CH 3. Atmosphere Winds
CH 3. Atmosphere Winds
CH 3. Atmosphere Winds
Chapter 03
Pressure, winds and general circulation
Falguni Akter
Assistant Professor
SWE Discipline, KU
Lecture 01
Atmospheric Pressure
Geostrophic Wind
global wind systems
Lecture 02
Polar front theory
Weathering forecast determining technology
Climatology Method
Analog Method
Persistence and Trends Method
Numeric Method
Lecture 03
Atmosphere-ocean interactions
El Niño and La Niña
Southern oscillation
Atmospheric Pressure
• Atmospheric pressure, also known barometric
pressure, force per unit area exerted by an atmospheric
column (that is, the entire body of air above the specified area).
• As elevation increases, there is less overlying atmospheric
mass, so that atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing
▫ As the warm air rises up, it separates and starts moving towards the
north and south poles at a height of about 10-15 kms above the
earth’s surface.
▫ This air cools and sinks towards the ground at 30 degrees north
and south latitudes.
▫ The air then flows towards the equator as trade winds near the
earth’s surface thus creating a circulation called Hadley cells in the
• Ferrel cell (Mid-latitude Cells)
▫ The cold dense air subsides near the poles and blows
towards middle latitudes as the polar easterlies.
▫ Just like the Hadley cells, the polar cells are thermally
▫ A high pressure, called the polar high, is created at the
poles as cool air sinks towards the ground.
Climatology Method-
▫ The climatology method is not the best choice for predicting the
weather, as it will more than likely not be accurate.
Analog Method-
▫ But even small differences between the past and the present
can change the results.
▫ That is why the analog method may not be the right choice to
compile a weather forecast.
Persistence and Trends Method –
• For example, in the Southern United States, during the fall through spring,
El Niño usually causes increased rainfall and sometimes destructive
• La Niña, however, usually causes drier weather in the South, but the
Northwest tends to be colder and wetter than average.