LOTOTO GAMM Standard - Updated May2021

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Lock-Out / Tag-Out / Try-Out


Updated: May 2021

Version Changes - update Date

v3 Hazardous Energy definition + Inspections and Compliance Assessment + Life saving Rule & Consequence Management 31/05/201

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 22


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Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 3


 Hazardous Energy.
 What is LOTOTO.
 Why is LOTOTO needed.
 When is LOTOTO applied + exceptions.
 Who can Lock-Out.
 Nine steps for safe application of LOTOTO.
 Items needed for LOTOTO.
 LOTOTO register forms.
 LOTOTO procedure.
 Way of working.
 Training.
 Inspections and Compliance Assessment.
 LOTOTO Life Saving Rule and Consequence Management.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 4

Hazardous Energy !
 What is hazardous energy?
It is defined as any source of energy or other sources in machines and equipment that can be hazardous to workers. During the servicing
and maintenance of machines and equipment, the unexpected startup or release of stored energy can result in serious injury or death to

 Hazardous energy sources:

‒ Electrical.
‒ Mechanical.
‒ Chemical.
‒ Hydraulic.
‒ Pneumatic.
‒ Pressurized gases and steam.
‒ Thermal.

 What are the harmful effects of hazardous energy?

‒ Workers servicing or maintaining machines or equipment may be seriously injured or killed if hazardous energy is not properly
controlled. Injuries resulting from the failure to control hazardous energy during maintenance activities can be serious or fatal! Injuries
may include electrocution, burns, crushing, cutting, lacerating, amputating, or fracturing body parts, and others.
‒ Thousands of people are every year injured or killed because they did not consider the hazardous effect of energy before they started
working on an equipment.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 5

Electrical Hazards.

 Electricity is invisible. It can not be seen, heard, tasted, or smelled. Like a snake hiding in the grass,
electricity will strike if you don’t follow safe work practices as well as using and maintaining safe equipment.
 Hundreds of people die due to electrocution every year.
 42 % of total fires occurs due to electrical sources.
 8% of deaths that occur in factories are due to electricity.
 As low as 30 volts can carry enough current to kill.
 As low as 1 amp of electric current can stop a person’s heart.
 Electrical burns are the result of the electric current flowing in the tissues and may be either skin deep or
may affect deeper layers (muscles, bones, etc.) or both.
 Arc burns are the result of high temperatures produced by electric arcs or by explosions close to the body
causing burns and blisters.
 Thermal contact burns are experienced from the skin’s contacting hot surfaces of overheated electric
conductors, conduits, or other energized equipment.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 6

Mechanical Energy Hazards
Mechanical Energy Hazards.

 Kinetic => in motion:

‒ Energy from moving machinery can cause:
• Amputations.
• Lacerations.
• Fractures.
• Loss of life.

 Potential => stored:

‒ Stored potential energy can be released during work causing injury or death:
• Energy stored in machinery.
• Weights & Springs.
• Pistons under pressure.
• Hydraulic controls.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 7

Chemical Energy Hazards
Chemical Energy Hazards.

 Chemicals have energy that can:

‒ Start fires.
‒ Cause skin burns.
‒ Generate harmful gases or fumes.

 Before working release, drain or vent chemicals safely.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 8

Thermal Energy Hazards
Thermal Energy Hazards.

 Energy of Heat (and cold):

‒ Hot equipment & fluids will burn you.
‒ Cold fluids can cause injury also.
‒ Quick release of compresses gases can freeze your skin.
‒ Allow equipment to reach a safe temperature before starting work.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 9

How injuries occur during the servicing of equipment?
How injuries occur during servicing or maintaining equipment.

 Studies on injuries learned that while servicing

‒ 80% failed to turn off equipment.
‒ 10% equipment activated by someone else.
‒ 5% failed to control potential energy.
‒ Most of remaining 5% disconnected power but failed to verify

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 10

What is LOTOTO.

 LOTOTO (Lock-Out/Tag-Out/Try-Out) or lock, tag and try is a safety procedure

which is used to ensure that machines are properly shut off and not started up
again prior to the completion of maintenance or servicing work.

 It requires that hazardous power/energy sources be "isolated and rendered

inoperative" before any repair procedure is started.

 "Lock, tag and try" works in conjunction with a lock usually locking the device or
the power/energy source with the hasp and placing it in such a position that no
hazardous power sources can be turned on. The procedure requires that a tag be
affixed to the locked device indicating that it should not be turned on. Finally, try by
confirming that power/energy source was really isolated before to proceed with the
maintenance or servicing work.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 11

Why & How.

‒ Safe working while doing maintenance, cleaning or repairs.
‒ Prevention of possible injuries and damages.
‒ It helps to prevents error being made during maintenance activities.
‒ It is the procedure which clearly communicates risk in the workplace.

 How to apply LOTOTO?

‒ LOCK OUT – Neutralize all energies of equipment before starting any maintenance or repair
‒ TAG OUT – Place a warning tag or sign on energy isolating devices. The warning says not to
operate the machinery until the tag out sign is removed.
‒ TRY OUT – Verify that the energy source was really isolated before to proceed with the
maintenance or servicing work.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 12

When has LOTO to be applied
When LOTOTO should be applied.

 LOCK OUT / TAG OUT / TRY OUT should be used when:

‒ A worker must remove or bypass a guard or safety device.
‒ A worker must place any part of body where it could be caught by moving machinery.
‒ Clearing jammed mechanisms.
‒ Unexpected start up or release of energy could cause injury.
‒ Cleaning or oiling machinery with moving parts.
‒ Repairing electrical circuits.
‒ During the servicing of equipment (adjusting, inspecting, modifying, tool changes, replacing

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 13

Exceptions to LOTO
Exceptions to LOTOTO.

 Normal production operations.

‒ Routine, repetitive, & integral to production.
‒ Guards/safety devices not bypassed.
‒ Body part not placed in the point of operation or other.
‒ Dangerous area during machine cycle.
‒ Need to use alternative measures for protection.

 Cord & plug connected equipment.

‒ Plug is only source of energy.
‒ Plug is under continuous control of one person.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 14

Who can apply LOTOTO.

 Any trained and authorized employee who has to perform work or

maintenance on equipment.
 Each person working on the equipment must place their own locks and tags to
ensure their safety.

Note: Only the person doing the work holds the key to their lock and has the
authority to remove it, or a supervisor, after obtaining permission from the worker
who placed the tag.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 15

9 STEPS to be followed
9 STEPS for safe application of LOTOTO.


Identify All Energy Notify Others. Shutdown Equipment.


Isolate Equipment. LOTO Equipment. Release Stored Energy.


Verify (TO) Isolation of Perform Servicing. Release from LOTOTO.
Energy Source.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 16

Step 1: Identify all energy sources.

 Know types and magnitude of energy associated with equipment.

 Identify all energy sources feeding the equipment (including potential energy).
 Gather appropriate control devices.
 Clarify any questionable identification of energy sources before proceeding.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 17

Step 2: Notify others.

 Verbally notify all “affected” and “other” employees of impending shutdown.

 Not all equipment will have someone “assigned” to it.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 18

Step 3:3: Shutdown
Shutdown equipment.

 Use normal stopping procedures to shut down

 Push “Stop” button, open toggle switch, etc.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 19

Step 4: Isolate equipment.

 After shutdown, operate all energy isolation

devices so equipment is disconnected from
energy sources.
 Turn electrical disconnect to “OFF” position;
open circuit breaker; close valve, etc.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 20

Step 5:5: LOTO
LOTO equipment.

 Attach locks and devices to each isolation

 Tag must accompany each lock.
 Good idea to also tag point of operation if
located remotely from isolation points.
 What if equipment won’t accept a lock?

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 21

Step 6:6: Release
Release storedstored
energy energy.

 Ensure all potential or residual energy is controlled:

‒ Block elevated parts.
‒ Block/release springs.
‒ Relieve system pressure.
‒ Drain fluids.
‒ Vent gases.
‒ Allow system to cool.
‒ Discharge capacitors.
‒ Stop rotating flywheels.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 22

Step 7:7: Verify
Verify isolation of energy source (try out)

 Before any maintenance or servicing begins, verify effectiveness of LOTO.

 Use normal starting procedure or otherwise verify “Zero Energy State”.
 Return controls to “OFF” position after testing.
 Verification (try out) is the step which is most frequently skipped during

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 23

Step 8:8: Perform
Perform servicing.

 Complete required maintenance or service work.

 Avoid doing anything that could potentially reactivate the equipment.
 OK to interrupt LOTOTO but must be reapplied if maintenance or servicing is
to continue.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 24

Step 9: LOTOTO release.

 All locks, tags and devices must be removed by the same person who applied
 Remove all tools from equipment area.
 Replace all machine guards.
 Verbally inform all “affected” and “other” employees and relevant parties that
LOTOTO is complete.
 Ensure area is clear prior to restart.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 25

Items needed for LOTOTO.

LOCK are used to lock out energy resource

LOCKS. station.
Basically it is such like ordinary lock.

TAG – Tag is used for display of equipment is

TAG. locked by respective person. Write your
name & date on tag after lockout. Only an
authorized person may remove this tag.

HASP-VCH lock used for lock out energy

resources. It is required whenever multiple
HASP-VCH lock. persons working on same machine &
everyone want to lock out over same station.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 26

Color coded locks.

Project team leader

Day shift mechanics
Day shift electrician

Shift electrician

Shift mechanic

 Colored locks can be used to identify group of authorized workers.
 Colored locks are not mandatory.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 27

Key system.
Key system:

Master Key:
 A master key is used to unlock several different locks. In this way, a
supervisor can remove fast a lock in an emergency case.
 To guarantee that employees still have exclusive access, master keys are
only available for management & stored away accordingly.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 28

Application for nonelectrical power sources in plants.

LOTOTO Applications.
 Hydraulic.
 Pneumatic.
 Mechanic (spring).

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 29

LOTOTO Station.

LOTOTO Station in electrical

+ mechanical shop.

LOTOTO Instructions hanging

close to LOTOTO station.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 30

LOTOTO Register.

LOTOTO equipment issue + return register:

 Name of the person issuing / receiving LOTOTO equipment.
 Description of LOTOTO equipment being issued.
 Where the lock will be used.
 Date of taking it out.
 Date of bringing it back.

Note: No person may take LOTOTO product without filling in the register.
Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 31
Cabinet forfor LOTOTO
LOTO tools and
tools & registration registration form.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 32

Site/Plant Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Procedure.
LOTO procedure

 Specific Site/Plant Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Procedure has to be developed and
implemented based on the Global GAMM LOTOTO guidelines/standard.

 Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Procedure has to include all the site/plant specific and country
legal requirements.

 Alternative procedures concerning Group GAMM LOTOTO guidelines/standard, shift changes

and lock removal must be approved by local SH&E team.

 Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Procedure has to be reviewed by SH&E Council and endorsed
by Site/Plant Manager.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 33

Way of working

 Each person has an individual lock with unique key.

 When a job is being done and the power source is to be locked (electricity –
steam - water – gas – compressed air…), the individual’s lock is applied
and locked, using also the appropriate tool.
 When both a mechanic and an electrician are working on the same job, both
use their lock.
 When a job is passed on to a colleague, locks have to be switched

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 34

Way ofof working.

Procedure if more shifts are involved:

 Repair work will be continued by next shift:
‒ When shift is changing, employees leaving the work have to meet with incoming employees.
Employees leaving the work place will remove their locks & incoming employees will connect
their locks.
‒ Alternative is that shift people have some team padlocks for bridging across shifts. During shift
change key has than to be given to the incoming shift person.
 Employees on other shifts will not be working on the machines:
‒ The lock + tag + try remains in place & incoming person will be notified that a lock out/tag out is
still active.
‒ Keep the keys of the lock in the lock out tag out box or identified location.
‒ The team leader of both shifts will be responsible for ensuring that the information is made
available to incoming employees.
Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 35
Way of working.

 LOTOTO also has to be applied for:

‒ Any major replacement, repair, renovation or modification of machine is performed.
‒ New machines + equipment are being installed.

 Electrical equipment connected with an electrical cable + plug:

‒ Electrical equipment connected by cable + plug is not covered by the LOTOTO process.
‒ Way of working:
• Unplug electrical equipment from the wall socket or inline socket.
• Attach “Do not operate” or “machine under maintenance” tag.
• Test equipment to assure power supply has been removed.
• Perform required maintenance.
• Remove the “Do not operate” or “machine under maintenance” board.
• Inspect the electrical power cable + plug before plugging equipment into the power supply.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 36

Training on LOTOTO + safe working with hazardous energy.

 New employees + contractors:

Training to be organized before starting with
maintenance or servicing activities.

 Experienced employees:
Re-training to be re-organized every 1-2 years.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 37

Audit and Compliance Assessment.

 Regular inspections with participation from Site/Plant Leadership and

relevant Team Leaders or Supervisors are to be conducted during the
execution of maintenance or servicing works to verify that LOTOTO –
when required- has been properly implemented and in keeping with
the Site/Plant LOTOTO Procedure and safe practices as established.

 LOTOTO way of working must be assessed on regular basis (1x year

or with the frequency stated by the GAMM Priorities Plan) by
completing the “LOTOTO – Self-Assessment” using the assessment
tool available in Enablon. Self-Assessment

 Findings and non-compliant issues -as identified by the Self-

assessment completed- shall be reviewed by the Site/Plant Manager
and SH&E Council and the required action plans defined and agreed
with all responsible parties.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 38

Audit Life Saving Rule & Consequence Management.

 Site/Plant Leadership must promote compliance

with and enforce strict adherence to LOTOTO
Life Saving Rule.

 Consequence management will apply to all co-

workers, managers and supervisors for violating
the Life Saving Rule, allowing or condoning the
Life Saving Rule to be violated, or for instructing
co-workers to violate.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 39


Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard

Example of LOTOTO
Example of LOTO SOP SOP (Procedure)
QI- PR- 118 01.11 QI-PR-118 01.11
Rev no : 01 Rev no : 01
BM WIPL LOCK OUT TAG OUT SYSTEM Rel. Date : 12.09.2012
Page :1 of 4 Page : 02 of 04

PURPOSE -: 1. Release the stored energy. (Such as Springs, Air pressure, Hydraulic pressure &

The purpose of this procedure is to establish the minimum requirements for the lock electrical)

out or tag out the energy isolating devices. It will be used to insure that the machine 2. Verify on having disconnected the energy sources; operate the machines normal

is isolated from all potential hazardous energy & is locked out or tagged out before operating controls to make certain the machine will not operate.

employees perform any maintenance activities.

It shall be the responsibility of the employees performing the maintenance or repair
to implement the lockout/tag out procedure before work begins. 3. The machine is locked out/ tagged out; put the board of “machine under

LOCK OUT TAG OUT PROCEDURE -: maintenance” on machine. Now you can perform machine repair/maintenance.

A. Steps for Shut down -:

A. Steps for the machine restart
1. Before you begin to use lock out/tag out, be sure you know
1. Remove all tools, loose parts, etc. from the machine & electrical cabinet.
a. All the type & magnitude of the energy that the machine utilizes.
2. Replace all safety guards & close electrical cabinet doors.
b. Hazards that exist with energy source. 3. Check the area around the machine, to ensure that no one is exposed to danger
after repairing is completed & machine is ready for operation.
c. How to control the energy. 4. Remove all lock out/ tag out devices, & remove “machine under maintenance”
2. If the machine is running, turn off by the normal stopping procedure. board.
5. Operate the energy isolating devices to restore energy to machine.
3. Operate the mai n switch, valve or other energy isolating devices to isolate the 6. Check/ take trial along with operator/superior & after ok trial handover machine
machine form its energy source.(Such as Electrical, Pneumatic, Hydraulic) for operation.

4. Lock out/Tag out the energy isolating device with locks & tags. Be sure that it PROCEDURE INVOLVING MORE THAN ONE PERSON -:
holds energy isolating device in the off position. 1. If more than one person is involved in the repairing of machine, each individual
will place his personal lock out tag out device on all energy isolating devices.
2. The only person authorized to remove the lock out/ tag out devices is that who
installed the devices.

1. MCB Lock out. 2. Main switch lock out. 3. Valve lock out
1. MCB Lock out. 2. Valve lock out. 3. Main switch lock out.

Written By : Authorized by:

Written By : Authorized b y:
Date : Date :
Date : Date : QI-PR-118 01.11
Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard Rev no : 01
Example ofOperation
SOP for LOTO LOTOTO SOP (Procedure)
QI-PR-118 01.11 QI-PR-118 01.11
Rev no : 01 Rev no : 01
Page: 03 of 04
Page : 04 of 04


A. Repair work will be continued by the new shift -:
Employees leaving the work place will remove their locks & incoming employees will
connect their locks.

B. Employees on other shifts will not be working on the machines -;

1. The Lock out/ tag out remains in place & incoming person will be notified that a
Lock out/ tag out is in effect.
2. Keep the keys of the lock in the lock out tag out box or identified location.
3. The superior of both shifts will be responsible for ensuring that the information is
made available to incoming personnel.


1. Any Major replacement, repair, renovation or modification of machine is
2. New machines/ equipments are installed.


Electrical equipment connected by cord & plug is not covered by the lock out tag
out process.
1. Unplug electrical equipment from the wall socket or inline socket.
2. Attach “Do not operate” or “machine under maintenance” board.
3. Test equipment to assure power supply has been removed.
4. Perform required operation.
5. Replace all safety guards removed.
6. Remove the “Do not operate” or “machine under maintenance” board.
7. Inspect the power cord & socket before plugging equipment into power supply

Written By : Authorized by: Written By : Authorized by:

Date : Date : Date : Date :

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 42

LOTOTO SOP available on machines (best practices)
No : 46P1IT008

SUBJECT : LOTO application on PN4 machines
To specify LOTO needs, when doing intervention on PN4 machines


 Specific LOTOTO SOP hanging on electrical

cabinets of each machine.

 Specific tools, method and control to be used

depending on which switch or valve has to be
Electricity Try to open
Electricity 380 V Switch off the breaker, lock

switched off.
Bus Bar breaker
Try to open
Electricity 380 V of the Switch off the breaker, lock
Lubricant of the Switch off the valve, lock Try to open valve
Water of the Switch off the valve, lock Try to open valve
Right side
Pressed air of the Switch off the valve, lock Try to open valve

Before machine moves or main breaker changes must be closed, locked.

Exclude regulation or measurement, before beginning all of electrical intervention must be closed, locked.

Before beginning all of mechanical intervention, must be closed, locked.

Before machine moves, must be closed, locked.

Before beginning work on capstan, must be closed, locked.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 43

LOTOTO on valves

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 44

LOTOTO on valves

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 45

LOTOTO on control buttons panel of overhead crane

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 46

LOTOTO on fuses & switches

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 47

Multiple locks for multiple individuals on 1 location

 Multiple locks are present on certain locations where machine operator will do
maintenance (ex. rolling line)

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 48

LOTOTO System Used in Plant.

1.DD Area-CD0600 Machine. 2.DD Area-CD0300 Machine Air Valve.

3.Annealing Area TPDB. 3.Annealing Area Cooling Bath Valve.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 49
132 KVSubstation.
substation –




Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 50

Electrical LOTOTO applications on switches.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 51

Types of LOTO
Types of LOTOTO devices
devices- – SC
BIPL BIPL SC (mechanical)

Cable Lockout. Butterfly Valve Lockout. Gate Valve Lockout.

Ball Valve Lockout. Pneumatic Lockout.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 52

Electrical Safety
Safety in

High Voltage Tester High.
Voltage Gloves.
Nonflammable Suit .
High Voltage Boots .
Insulation Table.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 53

Quote onon electrical
Electrical Safetysafety.

Energy Isolation and LOTOTO Standard 54

better together

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