Initial state
• The term uniform, however, implies no change with location over a specified
• Some steady-flow devices: turbines, pumps, boilers, condensers, and heat
exchangers or power plants or refrigeration systems. Reciprocating engines
or compressors can be taken steady flow devices in time-averaged manner.
Temperature and The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
What is temperature? As the classic saying it is “measure of hotness
or coldness”, but is it?? What is even hotness and coldness mean?
• Take metal and wood at 200C and 1atm, which one if relatively
cold? Most definitely our senses would consider the metal is
From SLT, heat transfers from higher to lower thermal energy until
they reach thermal equilibrium (equal temperature). We can take this
and define temperature as the only measure for thermal equilibrium.
The Zeroth law of thermodynamics states that if two bodies are in
thermal equilibrium with a third body, they are also in thermal
equilibrium with each other.
• This serves as a basis for the validity of temperature
measurement. By replacing the third body with a thermometer,
the zeroth law can be restated as two bodies are in thermal
equilibrium if both have the same temperature reading even if
they are not in contact.
Reading Ass.
• Temperature scale: ITS of 27, 48, 68, 90, unit conversions
• Ice point and steam point, absolute temperature scale
• Temperature measuring methods and devices…
Pressure: is defined as a normal force exerted by a fluid per unit
area. The equivalence of pressure in solids is called normal stress.
There are different units of pressure; Pa, kPa, atm, bar, kgf/cm 2, …
• The actual pressure at a given position is called the absolute
pressure, and it is measured relative to absolute vacuum (i.e.,
absolute zero pressure). Most pressure-measuring devices,
however, are calibrated to read zero in the atmosphere which is
gage pressure (difference between the absolute pressure and the
local atmospheric pressure).
• Pressures below atmospheric pressure are called vacuum
pressures and are measured by vacuum gages that indicate the
difference between the atmospheric pressure and the absolute
Variation of pressure with depth: It will come as
no surprise to you that pressure in a fluid at rest
does not change in the horizontal direction.
Pressure in a fluid increases with depth because
more fluid rests on deeper layers, and the effect of
this “extra weight” on a deeper layer is balanced
by an increase in pressure.
Reading Ass.
• Pressure measuring devices: manometer, bourdon tube,
barometer, …
• Pascal law of pressure and its applications
Bahir Dar University
Bahir Dar Institute of Technology
A pure substance can exist in more than one phase, but its chemical
composition must be the same in each phase.
A pure substance does not have to be of a single chemical
element or compound, however. A mixture of various
chemical elements or compounds also qualifies as a pure
substance as long as the mixture is homogeneous.
In the gas phase, the molecules are far apart from each other, and a molecular
order is nonexistent. Gas molecules move about at random, continually colliding
with each other and the walls of the container they are in. Molecules in the gas
phase are at a considerably higher energy level than they are in the liquid or solid
Equilibrium Mixture of Vapor Liquid phase and Phase diagrams
• A plot of Tsat versus Psat, such as the one given for water in is called a liquid–
vapor saturation curve. A curve of this kind is similar in characteristic of all
pure substances.
• It is clear from Fig. 3–12 that Tsat increases with Psat.
• Thus, a substance at higher pressures boils at higher temperatures.
• In the kitchen, higher boiling temperatures mean shorter cooking times and
energy savings. A beef stew, for example, may take 1 to 2 h to cook in a regular
pan that operates at 1 atm pressure, but only 20 min in a pressure cooker
operating at 3 atm absolute pressure (corresponding boiling temperature:
• The atmospheric pressure, and thus the boiling temperature of water,
decreases with elevation.
• Therefore, it takes longer to cook at higher altitudes than it does at sea level
(unless a pressure cooker is used). For example, the standard atmospheric
pressure at an elevation of 2000 m is 79.50 kPa, which corresponds to a boiling
temperature of 93.3°C as opposed to 100°C at sea level (zero elevation).
Some Consequences of Tsat and Psat Dependence
We can control the boiling temperature of a substance by simply
con-trolling the pressure, and it has numerous applications in
• N2 test chamber in superconductivity, cryogenics
• Vacuum cooling for leafy vegetable storage
• Vacuum freezing
• Package icing
At pressures above the critical pressure, there is not a distinct phase change
process (Fig. 3–17).
Instead, the specific volume of the
substance continually increases, and at
all times there is only one phase
present. Eventually, it resembles a
vapor, but we can never tell when the
change occurred.
• Above the critical state, there is no line that separates the
compressed liquid region and the superheated vapor region.
• However, it is customary to refer to the substance as superheated
vapor at temperatures above the critical temperature and as
compressed liquid at temperatures below the critical temperature.
• The saturated liquid states can be connected by a line called the
saturated liquid line, and saturated vapor states in the same
figure can be connected by another line, called the saturated
vapor line.
• These two lines meet at the critical point, forming a dome.
• All the compressed liquid states are located in the region to the
left of the saturated liquid line, called the compressed liquid
• All the superheated vapor states are located to the right of the
saturated vapor line, called the superheated vapor region. In
these two regions, the substance exists in a single phase, a
liquid or a vapor.
For Substances contract while freezing For Substances expand while freezing
At triple point
(0.01°C and
0.6117 kPa) 3
phases of water
coexist together
The P-T diagram
• This diagram is often called the phase diagram since all three phases are
separated from each other by three lines.
• No substance can exist in the liquid phase The P-v-T surface
in stable equilibrium at pressures below
the triple-point pressure. There are two
ways a substance can pass from the solid Contract
to vapor phase: either it melts first into a
liquid and subsequently evaporates, or it
evaporates directly without melting first.
• Passing from the solid phase directly into
the vapor phase is called sublimation. For
substances that have a triple-point
pressure above the atmospheric pressure
such as solid CO2(dry ice), sublimation is
the only way to change from the solid to
vapor phase at atmospheric conditions.
For most substances, the relationships among thermodynamic
properties are too complex to be expressed by simple equations.
Therefore, properties are frequently presented in the form of
tables. Some thermodynamic properties can be measured easily,
but others cannot and are calculated by using the relations
between them and measurable properties.
Note: Total energy of a system in two groups:
Macroscopic and microscopic.
Internal Energy: The sum of all the microscopic forms
of energy is called the total internal energy of a system and
is denoted by U.
In the analysis of certain types of processes (control volumes), particularly
in power generation and refrigeration, we frequently encounter the
combination of properties u and Pv. The pressure-volume term expresses
the work required to establish the system's physical dimensions, i.e. to
make room for it by displacing its surroundings.
For the sake of simplicity and convenience, this combination is defined as
a new property, enthalpy, and given the symbol h:
Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor States
The subscript f is used to denote
properties of a saturated liquid,
and the subscript g to denote the
properties of saturated vapor.
fg, denotes the difference between
the saturated vapor and saturated liquid
values of the same property. For example
The quantity hfg is called the enthalpy of
vaporization (or latent heat of vaporization).
It represents the amount of energy needed to
vaporize a unit mass of saturated liquid at a given
temperature or pressure. It decreases as the
temperature or pressure increases and becomes zero
at the critical point.
Saturated Liquid–Vapor Mixture
During a vaporization process, a
substance exists as part liquid and part
vapor. That is, it is a mixture of saturated
liquid and saturated vapor. To analyze
this mixture properly, we need to know
the proportions of the liquid and vapor
phases in the mixture. This is done by
defining a new property called the
Quality has significance for saturated mixtures only. It has no meaning
in the compressed liquid or superheated vapor regions. Its value is
between 0 and 1.
The quality of a system that consists of saturated liquid is 0 (or 0
percent), and the quality of a system consisting of saturated vapor is 1
(or 100 percent).
A saturated mixture can be treated as a combination of two subsystems: the
saturated liquid and the saturated vapor. However, the amount of mass for
each phase is usually not known. Therefore, it is often more convenient to
imagine that the two phases are mixed well, forming a homogeneous
Then the properties of this “mixture” will simply be the average
properties of the saturated liquid–vapor mixture under consideration.
Here is how it is done.
Consider a tank that contains a saturated liquid–vapor mixture. The
volume occupied by saturated liquid is Vf, and the volume occupied
by saturated vapor is Vg. The total volume V is the sum of the two.
Based on this equation, quality can be related to the horizontal
distances on a P-v or T-v diagram. At a given temperature or
pressure, the numerator of Eq. 3–5 is the distance between the
actual state and the saturated liquid state, and the denominator is
the length of the entire horizontal line that connects the saturated
liquid and saturated vapor states. A state of 50 percent quality lies
in the middle of this horizontal line.
• The analysis given above can be repeated for
internal energy and enthalpy with the
following results:
All the results are of the same format, and they can be
summarized in a single equation as
• where y is v, u, or h. The subscript “avg” (for “average”) is
usually dropped for simplicity.
• The values of the average properties of the mixtures are
always between the values of the saturated liquid and the
saturated vapor properties .
That is,
Superheated Vapor
• Since the superheated region is
a single-phase region (vapor
phase only), temperature and
pressure are no longer
dependent properties and they
can conveniently be used as the
two independent properties in
the tables.
Compressed Liquid