Sports and Leisure Activities Vocabulary - Spanish - 5th Grade by Slidesgo
Sports and Leisure Activities Vocabulary - Spanish - 5th Grade by Slidesgo
Sports and Leisure Activities Vocabulary - Spanish - 5th Grade by Slidesgo
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Stories and songs Playful activities
Jump into exciting tales and Engage in games and creative
catchy songs to learn this projects that bring this language
language! to life
Step into the enchanting world of Through lively activities, every lesson
language discovery! Our journey becomes a delightful experience.
begins with the exciting exploration From cheerful greetings to expressing
of sounds, words, and expressions simple emotions, each step takes us
that make language so fascinating. deeper into the wonders of language.
Together, we'll learn how to greet Join us on this joy-filled adventure
new friends, introduce ourselves, and where laughter, friendship, and the
create a foundation for clear thrill of discovering a new way of
communication expressing ourselves await!
Learning vocabulary is very
Welcome to the world of vocabulary!
● Word exploration
● Language connections
Can you describe this? Can you describe this? Can you describe this?
What is one
Do you like…? thing you
Stories and songs
Interactive Language in
conversations Creative projects motion
Through discussions, Hands-on projects allow Move and learn!
students practice students to express Incorporating movement
expressing themselves themselves in diverse enhances memory
Activity 2: Matching opposites
Display a list of opposite word pairs in the target language. Have the students in
the class match them correctly
Word 1 Opposite 3
Word 2 Opposite 1
Word 3 Opposite 4
Word 4 Opposite 2
We love this
Game time: Treasure hunt
Choose a topic in your target language, create a treasure and prepare a series of
clues. Students will have to understand the language in order to solve the clues
and move to different locations
Team 1
Delete to show
Write your secondclue
clue 2
Team 2
Write to show
your third clue
clue 3
Do you have any questions?
[email protected]
+34 654 321 432
● Hobbies Sticker Pack
● Sport Sticker Pack
Did you like the resources used in this ● Friends wearing roller skates front view
template? Get them on these websites: ● Full shot children making soap bubbles
● Medium shot kids holding balloons
Illustrations ● Football concept with girl lifting trophy
● Abstract hand drawn pattern pack
● Portrait of young girl with skateboard
● Hobbies Sticker Pack
● Top view football with paper shapes
● Sport Sticker Pack
● Close up on child playing with puzzle pie
Icons ces
● Youth Icon Pack | Lineal
● Medium shot smiley kids posing together
● Top view of basketball and football
● Girl putting on roller blades
● Full shot little boy sitting on stairs
● Kids having fun with traditional games
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