Final Term Lec 1
Final Term Lec 1
Final Term Lec 1
lecture 1
Foundation and payment
• The American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials
• (AASHTO) is a standards setting body which
publishes specifications, test protocols and
guidelines which are used in highway design
and construction throughout the United States
. Despite its name, the association represents
not only highways but air, rail, water, and
public transportation as well.
• HL-93 AASHTO Vehicular Live Loading | Truck
| Tandem | Design Lane Load
• HL-93 is a type of theoretical vehicular loading
proposed by AASHTO in 1993. It is used as the
design loading for highway structures in USA
and other countries where AASHTO code is
followed. AASHTO HL-93 vehicular live load is
a combination of three different loads,
• HL-93 Design Truck (formerly, HS20-44 Truck)
• HL-93 Design Tandem (formerly, Alternate
• Design Lane Load
HL-93 Design Truck