BUILDING Main office Library Conference hall Exhibition room Laboratory Workshop Trainees storeroom Training shed 1 Training shed 2 Open courtyard Blockyard Dormitory for men Dormitory for men Dormitory for women Trainees kitchen Student guesthouse Toilets Precasting shed Various premises Care takers quarter
PURPOSE Administration of the unit and drafting room for the students. Library for books, slides, videos, photos. Lectures with or without slide show and video. Study room for the students. Presentation of soil samples, earth based technologies, etc. For soil analysis. Maintenance of the equipment. Small equipment for the training courses. Practical exercises for masonry. Practical exercises for masonry. Circulation and practical exercises. Production of CSEB. For 10 men. For 15 men. For 5 women. Common hall and kitchen for the trainees. Room for long term students Toilets for the Unit and the trainees boarding. For casting pieces for researches or building sites. Various infrastructure, access to various buildings, staircases, galleries, etc. House of Satprem TOTAL CARPET AREA
Bulls eye