GCSE - Python-All Tasks - With Helpsheets

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Python 1 programming tasks


Q1 helpsheet
print("Hello World")
print(“I like cheese")
1. Display the following on 3 separate lines:
This is my first program.
It shows messages
Sometimes on different lines
Paste your code below:
2. Create a variable called food and store your favourite food
inside the variable. Print out the value of the variable onto the
Paste your code below:
Q2 helpsheet
food = "_____"
3) Ask the user for their favourite film. Display “I also
like watching”, film. E.G:
Paste your code below:
4. Create a program that ask the user for their firstname, surname, favourite
subject and age then display the above on 4 separate lines. “Remember you
can’t have space in a variable name.
Paste your code below:
Q3 helpsheet

film = _____("Enter your favourite film")

print("_____", _____)
Q4 helpsheet

firstname = input("Enter your firstname")

surname= _____(_______)
age = _______("_____")
subject = _____(_______)
5. Create a program that ask the user for their name. Display the
name 5 times on 1 line.
Paste your code below:
Q5 helpsheet

name = ______("Enter your name")

6. Create a program that ask the user for their favourite food.
Display “I also like”, food. Food should be replaced with the
user’s answer.
Paste your code below:
Q6 helpsheet

food = _____("_____")
print("I also like", _____)
7. Ask for a user’s name and age. Display “your name is”, name,
“and you are”, age, “year old”.E.G:
Paste your code below:
Q7 helpsheet

name = _____("Enter your name")

age = _____("______")
print("Your name is", _____, "and your age
is", _____)
Data Types
• String holds alphanumeric data as text.
• Integer holds whole numbers.
• Float/Real holds numbers with a decimal point.
• Character holds a single, alphanumeric character.
• Boolean holds either ‘True’ or ‘False’.

KEYWOR Data types, Boolean, Real, Character, Integer.

8. Complete the following table:

Data Data Type

Age Integer

House address


Test tomorrow? Y/N



Is 5 == 5
9. Ask the user for 2 numbers then divide the first number by the
second number. Display the answer.
Paste your code below:
Q9 helpsheet

number1 = int(input("Enter a number"))

number2 = _____________
answer = ____/_____
10. Asks for the width of a rectangle. Asks for the length of a
rectangle. Calculates the area of a rectangle. Print the area of a
Paste your code below:
Q10 helpsheet

width = int(input("________"))
______ = int(input("Enter a height"))
area = _____*_____
print("The area of the rectangle is", _____)
11. Asks 2 users for their weight, calculate the average weight of
the 2 users.
Paste your code below:
Q11 helpsheet

weight1 = float(_____("User 1, enter your weight"))

weight2 = _____(input_________
average = (_____+_____) / 2
12. Complete the following table:
Arithmetic operator name Arithmetic operator symbol

Addition +
Subtraction -
Floor Division
Q13 helpsheet
number1 = 8 # store the value 8 in a variable called number1
number2 = 6 #store the value 6 in a variable called number2.
answer= number1 + number2 #add 2 numbers together and store
them in a variable called answer.
print(answer) #displays the answer.
13. Create a variable x with a value of 5. Create a variable y
with a value of 3. Create a variable z with a value 10. Multiply
three numbers together and store them in a variable called
answer. Comment on the code.
Paste your code below:
Q14 helpsheet
number1 = 8
number2 = 6
answer= number1 + number2
14. Alex has £20. Spending:£5 on pens. £3 on pencils. Total
amount left?
Demonstrate this example using 4 variables and arithmetic
operators. Comment on your code.
Paste your code below:
15. Ask how many apples the user wants. Ask how many
people the user will share the apples with. Find out how many
apples will remain if you share the apples equally. Hint: use
modulus %.
Paste your code below:
Q15 helpsheet

apples = int(_____("How many apples do you want"))

people= ________
remain = _____ % _____
16. Asks for the home team name. Asks for the opponent team
name. Asks for the number of goals scored by the home team.
Asks for the number of goals scored by the opposition team.
Calculates the goal difference for the home team.
Paste your code below:
Q16 helpsheet

homeTeam= ____(input("How many goals did the home team score??"))

opponent = _____________
difference= _______-_________

KEYWOR Equal to, not equal to, greater than, less than
Relational operators
Question True/False
5 == 3
2 != 5
Q18 helpsheet
answer=input("What is your answer? ")
if answer == "chocolate":
elif answer == "biscuits":
elif answer == "sweets":
print("I don't know what that means.")
18. Use the code on the previous slide to complete the following

Answer (answer=_______) Result

19. Mancity has scored 60 goals.
• Manutd has scored 51 goals.
• In total, Manutd has scored less goals than Mancity.
• Create the above example in python to display True.
Paste your code below:
Q19 helpsheet

mancity = ____
manutd = ___
_____= _____ < ______
20. Create a program that asks for a person’s age. If the age is
greater than or equal to 18, display “You are old enough to
vote”, else display “You are not old enough to vote”.
Paste your code below:
Q20 helpsheet

age = __________
if ____>=18:
_____("You are old enough to vote")
21. Create a program that asks for a person’s name. If the name
is equal to Tom, display “Welcome Tom”, else display “Hello
Paste your code below:
Q21 helpsheet

name = ___________
if _____ == "Tom":
_____("Hello stranger")
Q22 helpsheet
print("Hello user")
singer = input("Enter your favourite singer")
if singer == "Beyonce":
print("Good singer")
elif singer =="Ed":
print("Pretty decent")
print("Not too bad")
22. Create a program that Greets the user.
• Asks the user how they are feeling
• If the user enters “happy”, print “glad to hear it”
• If the user enters “sad” will tell the user a joke
• Has an error message for any other entry
Paste your code below:
Q23 helpsheet

number = int(input("Enter a number"))

if number > 70:
print("above 70")
elif number > 40:
print("Above 40 but less than 71")
print("Less than 41")
23. Ask user to enter a grade. If grade is >= 90, display A*, else if grade >=
80, display A, else if grade >= 70, display B, else if grade >= 60, display C,
else display fail.
Paste your code below:
Q24 helpsheet
hobby = input("Enter a hobby")
team = input("Enter your favourite team")
print("Your favourite hobby is", hobby, "and your
favourite team is", team)
24. Ask the user for their favourite music band. Ask the user for
their favourite song. Display the answers in a full sentence.
Paste your code below:
Q25 helpsheet
number1 = int(input("Enter a number"))
number2 = int(input("Enter another number"))
answer = number1+number2
25. Ask the user to input 2 numbers. Multiple these 2 numbers
together. Display the answer.
Paste your code below:
Q26 helpsheet
age = int(input("Enter your age"))
if age >= 18:
print("You are old enough to vote")
print("You are not old enough to vote")
26) Create a program to allow the user to input a number. If the
number is more than 100, print out a “too large” message, else
display “too small”.
Paste your code below:
Q27 Helpsheet
name = input("Enter a name")
if name == "Steve":
print ("Hi Steve, how are you?")
elif name == "John" :
print ("Good to see you John")
else :
print ("I don’t know you")

You can only have one else and it has to be at the end.
27) Ask a user to enter a football team. If the user enters
Chelsea, display blue, else if user enters Liverpool, display red,
else display team not registered.
Paste your code below:
Q28 Helpsheet

number1 = int(input("Enter a number"))

number2 = int(input("Enter another
if number1 == 5:
elif number1 > 7:
28) Create a program to allow the user to input 2 numbers. If the
first number is bigger than 10, add the two numbers, otherwise
multiply the two numbers. Print out the result.
Paste your code below:
29) Allow the user to enter two numbers, then ask them if they
want the numbers added or multiplied. Depending on their
answer, print the right answer.
Paste your code below:
Q29 Helpsheet

num1 = ____(input("Enter a number"))

num2 = ___________
operator = ________
if ______ == "add":
____ operator == "_____":
_____("Wrong answer")
Q30 Helpsheet
name = input("Enter a name")
if name == "Steve":
print ("Hi Steve, how are you?")
elif name == "John" :
print ("Good to see you John")
else :
print ("I don’t know you")

You can only have one else and it has to be at the end.
30) Ask a user whether they want to take the red pill or the blue pill. If they
write “red” then print “red is the colour of blood”. Elif they write “blue”
then print “Are you sick?”. Else print “I don’t like that colour”
Paste your code below:
Q31 Helpsheet
name = input("Enter a name")
if name == "Steve":
print ("Hi Steve, how are you?")
elif name == "John" :
print ("Good to see you John")
else :
print ("I don’t know you")

You can only have one else and it has to be at the end.
31) Ask the user to enter traffic light colour, if colour is = red,
display STOP, else if colour = yellow, display get ready, else if
colour is = green, display GO, else display an error.
Paste your code below:

name = input("Enter a name")

surname = input("Enter a surname")
if name == "James" and surname == "Don":
print("I know you!")
print("Who are you?")
32) Create a program to ask the user to enter a username and
password. If they get the username AND password right, display
a “logged in” message. Otherwise, tell them they are wrong.
Paste your code below:
33) Ask the user if they play games on pc then ask them if they play on
console, if pc = yes and console = yes, display Game master, else if pc = yes
and console = no, display pc master, else if pc = no and console = yes,
display console master, else display an error.
Paste your code below:

pc = _____("Do you play games on a PC")

console = _________
if pc == "yes" and ______ == "yes":
_____("Game master")
____ pc == "yes" and ______ == "no":
elif ___ == "no" and console == "yes":
print("Console master")
_____("Wrong option")
age = int(input("Enter your age"))
if age >= 18 and age <= 20:
print("You are between 18 and 20 years old")
elif age < 18:
print("You are still a child")
print("you are an adult")
34) Ask for the user’s age. If age > 12 AND age < 20 then print “You are a
teenager”. Else if the user is 11 or 12 year old, print “You are a tween.” Else
print “Invalid age”.
Paste your code below:
name = input("Enter a name")
surname = input("Enter a surname")
if name == "James" and surname == "Don":
print("I know you!")
print("Who are you?")
35) Ask the user for current temperature. Ask the user if it’s raining outside.
If temp is less than 12 degrees and it’s raining, display “Wear a coat and
bring an umbrella”. Else if temperature is less than 12 degrees and it’s not
raining, display “Wear a coat”. Else if temp is greater or equal to 12, and it’s
raining, display bring an umbrella. Else display “you don’t need a coat or an
Paste your code below:
Python 2 programming tasks
String manipulation -
This simply means ‘joining’.

The ‘+’ sign joins together two or more string.

firstname = input("Enter your firstname")

surname = input("Enter your surname")
As you saw on the previous slide the “+” joined two strings
together, however it did not add any space to it. In this case, we
would concatonate with a comma “,”

firstname = input("Enter your firstname")

surname = input("Enter your surname")
print(firstname, surname)
Why not just use a comma all the time?
firstname = input("Enter your firstname")
surname = input(firstname, " Enter your surname")
print(firstname, surname)
The above code will give you an error, because you can’t add a comma
when storing a value in a variable because it will count it as an argument.
However you can concatenate using “+” sign.

firstname = input("Enter your firstname")

surname = input("hey " + firstname+ " Enter your surname")
print(firstname, surname)
1. Ask the user for their favourite hobby. Ask another user for their hobby,
use concatenation on this line. Display user1’s hobby is “…” and use2’s hobby
is “…” use concatenation on this line.
Paste your code below:
Q1 Helpsheet:
Paste your code below:

hobby = ___________
hobby2 = input("user1's hobby is "+hobby+" What is yours?")
This example program asks the user to input a name. It then
finds the length of the string and stores it in the nameLength
variable. The length of the string is displayed.

name = input("Enter a name")

nameLength = len(name)

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2. Ask the user for their favourite drink. Store the length of the string in a
variable and display it on the screen.
Paste your code below:
Q2 helpsheet

drink = ___________
drinkLength = len(____)
3. Ask the user for their firstname and store it in a variable. Ask the user for
their surname and store it in a variable. Concatenate the two strings together
without space. Display the length of firstname+surname.
Paste your code below:
Q3 helpsheet

firstname = _________
surname = ___________
total = ___________
3.5. Ask the user to enter a colour that contains 6 letters. If the user enters
the correct answer. Display “Well done”, else, display incorrect.
Hint: len(colour)
Paste your code below:
Q3.5 Helpsheet

colour = _________
if len(____) == 6:
This can be used to extract a
specific part of a string.

Index 0 1 2 3
Character m a r k

The following would display “ma”

name = "mark"
Up to but not
Starting position
name = input("Enter a name")
print(name[0]) #displays the first character.

name = input("Enter a name")

print(name[-1]) #displays the last character.
4. Ask the user for their firstname and store it in a variable. Ask the user for
their surname and store it in a variable. Display the first letter of the user’s
firstname. On a separate line, display the first 4 letters of the user’s firstname.
On another line, display the last letter of the user’s surname.
Paste your code below:
Q4 Helpsheet

firstname = ____________
surname = _______________
Case Conversion

The following will display the name in capital letters and in

lowercase on separate lines.

name = input("Enter your name")

5. Ask the user for a quote. Display the quote in uppercase and lowercase on
separate lines.
Paste your code below:
Q5 Helpsheet

quote = ___________
6. Ask the user for their name. Ask the user if they want their name to be
displayed in capital letters or lowercase. Display the user’s name depending
on their answer.
Paste your code below:
Q6 Helpsheet:

name = ________
choice = __________
if choice.lower() == "______":
6.5) asks the user to enter a quote. Asks the user to
• the word they want to replace
• the word they want to replace it with
• Print the final quote. Hint: quote.replace(word1,word2)
Paste your code below:
Q6.5 Helpsheet

print (quote.replace(_____,____))
String manipulation

.title() - Capitalize each word in a string

.isupper() - Find out if a string is all in uppercase
.islower() - Find out if a string is all in lowercase
.isalpha() - Check whether a string contains only letters.
.isdigit() - Check whether a string contains only
.isspace() - Check whether a string only contains spaces.
.capitalize() - Capitalize a string (make first letter
Example: name = input("Enter a name")
7. Create a program that will allow the user to enter a quote by a famous
person. Output this quote in upper case, lower case, capitalize and title
Paste your code below:
Q7 Helpsheet

quote = __________
Formatting text

\n - This adds a new line. Example:

print("Hello \nWorld") would display:

\t - The t stands for “tab” which adds extra

space. Example:
print("Hello \tWorld") would display:
7.3) Display Good Game on 2 separate lines using \n and
1 print command. On another line separate Good from
game using \t using a second print command.
Paste your code below:
7.5 Ask the user to input a quote. Display the number of times the letter i
occurs in the quote in a full sentence. Hint: quote.count("i")
Paste your code below:
Q7.5 Helpsheet

print ("i appears",quote._____("i"),_____)
8. Create a program that will allow the user to enter a quote by a famous
person. On separate lines, check if the quote contains letters, space, digits.
Paste your code below:
Q8 Helpsheet

quote = _____________
print(quote._____ ())
print(quote. _____())
print(quote. _____())
String manipulation
The following will split a string into a number of items
on a list.

quote = input("Enter a quote")

String manipulation
The following will split a string into items on a list
around a specific letter.

quote = input("Enter a quote")

8.5. Ask the user to enter their favourite hobby in a sentence. Split the
sentence at the letter “f”.
Paste your code below:
Q8.5 Helpsheet

hobby = ________
Iteration – For loop
Counter variable.

The counter variable in Python starts at 0!!!

So…. for x in range(9) :

print (x)

Will actually count from 0 to 8…

The following will display the times
table of the user’s answer from 0 to

number = int(input("Enter a number"))

for c in range(10):
print (c * number)
FOR with different values
You can change the start value of the for loop.

for x in range(5, 10) :


This will loop around from 5 to 9 (the

ending value is never included!)
FOR with different steps

You can change the steps that each loop around will change the
counter value by

for x in range(5, 100, 10) :


This will loop around from 5 to 99 counting in steps of 10 (the

ending value is never included, so it will actually stop at 95)
FOR with different steps
And going down!

for y in range(100,0,-1) :

This will count from 100 down to 1.

9. Create a program that counts from 1 to 100.
Paste your code below:
10. Create a program that counts down from 100 to 1.
Paste your code below:
11. Ask the user for a number. Display the times table of that number up to
the number 10.
Paste your code below:

number = __________
for i in range (_____):
print(___ * ___)
12. Ask the user for a number. Repeat ‘Hello’ a certain number of times,
based on a number entered by the user.
Paste your code below:
Q12 Helpsheet

for i in range (_____):
13. Ask the user to enter a name. Ask the user how many times they want
their name to be displayed. Display the user’s name repeatedly depending on
the user’s answer.
Paste your code below:
Q13 Helpsheet

name = __________
answer = ____________
for i in range (_______):
14. Ask the user for a number. Display the times table of that number from 1
to 5 in the following style:
Paste your code below:
Q14 Helpsheet

number = _________
for x in range(_____):
answer = _______
print (x, "x", _____, "____", _____)
15. Ask the user to enter a word and store it in a variable called word. For
each letter in that word, print the word. Hint: use for i in word:
Paste your code below:
Q15 Helpsheet

word = ________
for i in word:
Q16 helpsheet
hobby = input("Enter a hobby in a sentence")
split = hobby.split("a")
for i in range(len(split)):
16. Ask the user to enter a quote. Split the quote at every “space”. Display the
first character in the quote after every space.
Paste your code below:
17) Write a program that displays all odd numbers between 1 and 99
Paste your code below:
Q17 Helpsheet

num = _
for i in range (____):
num = ___+2
18) Ask the user their name and their age. Print their name the number of
times as their age.
Paste your code below:
Q18 Helpsheet

name = __________
age = __________
for i in range(____):
19) Write a program that asks the user to enter a number and then adds 5
to this and prints out the result. Make the program ask the question 6
Paste your code below:
Q19 Helpsheet

for i in range(____):
num = _______
20) Ask “how many negatives did you get?” if answer is 1, display prompt 10
times. Else if answer is 2, display reminder 50 times, else if answer is 3,
display warning 100 times, else display removal 500 times.
Paste your code below:
Q20 Helpsheet

negative = ___________
if _______ == 1:
for i in range(___):
elif ________:
for i in range(50):
elif __________
for i in range(____):
for i in range(____):
21) Ask for the user’s age. If age is greater than 12, display happy birthday
100 times. Else display happy birthday 12 times.
Paste your code below:
Q21 Helpsheet

age = _________
if ___ > ___:
for i in range(____):
for i in range(___):
Condition controlled.
The WHILE statement is used to loop around code as long as
certain criteria are fulfilled. For example:

while x > 7:
this code will be repeated
so will this code
This code will not be repeated

Note that indenting (using the TAB key) is used to decide what
code is inside the while statement.
22) Use a while loop to create the 2 times table up to 100. Display “You
have finished” when you get to the number 100.
Paste your code below:
Q22 Helpsheet

number = 0
while _____ < ____:
number = ____ + 2
print("You have finished")
23) Display “Hey” and “Bye” on separate lines 1000 times using a while
Paste your code below:
Q23 Helpsheet

number = _
while _____ < _____:
number = _______ + 1
24) Ask the user to input 4 names. Display “You have entered 4 names”
when the user inputs all 4 names.
Paste your code below:
Q24 Helpsheet:

number = 0
while number != ___:
name = ________
______ = number + 1
25) Ask the user to input a password. If password is correct, display correct
password. If password is incorrect, display incorrect password. Display
“LOCKED” after 4 attempts.
Paste your code below:
Q25 Helpsheet

attempts = 0
while _____ != 4:
password = _________
attempts = _______ + 1
if ________ == "stfrancis":
attempts = 3
26) Ask the user to input a password. If password is correct, display correct
password. If password is incorrect, display incorrect password. The program
will loop until the correct answer is entered. Hint: use attempts = False
Paste your code below:
Q26 Helpsheet

attempts = _____
while ______ == False:
password = __________
if ______ == "stfrancis":
______ = True
1- Ask the user for a username.
2- While the username is less than 8 characters long,
3-Display “Invalid username, enter another username”) and force the user to
enter another username.
4- Display “your username has been accepted” if the username is at least 8
characters long.
5- Ask the user for a password.
6- While the password is less than 8 characters long OR greater than 15
characters long,
7- display “Invalid password, enter another password”) & force the user to
enter another password.
Display “your password has been accepted” if the password is between 8 and
15 characters long.
Hints: use while len(password) < 8 or len(password) > 15:
Paste your code on the next slide:
Q27 Helpsheet

username = __________
while len(______) < 8:
username = __________
password = ________
while len(_____) < 8 or ___(password) > 15:
password = ________
print("Your password has been accepted")
28) Write a program that allows the user to type in a number. This number
will then be added onto a total, which will be displayed. Continue to ask for
a number until the total is over 100.
Paste your code below:
Q28 Helpsheet

total = 0
while total < ____:
number = ________
total = total+______

To pick a random number between 1

and 100, use this code :

import random
x = random.randint(1,100)

This will give x a random value

between 1 and 100.
29) Store a random number from 1 to 100 in variable using random.randint.
Ask the user for a number between 1 to 10 and store it in another variable.
Calculate the average of these 2 numbers. Display the average.
Paste your code below:
Q29 Helpsheet

import ______
x = _________
number = ________
print((x+number) / ___)
30) Guessing game. Store a random number between 1 and 100 in a
variable using random.randint(1,100). Ask the user to guess it. Display a
“too high”, “too low” or “well done” message. Keep asking the question
until they get it correct.
Fill the gaps in the code on the next slide.
import random
random = _____________ # stores a random number.
number = int(_____________))
while True: # infinite loop.
if number > random:
number = int(input("Enter a number"))
elif number < random:
number = int(_______________))
break #breaks out of loops.
31) Store 2 random numbers in 2 different variables. Ask the user to work
out the answer when these two numbers are multiplied. Mark their answer
as right or wrong. Repeat this 5 times using a for loop.
Fill the gaps in the code on the next slide.
import __________
for i ________:
first = random.randint(1,10)
second = _______________
answer = __________
guess = int(input(str(first)+" x " + str(second)+ " = "))
if guess == ________:
Lists and arrays.

Theory: Understanding Arrays

students = [“Bilal”, “Ahmed”, “Martha”, “Sam”, “Billy”, “Tom”]

Array: A collection of values (elements) stored

in one location under a common identifier. Student1= Bilal
Student2= Ahmed
print (students[2]) Martha Student3= Martha
print (students[5]) Tom Student4= Sam
print (students[0]) Bilal Student6= Billy
print (students) [‘Bilal’, ‘Ahmed’, ‘Martha’, Student7= Tom
‘Sam’, ‘Billy’, ‘Tom’]

KEYWOR Array, variable, data, identified

32) Write a program that has a list which holds your top 5 favourite films.
Display all 5 films. Display the first film in the array on a separate line.
Display the last film in the array on a separate line.
Paste your code below:
33) Stores 7 numbers in an array. Display the 4th number in the array.
Paste your code below:
We can display each item in the array separately using a for loop.

array = ["saw","batman","superman"]
for x in array:
We can loop through an array using a for loop.

array = ["saw","batman","superman"]
film = input("Enter a film to see if it's in the
for i in range(len(array)):
if film == array[i]:
print ("found")
34) Write a program that checks whether an element occurs in a list. For
example: array = [4, 6, 7, 8, 10]. Which number would you like to find? 10
Paste your code below:
Q34 Helpsheet

array = [2,3,4,5,6]
for i in range(___(array)):
if number == array[___]:
print (____)
Append means add #Declare an empty array
(something) to the end. student = [ ]

#Loops through the array starting with 0.

for i in range(0,3):
student.append(input("enter any name"))

#Print the array


KEYWOR array, value, element, variable, assigning, data

35) Write a program that asks the user to enter the name of 4 games and
store these within an array. Display the array.
Paste your code below:
Q35 Helpsheet

array = []
for i in range (___):
game = _______
array = [2,3,4,5]
print(array[:2]) #prints index 0 & 1
print(array[2:]) #prints index 2 & 3
print(array[1:3]) #prints index 1&2

KEYWOR Array, append, slice, remove

35.5) Create an array containing the towns Barton, Uttoxeter
and Loxley. Print off just the first and then last towns in the array
and then the first two towns on separate lines.
Q35.5 Helpsheet

towns = ["Barton","Uttoxeter", "Walsall","Loxley"]

array = [1,2,0,5]
array.reverse() Sort the list in
number/alphabetical order.

Sort the list in reverse order.

KEYWOR Array, append, slice, remove, sort, reverse

36) Write a program that will accept five numbers from the user and store
these within a list. Reverse the order of the list then display the list. Hint: use
Paste your code below:
Q36 Helpsheet:

array = []
for i in range (___):
number = _________
37) Ask the user to enter 3 games and store it in an array. Sort the list in
alphabetical order. Hint: array.sort()
Paste your code below:
Q37 Helpsheet

array = []
for i in range (___):
game = ______
37.5) Extend your previous program so that after adding the games, the user is
asked which index number they want to see. This game is then printed out. For
example, if they enter 3 then they should be shown the 3 rd game in the list.
Hint: print(array[number-1])
Paste your code below:
37.5 helpsheet

array = []
for i in range (_):
game = ________
number = ________
In all of these examples, replace arrayname with the name of your array/list.

Python code What does this do?

arrayname.remove(“Steve”) Removes an item from the
arrayname.insert(4, “Bill”) Inserts an item at the index
position given.
arrayname.sort() Sorts the data into order

len(arrayname) gives the number of items in

the array
38) Write a program that asks the user to input the name of 4 films and store
them in a list. Display the first 2 films in the list. Remove the last film in the list
hint: use array.remove() . Display the list then display the first film only.
Paste your code below:
Q38 Helpsheet

array = []
for i in range (_):
film = _______
38.5) Ask the user to enter 6 numbers which are then stored in
an array. The user should then be able to choose to see either
the total or the average of these numbers. Print out the answer.
Paste your code below:
38.5) If you are struggling with the question use the code below:

score = []
for i in range (__):
option = _________________
total = score[0]+______________
if option == "total":
elif option == "average":
print("Invalid option")
38.6) Create a questionnaire program that asks the user for their
gender and gives the options MALE/FEMALE/QUIT. Store the
answer in an array. Keep asking the question until someone
enters QUIT. Then print out the total number of people who
answered the question, the number of males and the number of
females. Use the code on the next slide if you are struggling.
Paste your code on the next slide:
males = _
females = _
storage = []
gender = ____________
while gender.lower() == "male" or ____________________:
gender = input("Are you a male or female, or quit? ")
if gender.lower() == "quit":
for item in storage:
if item.lower() == _______:
males = _____ + 1
if _______== "female":
females = females + ___
print(str(males) +" males")
print(str(females) +" females")
38.7) Create a program to store the names of computer games
that they play in an array. Create a simple menu system to allow
the user to either add, edit or delete a game. Also allow the user
to print the array whenever needed.
Use the code on the next slide if you are struggling.
Paste your code on the next slide:
games = [] Q38.7)
while True:
menu = input("\nDo you want to add, edit or delete a game, or print all games? ")
if _____ == "add":
newgame = input(___________)
print("Game '"+newgame +"' added. ")
elif menu == "print":
print("Your games are: ")
elif _____ == "edit":
print("Your games are: "+str(games))
editone = input("Which one do you want to edit?")
edittext = _____("What do you want to change it to?")
elif _____ == "delete":
print("your games are: "+str(games))
delete = input("Which game would you like to delete?")
print("Invalid option")
array = [ [3,2,1], [2,3,4], [7,5,2] ]


#This will display the number 5.

KEYWOR Array, append, slice, remove

array = [ [3,2,1], [2,3,4], [7,5,2] ]


#This will display the number 2.

KEYWOR Array, append, slice, remove

Two-dimensional array.

Student name Grade1 Grade2 Grade3

Alfie Little 24 32 5
Billy Bob Junior II 22 22 53
Daft Muppet 43 54 23
King Plonker 23 12 32

grades = [["Alfie Little",24,32,5],["Billy Bob Junior

II", 22,22,53], ["Daft Muppet",43,54,23], ["King

Plonker", 23,12,32]]
print(grades) # displays the list.
print(grades[1][2]) # displays 22
grades[1].append(56) # adds 56 to billy
array, element, table, assigning, identifier
39) Write a program that converts the following table into a two-
dimensional array called ‘grades’:
Student name Grade1 Grade2 Grade3
Paste your code below: Alfie Little 24 32 5
Billy Bob Junior II 22 22 53
Mark Jones 43 54 23
King Plonker 23 12 32
40) Modify Mark Jones Grade2 to 76 from the previous question. You will
need the following: grades[index][index] = 76
Paste your code below:
41) Add ‘Grade4’ to your array with the following data: You will need the
following: grades[x].append(value) Student name Grade4
Alfie Little 37
Paste your code below: Billy Bob Junior II 99
Mark Jones 32
King Plonker 42
Q41 Helpsheet

grades = [["Alfie Little",24,32,5],["Billy Bob Junior II",

22,22,53], ["Mark jones",43,54,23], ["King Plonker", 23,12,32]]
42) Add to your previous code “question” to calculate the average for grade1,
grade2, grade3, and grade4 for Alfie Little. Display the outcome.
Paste your code below:
Q42 Helpsheet

grades = [["Alfie Little",24,32,5],["Billy Bob Junior II",

22,22,53], ["Mark jones",43,54,23], ["King Plonker", 23,12,32]]
average = (grades[0][1] + _______+ grades[_][_] + _____[0][4]) /
print("the average grade for Alfie Little is:", ______)
43) This two dimensional array holds the current level each pupil is working
• Develop a program that initialises the two dimensional array. Display the
• Remove Emma Baldridge from the array as she no longer attends the
school then display the array. hint: x.remove
• Add a new student “Jonathan Pierce” and his current grade as “5+”.
• Display the new array. “Alex Chadwick” “7+”
“Seema Patel” “5-”
Fill the gaps on the next slide. “Dion Scott” “6-”
“Emma Baldridge” “8”
“Gareth Wild” “8+”
Fill the gaps.

pupils = [["Alex Chadwick","7+"],["Seema Patel","5-"],

["Dion Scott","6-"],["Emma Baldridge","8"],
["Gareth Wild","8+"]]
______[_].append("Jonathan Pierce")
Mixed tasks
44) Ask the user to enter the name of 3 singers, stores them in
an array and then display one of them at random. Hint:
Paste your code below:
Q44 Helpsheet

import _____
for i in range(_):
singer = ________
print(array[_____],"has been chosen")
45) Ask the user to enter the name of 3 singers, stores them in
an array. Sort the array in alphabetical order then display each
singer in the array on a separate line with their position.
Hints: array.sort() & len(array)
Paste your code below:
Q45 Helpsheet

for i in range(_):
singer = ________
for x in range(___(array)):
print("Singer number",x+1,"is",array[___])
46. Ask the user to enter a game, then output the numbers from 0 to the
number of characters in the game entered. Display each number on separate
Paste your code below:
Q46 Helpsheet

game = __________
for count in range(0, ___(____)+1):
47. Ask the user to enter a quote. Split the quote into individual words by the
spaces. Display each word on a new line.
Paste your code below:
Q47 Helpsheet

quote = ___________
split = quote.____(___)
for x in range(len(____)):
48. Create a random number generator that generates 5 random numbers
and displays it on the screen. Store the numbers in an array. Sort the list in
order then display it.
Hint: use array.append and a for loop.
Paste your code below:
Q48 Helpsheet

import _____
array = []
for x in range (___):
number = _____.______(1,100)
print("The random number is", _____)
49. Random number generator. Ask the user how many numbers they want to
generate. Ask the user for the lowest and highest number they want to generate.
Display each number generated. Store the numbers in a list. Display the list in reverse
order. Hint: array.reverse
Paste your code below:
Q49 Helpsheet

import random
array = []
number = ___________
lowest = ____________
highest = _______________
for x in range (______):
randomNum = ______._____(_____, _____)
print("the random number generated is:", ________)
Python 3 programming tasks
Writing to a file

Opens/create a file Tells the program

File we want to “write”
Variable/ name
Move to
file = open("test1.txt", "w") a new
Write file.write("Hello World\n") line.
the file. file.write("Good Day") Values/text
file.close() that will be
inside the
Closes file.
the file

KEYWOR text file, data file, read, write, variable

1. Write a program that writes your top three films of all time, to a text document.
Write each film on a separate line.
Paste your code below:
2. Write a program that asks the user for their name and then writes the name to a
text document.
Paste your code below:
Reading from a file

Tells the program

Opens the File we want to “read”
Variable/ file name
file Read
handler fileReading = open("test1.txt", "r") whatever
Read = fileReading.read() inside the file
into the
fileReading.close() variable Read.
s the
Can be changed to upper
Display the values/text in lower also to display in capital
case. letters.

KEYWOR text file, data file, read, write, variable

3. Create a program that asks the user to list their top 3 songs and store it in a text file.
The program will then read the entire text file and displays it to the screen.
Paste your code below:
4. Ask the user to specify a filename. The program will then ask the user to specify a
sentence to write. The file will be created and the sentence written to it. Display the
sentence in both lowercase and upper case.
Paste your code below:
Q4 Helpsheet

userinput = ___________
file = open(______, "w")
text = __________
fileReading = ____(userinput, "r")
read = _________
5. Ask a user if they want to read or write. If they answer read, the filename specified
is opened and the contents of the file is read and displayed to the screen. If they
answer write, then ask the user to write a sentence to the file. Hint: use if statement &
create a .txt file in advance.
Paste your code below:
Q5 Helpsheet

ask = ________________
if ____ == "write":
file = open("_____", "w")
text=_____("Enter a sentence")
____ ask == "read":
fileReading = ______("______", "r")
read = fileReading._____()
_____("Wrong answer!")
Appending “adding to the end” data to a file.

Variable/file Opens/create Tells the program

handler a file File we want to

dataFile = open("data file 1.txt", "a")

Write dataFile.writelines("11")
inside dataFile.close()
the file.
text that
Closes the will be
file appende
d to the
KEYWOR text file, data file, read, write, variable file.
6. Ask a user for their first name and second name and store that in a txt file. Close
the file. Ask another user for their name and address. Append that to the same file.
Paste your code below:
Q6 Helpsheet

name = _________
data = ___("data file 1.txt", "__")
name2 = _______
dataFile = ____("data file 1.txt", "___")
7. Update your last program by adding the following at the end of your program on a
new line: Alex hunter
Paste your code below:
8. Ask the user to input 5 numbers and append these to the end of the text file. Hint:
use a for loop.
Paste your code below:
Q8 Helpsheet

dataFile = ____("_____", "__")

for x in range (___):
number = ______
9. Ask 4 users for their name. Store this in an array. Write all 3 names on separate
lines in a file by looping “for loop” through each name in the array. Close the file.
Paste your code below:
Q9 Helpsheet

array= ___
for x in range (____):
file= ____("____", "____")
for names in _____:
10. Ask the user how many numbers they want to enter. Let them enter this many
numbers and write them to a text file. Each number must be on a separate line.
Paste your code below:
Q10 Helpsheet

user = ________
file = ____("_" , “_")
for x in range(____):
number = _____("Enter number " + str(___ + 1) + "\n")
11. Write a program that asks the user for their personal details including: first name,
surname, age and address. Store them in a file.
Paste your code below:
Q11 Helpsheet

file = ____("____", "__")
file._____("First name: "+firstname+", surname:" ______)
12. Ask the user to enter the name of 5 different games. Store them in a file. Read the
data from the file and store it in a list. Separate each of them by a comma.
Paste your code below:
Q12 Helpsheet

file = ___("___", "__")

for x in range (___):
game = ________
data = open("_____", "____")
array = []
for line in data:
13. Create a text file named team.txt and store 8 football team names and their best
player, separate the player from the team name by a comma.
Create a program that reads from the text file and displays a random
team name and the first letter of the player’s first name and the first letter of their
Paste your code below:
Q13 Helpsheet

import ______
teamList = _____("team.txt", "__")
data = teamList._______()
randomChoice= random._______(____)
teamName =[]
player =[]
for lines in data:
split = lines._____(',')
teamName = teamName[_______]
letters = _______[randomChoice]
print("\nThe team is ",______)
splitLetters = letters._____(' ')
print("And the first letter of the player’s firstname and surname is")
for x in range(_____(splitLetters)):
14. Write a program that allows the user to create and store a checklist for their
homework. Ask for pupil’s name, and create a text file using the pupil’s name.
Ask how many homeworks they need to complete. The user should then be able to
enter each homework name. Store them in a file.
Paste your code below:
Q14 Helpsheet

for i in range(0,_____):
homework._____(input("Enter the name of homework
"+str(i+1)+": "))
file = _____((name+".txt"), "_")
for item in ______:
• A subroutine or a subprogram is a
named self-contained section of code
that performs a specific task.
• Parameters: Specific variables used to
pass values into a sub program.
• Arguments: Actual values that the
parameters take when the sub program
is called.
KEYWOR Procedure, function, subroutine, subprogram, return, parameter

def is a name
Ask the
which allows
def firstSubroutine(): user to
you to define a
name=input("what is your name") input a
new function / print(name) name.
procedure. firstSubroutine()
Calls the Displays
procedure. This the user’s
will run line 2 answer.
and 3.
KEYWOR Procedure, arguments, subroutine, subprogram, parameter

name. Parameter.

def is a
command def welcome(name):
which allows print(“Welcome to school“ , name )
you to define a welcome to
new function. school + the
value of the
Calls the argument.
procedure. This
will run line 2. Argument.

KEYWOR Procedure, arguments, subroutine, subprogram, parameter

Parameter passing
Values can be passed from the main program to
the parameters in a procedure/function.


def calculate(num,num2):
print(num * num2)
calculate(2,4) Local

The values 2 and 4 are passed

into num and num2.
Variable Scope
Global: Declared outside any subroutines and
accessible throughout the program, including
inside subroutines.
Local: Declared within a subroutine and are only
accessible within that subroutine.
variable def calculate(num):
number1 = int(input("Enter a number"))
print(number1*num) Local
number = int(input("Enter a number"))

15. Create a procedure that will ask the user for their name. Display the name.

Paste your code below:

16. Create a procedure which will show the times table for a number specified in the
argument when the function is run. Run it and test it out by trying different numbers
in the argument.

Paste your code below:

17. Create a program that has 3 procedures. Procedure 1: Asks for user’s first name.
Procedure 2: Asks for the user’s surname. Procedure 3: Ask for the user’s age. Create
an IF statement to allow the user to choose which procedure will be called, “Which
question will be asked”.
Paste your code below:
Q17 Helpsheet

def firstname():
ask = ________
print("Your first name is", ____)
____ lastname():
ask = __________
print("Your last name is", ____)
def ____():
ask = input("What is your age")
print("You are", ____, "year old")
_____("Which question would you like to answer")
question = ______("Press 1 for firstname, press 2 for lastname, press 3 for age."))
if question == 1:
____ question == 2:
____ question == 3:
print("Wrong answer")
18. Use procedure with parameter. Ask the user to input numbers until they say “no”.
Output if each number is greater than or less than or equal to 5.
Paste your code below:
Q18 Helpsheet

___ output(number):
if ____ > 5:
____("Greater than 5")
____ number < ___:
_____("Less than 5")
_____("It is equal to 5")
userInput = "yes"
____(______.lower() != "no"):
num = ____("Enter a number \n"))
userInput = ____("Would you like to try again?")
19. Create 2 procedure with 2 parameters. Ask 2 users for their name & age then display
which user is older/younger.
Paste your code below:
Q19 Helpsheet

def older(____, ____):

_____(name1, "is older than " , name2)
def younger(____, ____):
print(____, " is younger than " ,____)
name1= ______
name2 = ________
number1 = ______(name1+ " Enter your age"))
number2 = ______(name2+ " Enter your age"))
___ number1 > number2:
older(____, ____)
younger(____, ____)
• A function is a procedure that can also
return data back into the main program.
• Both functions and procedures are
used to structure code.
• Function returns a value, a procedure
does not.
• Both create a reusable component.

KEYWOR Procedure, function, subroutine, subprogram, return, parameter

Parameter passing
Passing and returning values using arguments and

def calculate(num,num2):
Stores the
answer = num * num2
returned return answer
in the
output = calculate(2,4) answer returned to
the main program.
print(output) Local

Arguments, the values 2 and 4 are passed into num and num2.
Parameter passing
You can return multiple values.


def calculate(num,num2):
Stores the
message = "your answer is"
returned answer = num * num2
in the Message & answer
return message, answer returned to the main
output = calculate(2,4) Variable
Local program.


Arguments, the values 2 and 4 are passed into num and

20. Write a simple function which allows the user to return the average of two given
Paste your code below:
21. Create a program that has a function with 2 parameters: (currentage, year). This
function calculates futureage= currentage+year and returns futureage.
Ask the user for their age. Ask the user if they want to know how old they will be in 12
or 18 years. If the user enters 12, calculate the user’s age in 12 years. If the user enters
18, calculate the user’s age in 18 years.
Paste your code below:
Q21 Helpsheet

____ function(currentage,year):
futureAge= _____ + _____
_____ futureAge
age = ___________
ask = _____("Would you like to know how old you will be in 18 year in 12"))
num18= _____(age,18)
num12= function(___,____)
if ask == 12:
elif ____== 18:
___("invalid option")
22. Create a function to return the value of 3 numbers multiplied by each other. Ask
the user to input these numbers. Use 3 arguments and 3 parameters.
Paste your code below:
Validation: to check that the data entered by a user or from a file
meets specified requirements. Validation does not check if the
data is accurate.

1. Range check
2. Valid choice check
3. Length check
4. Presence check
5. Lookup check
6. Validation
Range check

• Checks whether data is within a certain


• For example, checks whether a number is

between 1 and 10.
Valid choice check

• Checks whether the user has entered

a value from within a list of choices.

• For example, ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’,

Length check

• Checks the length of a value given by

the user.

• For example, checks if a user has

typed in enough values for a post-
Presence check

• Checks whether a value has been


• For example, if a name is required, the
validation will check that the user has
typed a value.
Lookup check

• Checks whether a value is within a

pre-defined list of values.

• For example, the user has to enter a

username, the algorithm will check a
list to check this is valid.

• To check that the data entered by a

user or from a file meets specified

validnum = False

while validnum == False:

tickets = int(input(“How many tickets? Max.

tickets validnum
if tickets > 07 and tickets < 6:
-8 False
validnum = True
3 True

print(“Invalid number, please try


print(“You Validation,
have purchased”,
value, while,
We can also use these additional built-in
• isalpha() – returns true if all the
characters in a string are letters.
• isdigit() – returns true if
characters in a string are numbers.
• isalnum() – returns true if all the
characters are either letters or
• isupper() – returns true if
characters in a string are upper
• islower() – returns true if
characters in a string are lower
KEYWOR Validation, range check, value, while,
23. A teacher is booking a school trip to Cadbury world. Create a program that will
allow the teacher to enter how many students they intend to take. They are unable to
take fewer than 25 students and no more than 36.
Paste your code below:

lengthokay = False

while lengthokay == False:

postcode = input(“Please enter your postcode”)

if len(postcode) >= 6 and len(postcode) <= 8:

postcode lengthokay
lengthokay = True
TH188821 True
else: B77
B77 7721
7721 True
B99 1THN1
1THN1 False
print(“Invalid postcode, please try


print(“You have entered a valid postcode”)

KEYWOR Validation, range check, value, while,

24. For the Cadbury World booking, the teacher must enter a telephone number.
Create a program that will allow the teacher to enter a telephone number and check
that this is a valid length.
Paste your code below:
Valid choice Lookup check
(menu) Please enter your
Choose from the following username.
A – Addition Mr Suffar
B – Subtraction
C – Division Username not recognised.
D – Multiplication

E Mr_Suffar

That is not valid. Try

Username recognised.

That is a valid option.

KEYWOR iteration, validation, lookup, valid choice, input,

25. Store 3 names in an array. Ask the user to enter a username, display valid
username if the user matches the 1 of the usernames in the array. Else display invalid
username and ask the user again until they get it right.
Paste your code below:
25. Helpsheet

array = ["Mr_Suffar", "Mrs_Jones","Mr_Dawson"]

validEntry = _____
while validEntry == ____:
if _____ in array:
_____("You have entered a valid username")
validEntry = _____
______("Username not recognised")
26. As part of the ‘Cadbury World’ trip, the teacher must access the Cadbury booking
system. This system has three options: A – New booking; B – Amend booking; C –
Cancel Booking. Create a valid choice check where the teacher has to pick 1 of these
options, otherwise it will display wrong option until the correct option is chosen. Use
string manipulation to change the user’s answers to capital letters.
Paste your code below:
26. Helpsheet

print("Enter A for booking system, B to amend your booking, C to cancel your

validChoice = ____
while validChoice == _____:
choice = ____("Which option would you like to choose?")
if _____() == "A" or ______.upper() == "B" or choice.______() == "C" :
validChoice = _____
print("You have entered a valid choice")
if _____ == "A":
print("You have chosen option A, you are now on the new booking section")
____ choice == "__":
print("You have chosen option B, you are now on the amend booking
____("You have chosen option C, you are now on the cancellation section")
____("Invalid choice, pick again")
27. Create a program that asks the user to enter 2 numbers. Ask the user if they want
to add, subtract , multiply or divide the numbers. Create a valid check to make sure
they user enters the correct answer, otherwise keep asking until the correct answer is
entered. Perform the calculation after the correct answer is entered.
Paste your code below:
27. Helpsheet
number1 = _________
number2 = _________
print("Choose A for addition, S for subtraction, M for multiplication, D for division")
validChoice = ____
while _____ == False:
option = _____("Enter your option")
if _____.upper() == "A" or ______() == "S" ___ option.____() == "M" or ____() == "D":
validChoice = _____
if _____() == "A":
answer = ______
elif option.upper() == "S":
_____ = number1-number2
____ option.upper() == "___":
answer = number1*number2
answer = ______
print("Invalid choice, try again")
28. Create a program asks the user to enter their username and password. The
username must be between 2 and 20 characters. The password must be 8 characters
or more. The program should ask the user to re-type the password to verify it.
Paste your code below:
28. Helpsheet

validChoice = _____
while _____ == False_
username = _____
password = _____
password2= _________
if _____ == password2 and len(____) >=2 and ___(username) <= 20 and
print("Correct username & password")
validChoice = _____
print("Invalid details")

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