2 Lecture 2

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Psychology of the

educational process
and modern trends in
foreign language
PhD Tileubayeva M.S.
1. Psychology of the educational process and modern trends in foreign
language education
2. The concept of teaching theory in psychophysiology.
3. The associative learning theory is the basis of the traditional approach to
teaching foreign languages. The theory of developmental education in its
various modifications (V.V.Davydov, D.B. Elkonin, etc.).
4. Theory of problem learning (G.V. Kudryavtsev, I.Ya. Lerner, etc.). Theory of
training optimization Yu.K. Babansky. Modern trends in foreign language
education. Cybernetic concepts of teaching (N.V. Kuzmina, E.I. Mashbits,
Yu.N. Kuliutkin, etc.).
5. Suggestopedia G.K. Lozanov. Project learning theories. Modern technologies
of teaching a foreign language. Active forms and methods of teaching
Requirements of modern education and the lack of
scientifically based recommendations and proposals
that meet these requirements brings to the fore one of
the urgent problems of pedagogical psychology and
psychophysiology, which consists in studying the
training of school children based on their individual
psychological characteristics.
Understanding the psychophysiological foundations of
children's development allows the teacher to vary the
methods and technologies of training, which means
that the most effective way to build the pedagogical
process. Cognitive activity is a complex of processes
that include perception, attention, memory, speech, and
thinking, which ensure the acquisition and assimilation
of knowledge
The associative learning theory is the basis of the
traditional approach to teaching foreign languages

The term "traditional learning" was developed in According to one - the child's
the XVII century on the principles of didactics

development is independent of

formulated by J. A. Comenius. The paradigm of education and training, according to
traditional education is manifested primarily in the other - it is the result of education
the regulation of students ' activities, and training, development is only
compulsory training procedures, and orientation under the influence of education and
to "average" students. training.

In the process of performing these

types of socially useful activities,
Traditional learning remains uniform and adolescents have the desire to
non-variable, despite the Declaration of participate in any socially necessary

02 freedom of choice and variation. The content

of the training is planned centrally, and basic
curricula are based on the same standards
for all.
04 work, the ability to build
communication in various groups,
taking into account the norms of
relationships accepted in them,
reflection on their own behavior, the
ability to assess the capabilities of
their "I" self-awareness.
In psychology, there is a periodization, which is based
on the idea that "each age as a peculiar and
qualitatively specific period of human life corresponds
to a certain type of leading activity; its change
characterizes the change of age periods.

General scheme of leading activities was proposed by

L. S. Vygotsky and developed by the Russian
psychologist D. B. Elkonin. V. V. Davydov proposed his
own scheme of periodization:
1. Direct-emotional communication
2. Subject-manipulative activity
3. Play activity
4. Educational activity
5. Socially useful activities
6. Educational and professional activities
Theory of problem learning

The theory of problem-based learning has been

developed in Russian and world pedagogy since the
mid-50s of the XX century. Today, the theory of problem
- based learning is a well-developed and coherent
branch of pedagogical science. Until the mid-50s,
teaching methods were studied primarily for the
teacher's activity, while the essence of the educational
and cognitive activity of students remained aloof.
Gradually, there was a growing awareness of the fact
that learning is a binary, two - way process, and that
when studying this process, it is equally important to
study both the activities of the teacher and the activities
of students. There are several concepts of students '
activities in the educational process.
Difference between problem-
based learning and “non-
problem”, traditional learning

In traditional teaching, the teacher provides students

with ready-made knowledge: explains new material, In problem-based learning, the teacher either does not
shows new positions, supports them with examples, give ready-made knowledge or gives it only on a
illustrations, experiments, experiments, achieves special subject content-students acquire new
understanding of new material, connects it with what knowledge, skills and abilities independently when
has already been studied, checks the degree of solving special problems and issues called problematic.
Create your own restaurant
Come up with a restaurant concept, name, logo, menu,
and then promote it by recording a video
In this project, which serves as a fantastic introduction
to project-based learning, students will use 21st
century skills to create innovative uses for a cardboard
box. They will use creativity and collaboration to
brainstorm, plan, and build a box creation with a
partner or group.

Throughout the project students will use the common

core speaking, listening and writing standards to clearly
communicate their ideas to their group and a real world
Theory of training optimization
Yu.K. Babansky

The term "optimal" (from Latin. words Optimus - best) - the most
appropriate for certain conditions and tasks. Hence, optimization
in the broad sense of the word is understood as the process of
choosing the best solution to any problem under given conditions.
The theory and methodology of training optimization are one of
the elements of the General theory of the scientific organization of
pedagogical work, which assumes scientifically based planning
and rationing of labor, a clear distribution of functions and
coordination of efforts, creating the necessary conditions,
choosing the best option for activities, operational stimulation,
regulation, control, and accounting, as well as the prospects of
pedagogical work. Without choosing the best option, the scientific
organization of training is almost impossible.
After conducting an expert assessment of the work of
master teachers, Yu.K. Babansky proposed many
stages for designing the optimal training option.

The formulation of the Choosing the best Maximum possible improvement of

objectives of the study combination of training forms conditions for the implementation of
for these conditions the training plan

Selection and specification of the Choosing a rational combination Analysis of the optimal solution
training content of teaching methods of tasks
Suggestopedia G.K. Lozanov

The suggestopedic direction in

Suggestology — the science of psychology is designed to use these
suggestion, suggestopedia — its reserves of personality. First in Bulgaria,
application in pedagogy. and then in other countries, attempts
were made to use the possibilities of
suggestopedia for accelerated learning
of foreign languages.

The suggestopedic method of

teaching is a system of introducing
and fixing speech material in various
communication situations, focused
on creating a natural speech
environment, activating students
during the lesson, and mobilizing
hidden mental reserves of the
Project learning theories

This model is based on the project method,

01 02
which originated in the 20s of this century in This approach is organically combined with the group
the United States. It was also called the approach to training. The project method always
method of problems, and it was associated involves solving a problem that involves, on the one
with the ideas of the humanistic direction in hand, using a variety of methods and training tools,
philosophy and education, developed by the and on the other-integrating knowledge and skills
American philosopher and educator J. R. R.
Tolkien. Dewey

The results of completed projects should be, as

they say, "tangible", i.e., if this is a theoretical
03 04 The ability to use the project method and group
training is an indicator of the teacher's high
problem, it is necessary to find a concrete qualification, progressive methods of training
solution to it, if it is a practical one, the result and development. It is not for nothing that these
should be ready for implementation. technologies belong to the technologies of the
XXI century, which provide, first of all, the ability
to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions of
human life in a post-industrial society.
Basic requirements for using the project method:

1. the presence of significant research, creative

problem/task that requires integrated knowledge,
research search for its solution.
2. practical, theoretical, and cognitive significance of
the expected results.
3. independent (individual, pair, group) activities of
4. Structuring the content part of the project (indicating
step-by-step results).
Method "Entrance ticket"

There are several methods for successfully and

comfortably getting children into the topic of the lesson. All
Purpose: to introduce students to a foreign language of them contribute to the development of logical and spatial
environment, to motivate them to work in the thinking, analytical skills, serve the development of the
classroom. emotional sphere: interest, surprise.

01 02 03
Conduct: Each student, entering the classroom, must name as many
words on the studied topic as he remembered. From the number of
words spoken, the student gets a ticket to the "parterre", "box" or
"gallery". You can change the place only with active work in the lesson.
Having earned a certain number of points, the student can exchange
them for a better place.
Seminar Questions

1. Compile a comparative table of learning theories

(L.S.Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, E.I. Passov, G.K.
Lozanov, etc.)
2. What are the modern trends in foreign language
3. The main advantages of Theory of training
4. Development history Theory of problem learning
* Babansky Yu. K. Optimization of the educational process. Moscow, 1982.
*Lerner I. Ya. Didactic foundations of teaching methods. - Moscow, 1999.
*M. M. Bezrukikh, D. A. Farber, N. V. Dubrovinskaya. Psychophysiology of
development, Moscow, 2005.
*Psychophysiological foundations of teaching schoolchildren, textbook,
Sirotyuk A.L., 2007.
*Meier I.H. Developmental and learning disabilities evaluation, management
and prevention in children. University Park Press Baltimore, London-Tokyo,
*Age and educational psychology: Texts / Comp. and comment. O. Shuare
Martha. M., 2000.
*Talyzina N. F. Pedagogical psychology: Textbook for students. environment.
spets. studies'. Moscow.

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