Prepare and Use Personal Budget
Prepare and Use Personal Budget
Prepare and Use Personal Budget
Personal budget:
is a budget which includes all estimated income and expenditures of a person.
It is preparing by two columns table
What are the incomes and expenditures that are includes on budget:
income: is an inflow of money by working or giving services for organization by different ways.
Sources of income:
from basic salary
Form overtime
From allowance
Benefit retirement
Expenses are divided in to two:
Expense: is the outflow of money for the purposes of individual requirements
Fixed expense: is an expenses which remains constant. And the main fixed expenses are listed
Fees such as : school and university fees and bank fees
Public transport, rent
Loan repayment (if loan is based up on fixed interest rates such as
o Personal loan, car loan, credit card debt
o Higher education contribution scheme
Variable expense: is an expense which remains changed when the activities changed. The
main fixed expenses may include:
Car Maintenance
Mobile expense, Utility expense
Living expense such as food, clothing, medical.
Miscellaneous expense such as gift, recreation, entertainment
Loan repayment( if loan is based up on variable interest rates such as
Personal loan, car loan, credit card debt
Higher education contribution scheme
To prepare the budget it needs:
1. Heading such as:
Name of the person
Name of the budget
Specific date
2. Income section such as :
Basic salary
Overtime etc……
3. Expenses section.
both fixed and
4. Saving: is the difference between total incomes and total expenses
When you prepare the personal budget by apply this form
Personal budget
For the month of January 31, 2012
Thank you