some people worry 'bout the
lack of charging spots and the hefty price tag upfront. So, it's a mix of pros
and cons.

 In a sense Fu e l price is increasing day by day life and harmful for our
environment. In other hand EV will eco-friendly and in low of cost.
H o w d o i n d i v i d u a l s i n B a n g l a d e s h p e r c e i v e t h e o v e r a l l b e n e fi t s
and drawbacks of using electric vehicles in their daily lives?
Please describe in two to three sentence.

 As we know that, the adaptation of electrical vehicle in Bangladesh still in

its early stages. Therefore, government should public charging stations in
Dhaka, which will make it easier for EV owners to charge their vehicles. One
o f t h e m a i n h u r d l e s i s t h e s c a r c i t y o f c h a r g i n g s t a t i o n s a c r o s s t h e c o u n t r y.
T h e l i m i t e d a v a i l a b i l i t y o f c h a r g i n g i n f r a s t r u c t u r e m a k e s i t d i ffi c u l t f o r E V
owners to conveniently recharge their vehicles, especially during long
journeys. The development of a widespread charging network is crucial to
encourage the adoption of EVs.

 Improving charging infrastructure and o ff e r i n g incentives for electric

vehicle purchases could boost convenience and adoption in Bangladesh.
Summary and
Findings :

 Survey Insights: The primary research findings support the hypothesis that electric
vehicles (EVs) are becoming more convenient and appealing in Bangladesh. The rise in
fuel prices is a primary driver, driving individuals to explore lower-cost and fuel-
efficient solutions such as Evs. Data indicates a strong preference for Electronic vehicles
(Evs) that aligning with the hypothesis . Within the next five years, nearly half of the
participants (47.1%) said they would be willing to switch to electric cars (EVs) for daily

 Infrastructure Challenges: The lack of proper charging infrastructure

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