National Classification of Occupations - 2015

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An introduction to


Directorate General of Employment

Ministry of Labour and Employment

NCO is a classification of occupation which describes and assigns

codes to various occupations in India as per the developments in
the labour market system.

It is a compendium for occupational information available in the

Indian economy.

The Directorate General of Employment, Ministry of Labour &

Employment, Government of India is responsible for maintaining
and updating the National Classification of Occupation in India

•It gives an insight into the occupational framework, nature of

duties involved and the level of skill requirement to perform the
activities in a real time work situation.

•It plays a very vital role in maintaining standards of occupation

in the country. It helps in promoting international comparability
of statistical data relating to occupations.

•It is used in all types of censuses and sample surveys conducted

in India especially in data collection, processing, analysis and
presentation of survey results besides its wide range of
applications in policy formulation and policy analysis.

Revision of content and evolving of new occupations in the Labour

Market are dynamic processes

The mandate of NCS is to synchronize these activities of the

Labour Market Information System across India

These codes are reviewed and updated periodically to reflect

developments in the labour market, particularly with the
emergence of new occupations, as well as to align with changes in
the international standard to capture the structural changes in the
employment market and current work practices and work
NCO- 2015

NCO 2015 is very dynamic in

•Aligned to ISCO-2008
•Aligned with NIC
•Aligned with NCO 2004
•Aligned with QP-NOS

3600 civilian occupations for 53

sectors, including the job
descriptions for the occupations as
compared to the earlier series of
NCO i.e. NCO-2004, which
contained the job descriptions for
2945 occupations.
An eight (8) digit coding structure. The coding structure is based on
the NCO2004 coding structure with the addition of two digits (third
and fourth digits after the decimal) which will be indicative QP-NOS
for the job

•The 1 (first) digit : Division (Major Group)

•The first 2 (two) digits :Sub-Division (Sub-Major)
•The first 3 (three) digits :Group (Minor Group)
•The first 4 (four) digits: Family (Unit Group)
•A decimal after the first 4 (four) digits to create a distinction between the families
and individual occupations
•The first 2 (two) digits after the decimal: occupation groups that can be combined
under the given Family
•The last two digits of the sequence after the decimal : occupation for which QP-
NOS are available.

If QP-NOS available - the last two digits after the decimal will be between 01-98
(arranged sequentially).
If QP-NOS not available - the last two digits after the decimal will remain “00”.
The NCO 2015 coding structure

•99 Occupational Groups under

1 Family or Unit Group

•For each Occupational Group,

98 QP/NOS references

• 9,702 QP-NOS references per


•Scope of adding 47,27,2800

Occupational Codes
Coding Nomenclature
ISCO 08 NCO Coding Structure based on ISCO

Major Sub Major Minor Unit

Groups Groups Groups Groups
(10) (43) (130) (436)
NCO 04

Divisions Groups Families
(10) (116) (439)
NCO Coding Structure based on ISCO

Major Sub Major Minor Unit

Groups Groups Groups Groups
(10) (43) (130) (436)
NCO 04

Sub Occupation
Divisions Groups Families
Divisions Groups Occupations
(10) (116) (439)
(30) (2945)

Sub Occupation
Divisions Groups Families Occupations
Divisions Groups

Sub Occupation
Divisions Groups Families Occupations
Divisions Groups

1 Legislators, Senior Officials and Managers

2 Professionals

3 Technicians and Associate Professionals

4 Clerks

5 Service Workers and Shop & Market Sales Workers

6 Skilled Agricultural and Fishery Workers

7 Craft and Related Trades Workers

8 Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers

9 Elementary Occupations

X Workers Not Classified by Occupations

NCO-15 8

Sub Occupation
Divisions Groups Families Occupations
Divisions Groups

1 Legislators, Senior Officials and Managers

2 Professionals

3 Technicians and Associate Professionals

4 Clerks

5 Service Workers and Shop & Market Sales Workers Plant and machine operators and assemblers
operate and monitor industrial and agricultural
6 Skilled Agricultural and Fishery Workers machinery and equipment on the spot or by
remote control, drive and operate trains, motor
7 Craft and Related Trades Workers
vehicles and mobile machinery and equipment, or
8 Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers assemble products from component parts
according to strict specifications and procedures.
9 Elementary Occupations

X Workers Not Classified by Occupations

NCO-15 8

Sub Occupation
Divisions Groups Families Occupations
Divisions Groups

81 Stationary Plant and Related Operators

82 Machine Operators and Assemblers

83 Drivers and Mobile Plant Operators

NCO-15 8 2

Sub Occupation
Divisions Groups Families Occupations
Divisions Groups

81 Stationary Plant and Related Operators

Machine operators and assemblers operate and
82 Machine Operators and Assemblers monitor industrial machines, on the spot or by
remote control, or they assemble products from
83 Drivers and Mobile Plant Operators parts according to strict specifications and
NCO-15 8 2

Sub Occupation
Divisions Groups Families Occupations
Divisions Groups

821 Metal and Mineral Products Machine Operators

822 Chemical Products Machine Operators

823 Rubber and Plastic Products Machine Operators

824 Wood Products Machine Operators

825 Printing, Binding and Paper Products Machine Operators

826 Textiles, Fur and Leather Products Machine Operators

827 Food and Related Products Machine Operators

828 Assemblers

829 Other Machine Operators and Assemblers

NCO-15 8 2 6

Sub Occupation
Divisions Groups Families Occupations
Divisions Groups

821 Metal and Mineral Products Machine Operators

822 Chemical Products Machine Operators

823 Rubber and Plastic Products Machine Operators

824 Wood Products Machine Operators

825 Printing, Binding and Paper Products Machine Operators

Textiles, fur and leather products machine
826 Textiles, Fur and Leather Products Machine Operators operators operate and monitor machines
827 Food and Related Products Machine Operators
which prepare fibre s and yarns, or hides and
pelts, and manufacture or dry-clean textiles, or
828 Assemblers fur and leather articles.

829 Other Machine Operators and Assemblers

NCO-15 8 2 6

Sub Occupation
Divisions Groups Families Occupations
Divisions Groups

8261 Fibre Preparing, Spinning and Winding Machine


8262 Weaving and Knitting Machine Operators

8263 Sewing Machine Operators

8264 Bleaching, Dyeing and Cleaning Machine Operators

8265 Fur and Leather Preparing Machine Operators

8266 Shoe Making and Related Machine Operators

8268 Supervisors and Foremen, Spinning, Weaving,, Knitting,

Dyeing and Related Processes
8269 Textile, Fur and Leather Products Machine Operators, not
elsewhere classified
NCO-15 8 2 6 3

Sub Occupation
Divisions Groups Families Occupations
Divisions Groups

8261 Fibre Preparing, Spinning and Winding Machine


8262 Weaving and Knitting Machine Operators

Sewing machine operators operate and

8263 Sewing Machine Operators monitor sewing machines to make textile, fur
or leather garments or embroider ornamental
8264 Bleaching, Dyeing and Cleaning Machine Operators designs on garments or other materials.

8265 Fur and Leather Preparing Machine Operators

8266 Shoe Making and Related Machine Operators

8268 Supervisors and Foremen, Spinning, Weaving,, Knitting,

Dyeing and Related Processes
8269 Textile, Fur and Leather Products Machine Operators, not
elsewhere classified
NCO-15 8 2 6 3

Sub Occupation
Divisions Groups Families Occupations
Divisions Groups

8263.01 Sewing Machine Operator, General

8263.02 Button Hole Maker, Machine

8263.03 Eyelet Holing Machine Operator

8263.04 Button Stitching Machine Operator

8263.05 Embroider, Machine

8263.06 Embroidery- Machine Operator (Semi Automatic)

NCO-15 8 2 6 3 0 1

Sub Occupation
Divisions Groups Families Occupations
Divisions Groups

8263.01 Sewing Machine Operator, General

Operates sewing machine to join pieces of cloth,
8263.02 Button Hole Maker, Machine hosiery fabric, canvas, fur and leather for making
8263.03 Eyelet Holing Machine Operator garments, bags, upholstery and other textile and
fur products.
8263.04 Button Stitching Machine Operator

8263.05 Embroider, Machine

8263.06 Embroidery- Machine Operator (Semi Automatic)

NCO-15 8 2 6 3 0 1 1

Sub Occupation
Divisions Groups Families Occupations
Divisions Groups

8263.011 Sewing Machine Operator, General

Qualification Pack AMH/Q0301: Sewing Machine
8263.020 Button Hole Maker, Machine Operator
A Sewing Machine Operator, also called a ‘Stitcher or
8263.030 Eyelet Holing Machine Operator
Machinist’ is an important job-role associated with
8263.040 Button Stitching Machine Operator Apparel sector. The primary responsibility of a
machinist is to stitch/ sew fabric, fur, or synthetic
8263.050 Embroider, Machine materials to produce apparels.

8263.060 Embroidery- Machine Operator (Semi Automatic)


Sub Occupation
Divisions Groups Families Occupations
Divisions Groups

8 Plant And Machine Operators and Assemblers

8 2 Machine Operators and Assemblers

Textiles, Fur and Leather Products Machine

8 2 6 Operators

8 2 6 3 Sewing Machine Operators

8 2 6 3 0 1 Sewing Machine Operator, General

8 2 6 3 0 1 1 Sewing Machine Operator (QP AMH/Q0301)


All the QPs released by the various sector/industries through NSDC

are mapped to the job roles in the NCO – 2015. Thus, all the QPs
released by the various SSCs are mapped and added during the
creation of NCO – 2015.

A QP NOS in the NCO – 2015 is aligned to a job role wherever an

exact match is found.

A new job role is added to the NCO where there is no description

of a job role specified as per a given QP NOS. The NCO – 2015
would be updated as and when new QPs are released by the SSCs.

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