Ferreras 2011 - The Plants of El Nido, Palawan, Philippines
Ferreras 2011 - The Plants of El Nido, Palawan, Philippines
Ferreras 2011 - The Plants of El Nido, Palawan, Philippines
40% are considered ENDEMIC and can only be found in the country.
There are only only 2-3% virgin forest Left in the country. Philippines is considered to be the hottest Biodiversity Hotspot in the world.
There are three types of forests found in the area: >Forest over limestone >Ultramafic forest >Mangrove Forest
So far known only from the Islands of Palawan, including El Nido and Coron
Hoya el-nidicus
Epithema madulidii
Ixora palawanensis
Tarenna palawanensis
Endemic to Palawan This tree can be found only in Palawan and nowhere else in the planet!
Garcinia busuangensis
The oil from the fruit can be used to cure various skin diseases.
Pongamia pinnata
Scaevola taccada
Wedelia biflora
Nepenthes philippinensis
Xanthostemon speciosus
Hoya golamcoiana
Dioscorea hispida
This orchid can be found attached to limestone rock crevices in Big and Small Lagoon in Miniloc Island.
Pholidota imbricata
Rhizophora stylosa
Popularly known as beach morning glory The sap from the crushed leaves can be used as a first aid treatment for jellyfish stings.
Ipomoea pes-caprae
Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
This plant is abundant inside the forests of Lagen. Fruits of this palm are extremely poisonous
Orania palindan
This plant is not a native of the Philippines but has escaped cultivation and is now found throughout the Philippines.
Calotropis gigantea
Morinda citrifolia
Plant with edible young leaves and fruits. Locally known as Bago.
Gnetum gnemon
Everyone should be proud of El Nidos beautiful native plants. Let us all help to conserve and protect them.
Thank You!