Lecture No 1
Lecture No 1
Lecture No 1
Nature of Public
Policy and Process
Some Public Policy
Definitions Traditional
In any society, governmental entities
enact laws, make policies, and allocate
resources. This is true at all levels. Public
policy can be generally defined as a
system of laws, regulatory measures,
courses of action, and funding priorities
concerning a given topic promulgated by
a governmental entity or its
on Policy
Implementati Legitimati
on on
Policy Stream
• Actual performance during the preceding year
• New developments and emerging issues in the local and international
• Shifts in the policy emphasis of the administration
Policy Formulation
• Econometric Models
• Input-Output Analysis
• Accounting Frameworks
• Project Evaluation and Prioritization
• Medium-Term Development Plan (MTDP)
• State-of-the-Nation Address (SONA)
Forge a consensus at the pre-implementation phase since
it is the different departments who are actually tasked to
implement the various programs stipulated in the MTPDP
and other policy declarations
Feedback and monitoring mechanisms through its attached agencies
Problems and Criticisms
New Influence Players
Catholic Church – with two EDSAs’ to
their credit
Mass Media – compelling instrument to
manipulate and /or direct public opinion
Civil Society – takes it upon themselves
to rise up and partake of the largesse of
“A problem well
formulated is a
problem half
We want to learn
how to look at
problems from
perspectives to
achieve the best
problem definition
and possible /
feasible solutions
Chapter 1: The Meaning
of Policy Analysis
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is
spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books.
Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions
because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that
anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to
At the most general level, efforts to weigh the benefits and costs of a public or private
decision involve some version of the economic analysis presented in this book.
At a basic level, this decision process can take the form of a list of pluses and
minuses, as in the quote from Benjamin Franklin, or a list of factors favoring one
choice over another.
At a more advanced level, this rational decision process can include efforts to
measure all relevant benefits and costs using a common scale such as dollars in
order to determine course of action that maximizes the difference between the total
benefits and costs of the choice.
Your Turn 1-1: The Benefits and Costs
of a College Education
Your Turn 1-1: Create a list of the benefits and costs of attending
college versus getting a job. Include benefits that will occur in the future
as well as the present, effects on others and on society as a whole as
well as yourselves, and non-monetary as well as financial benefits and
After making some judgment about which benefits and costs are most
important, do your expected benefits outweigh your costs? Do the
benefits to others, including your parents and your government, of your
college education outweigh their costs? Perhaps the questions raised by
this exercise are more important than any judgment.
Some Policy Analysis Questions
(1) Are the total benefits of this policy choice greater than the
total costs?
(2) Does this policy offer greater net benefits (total benefits –
total costs) than another alternative?
(3) How large a budget is required for this policy?
A detailed benefit-cost analysis of policy alternatives can help
one to answer such questions.
Non-Marketed Benefits and Costs
As a goal of public policy, equity generally involves the pursuit of one or more
broad goals such as income equality, minimum standards of treatment, or freedom.
As with efficiency, determining a policy’s ability to meet equity goals can be
difficult, and conflict between ethical and other policy goals presents a frequent
challenge for policy makers.
Furthermore, there are many ethical theories with conflicting conclusions and
policy prescriptions.
The lack of an accepted ethical paradigm for policy analysis tends to lessen the
practical importance of ethical theory, yet the view of this book is that ethical goals
provide an important basis for weighing the legitimacy of competing policy
Political Practicality
A policy will be politically practical if it has sufficient support to be passed into law
and practice by the legislative and administrative branches of government.
Political practicality also involves meeting the broader rules and norms of
government, such as the United States Constitution or British Common Law, in
order to survive a possible judicial review.
In addition to passing constitutional review by the courts, a successful policy must
achieve popular and legislative support in order to pass into the legal code, and
must then be effectively administered or enforced in order to have a significant
effect on the public.
Steps in Policy Analysis,
U.S. Office of Management and Budget
(1) State the policy rationale, or the goal of the policy,
(2) explicitly state the assumptions used in the analysis,
(3) evaluate alternatives, including different program sizes, program methods,
and public sector involvement,
(4) identify and measure benefits and costs, and
(5) verify results through follow-up studies.
Steps in Policy Analysis:
Eugene Bardach
(1) define the problem,
(2) assemble evidence,
(3) select criteria for making the decision,
(4) construct alternatives,
(5) predict the outcome of each alternative,
(6) confront the tradeoffs,
(7) make recommendations, and
(8) tell your story.
Comparing the Two Visions
of the Policy Process
These two lists of steps overlap in several ways. For example, stating a policy
rationale generally requires one to identify the problem being addressed and how
the policy will reduce or eliminate that problem.
Explicitly stating one’s assumptions is part of defining the problem and the criteria
for judging alternative solutions.
The primary difference in the two lists is that the OMB procedures do not include
policy recommendations.
Views of Government and the
Roles of the Policy Analyst
The “Progressive Neutral Expert”
Nelson’s first role for the policy analyst is the “progressive neutral
expert” (Nelson, p. 52). This role is based on the progressive era’s
view that the administration of government should be above corrupting
interests and based on sound management principles (see Wilson, 1941
reprint). The progressive era extends from the late 19th century to
roughly World War I.
In this vision of government, the rational analysis of policy has a
powerful role in determining government’s course of action.
The “Entrepreneur for Efficiency”
Robert Nelson’s second role for the policy economist is labeled the
“entrepreneur for efficiency” (p. 54). The entrepreneur for efficiency
conducts policy analysis and also actively promotes economics or
efficiency-based policy designs.
This more active role for the analyst is based on a newer theory of
government behavior that was developed in the 1950s. This view sees
government, and particularly the legislative process, as a struggle
among competing groups promoting their own self-interest (Truman).
The “Ideological Combatant”
Analytical models provide the crucial definitions and logic that are part
of most well-constructed arguments. These models may be based on
social science, physical or biological science, legal scholarship, moral
philosophy, or other academic fields.
Any analytical model will contain the following components; (1) initial
assumptions and value judgments, (2) definitions of terms, (3) causal
relationships, and (4) logical conclusions.
Models usually are judged on their ability to explain, predict, or
productively guide human actions. In the social sciences the
conclusions of theoretical models take the form of predictions about
human behavior or the effects of policy alternatives.
Statistics from government agencies and other public and private organizations
provide another prime source of evidence for public policy analysis and debate.
Their primary strength is their ability to identify the frequency or breadth of a
problem based on large samples of the population.
The controversies surrounding government statistics are more likely to be based
on their definitions or their use by advocates more often than their measurement
An example: Unemployment
A person is considered unemployed if she is not currently working for pay but is
actively seeking employment. Similarly, a person is counted as in the labor force
if he is either working at least one hour per week for pay or in a family business, or
is actively looking for work. In other words, the labor force is made up of two
groups, the employed and the unemployed.
Your Turn 1-2: Based on the previous paragraph, answer the following questions:
(1) If a lawyer is currently working as a cashier at K-Mart, is she counted as
unemployed? (2) Is someone who wants to work full-time but only works one hour
per week unemployed? (3) Is a full time student who is not currently working for
pay unemployed? (4) Are you currently unemployed?
Individuals who are not actively looking for work but would take a job if offered are
called either marginally attached workers or discouraged workers, depending
on their reason for not actively searching for work, and are now measured
separately by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The Presentation of Statistics
Your Turn 1-3: Consider these statements based on the 2014 Congressional
Budget Office report on a proposed minimum wage increase to $10.10 per hour: A)
Raising the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 will decrease employment by
500,000 jobs. (B) Raising the minimum wage by one dollar will decrease U.S.
employment by only one third of one percent. Which piece of evidence sounds
more reasonable to you? Why?
Beware the big number. In a large economy billions of Euros or thousands of
people do not always represent socially significant sums.
Correlation does not Prove Causation