Working For Zero Hunger - Role of Agriculture - Hamid Malik - 16 October, 2018 Final

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Working for Zero Hunger

Role of Agriculture
Hamid Malik
Executive Director, Indus Pak Corporation


16 OCTOBER 2018
About Me
• Hamid Malik
(Executive Director (Indus Pak Corporation)
“Nothing can bring out the angry people into the
streets faster and more spontaneously than a rapid
run-up in cost of food”
(Prof. Timmer, Harvard University)
The Problem…?

A growing population and the increased demand for food

are burning problems in the present day
Food As Right
UN General Assembly 1966
Constitution of Pakistan
Millennium Development Goals
Global Hunger Index:
Per Capita Availabilt of Calories(Kcal)
3 Year Moving Average of Producton of Meat
(000 Tons)
Per Capita availability (Kg/anum declining
Average Supply of Calories/adult equivalent/day
has increased overtime& higher than
recommended allowwance of 2350
Decreasing ability to access: Kg of Wheat Flour
that 1Day’swages can buy Declining
Calorie Consumption is lower than
Calorie Supply
On Average morethan70% of food
expenditure is spent on Dairy Wheat Fats
Sugars & Meat
Differences in the Consumption Patterns of
Agriculture & Non-Agriculture Households
(Rural Pakistan)
Poor Spend more on Wheat & Non Poor on
Wheat is the major source of Energy
Calories consumed & Cost of Calories
Over View…
On the other hand is Pakistan: the third • According to the World
highest global producer and exporter of Food Programme (WFP),
chickpea; fourth highest of rice, and
mango; fifth highest of milk, sugarcane,
Pakistan produces enough
and date palm; sixth highest of apricot and food to feed its entire
citrus; and seventh highest of wheat and population, and yet, six out
onion. Notice the number of everyday
staples on the list, like rice, wheat, of 10 Pakistanis are food
sugarcane, chickpeas, and milk – produce insecure
that most cuisines in the world require to Source-
function, including Pakistan’s own
000 Tons 000 Tons
Citrus Population
Year Rice Wheat
1947 682 301 1,897

1970 2,199 6,476 198,000,000

2000 5,155 19,023

2017 7002
Food Security & Resilience

• Sustainable Agro Production • Maximization of available Land

• Sprawling Urbanization
Food Quality to be improved,
• Rational use of inputs for Agro
Balanced Diet, production like water(4000-5000 lit
Less CARBS, for 1 kg Rice),sugar cane,
Food Hygene, • Agriculture is main culprit of Ozon
layer damage
Thanks For Patience Listening

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