Concept Notes Philippine Folk Dance PDF

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Danilo O. Zacarias Jr. PE3N
Locomotor Movements are movements done from
one place to another.
1. WALKING- to transfer weight from one foot to the other, from heel to toe.
2. RUNNING- a faster speed or walking
3. JUMPING- spring action from one or both feet landing on both feet
4. HOPPING- spring action of one foot to the same foot
5. LEAPING- spring action transferring the weight from one foot to the other
foot pushing off with spring, and landing on the ball of the foot.
6. SLIDING- a step from one foot closing the other foot to meet the lead foot.
7. GALLOPING- a step followed by a quick close on the other foot moving
sideward or forward.
Non-locomotor Movements (Axial) are movements
of the various parts of the body in space with a fixed
1. BENDING- movements at the joints of the body (e.g., elbow flexion and
2. SWAYING- smoothly and fluidly shifting the center of gravity from one body
part to another.
3. STRETCHING- moving the body parts away from the center of gravity.
4. TWISTING- the rotation of a body part along its axis
5. TURNING- rotating the body along the long axis
6. SWINGING- motion of a body part resembling a pendulum
7. VIBRATING- moving the body part repeatedly in even motion
1. ARMS IN LATERAL POSITION- performed either right or left, at shoulder, chest, or waist level
with both arms at one side laterally.
2. BRUSH- the foot with the weight hits the floor with the ball or heel, lifting the foot from the
bottom to any direction
3. CABECERAS- when in a square formation, the partners occupy the width of the hall.
4. CROSSED ARM- standing side by side, partners face each other and join their left hands
together, right over left or left over right.
5. COSTADOS- when in a square formation, the partners occupy the length of the hall.
6. DO-SI-DO- partners pass each other's right side to the right, move backward without turning
around, and pass each other left side to proper places.
7. FREE FOOT- the foot which does not weigh the body
8. FREE HAND- the hand which is not doing anything
9. HAYON-HAYON- placing one forearm in front while the other at the back of the waist.
10. INSIDE FOOT- partners stand side by side on the foot nearest the partner.
12. KUMINTANG- moving the hand clockwise or counterclockwise with wrist action.
13. OUTSIDE FOOT- partners stand side by side; the foot is away from the partner.
14. OUTSIDE HAND- partner, stand side by side, the hand is away from the partner.
15. PLACE- to put the foot in a specific position without putting weight, resting the foot
on the floor.
16. PIVOT- Turn using the ball, heel, or whole foot on a fixed place or point.
17. POINT- the toes of one foot touch the floor lightly with the weight on the other foot.
18. SALOK- to bend the trunk forward while simultaneously swinging the arm downward
upward, passing in the front of the body like in a scooping motion.
19. SALUDO- with feet together, partners bow to each other, to the audience, or to the
opposite dancers.
20. CLOSE- means to bring both feet together without a change of weight.
21. INSIDE HAND- is the hand which is near the partner when the partners stand side-by

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