Chapter 15
Chapter 15
Chapter 15
15.1.1 Spell Check
• Spell check is a test carried out by the software, often a word processor
on the text.
• As you work, it checks each word and compares it to those held in its
• If the words match, then the software moves on and checks the next
• If the word does not match one in the dictionary, then it uses a red wavy
underline to highlight the word to suggest it may be an error.
• Not all the red wavy underlines are errors, some are person’s names and
other names. Some spelling may different according to region (eg.
Center and Centre)
Fix spelling error
• Right mouse click on the word and suggested word list will appear.
• Choose the correct word from the list.
• Some duplicated words will also show error, for this case just remove
the extra word (eg. I’m not not a human)
15.1.2 Grammar check
• A grammar error is shown with a blue wavy underline like this.
» no widows or orphans.
No widow, No orphan
• Part of the proofreading and error correction will be to check for
widows and
• A widow is the last line of a paragraph that appears alone at the top
of a new page or column.
• An orphan is the first line of a paragraph (or heading) that appears
alone at the bottom of a page or column.
15.2.1 Accuracy of data entry
• Check that your documents have consistency in all areas, not only
fonts and styles, but also in line spacing and paragraph spacing.
• Example is if a bank took $10 000 from a bank account, rather than
$10, then this would have serious consequences financially. Errors in
numeric data will cause problems if any calculations are performed.
• Imagine the costs of a data entry error if a rocket was being sent into
outer space and one of its navigation systems was given some data
with an error in it, or the consequences of a data entry error in the
control of a nuclear reactor.
Common data entry errors
• » spelling errors
• » errors in the use of capital letters (such as Capital letters Placed in
the middle of A sentence, or not used where instructed)
• » transposed numbers (such as 21 instead of 12).
15.2.2 Verification
• Verification is a way of preventing errors when data is copied from one
medium to another (for example, from paper to disk/CD).
• There are two common ways that verification checks are carried out.
These are called ‘visual verification’ and ‘double data entry’.
Visual verification
• visual check
• checking for data entry errors by comparing the original paper