Bias and Prejudice
Bias and Prejudice
Bias and Prejudice
Grade 9- Weeks 1-3
Let’s test your stock
1. Which of the following is an example of bias?
A. All victims of typhoon Ulysses were given
assistance and food because the government values
its people.
B. Handicapped persons are considered impotent.
They are incapacitated to accomplish the things
assigned to them, especially in physical activity.
C. It is believed that Ana won the contest because
of her close attachment to the judges.
D. Only intelligent students are exempted from the
requirements. We who have low grades need to
study all the topics and accomplish the five projects
in just one week.
2. People may become bias
A. they are influenced by the environment
B. they tend to avoid being judged
C. they have a similar thought
D. they are tolerant and generous
3. One of the similarities between bias and
prejudice is ____________:
A. negative thought
B. negative action
C. negative treatment
D. positive communication
4. Which of the following is an example of prejudice?
A. Only his nearest neighbor shared a substantial
volume of food.
B. A person with a mental condition should be
prohibited from schooling. They may not have the
learning potential.
C. I found out that the goods here are cheaper than
the other stores, so I chose to buy here without
D. Of all the women living in that area, only the
beautiful ones were given free access to the new
5. When an author causes thoughts or
emotions to cloud his/her objectivity
with respect to everything that he/she
suggests about his/her objectivity,
his/her act is considered______________.
A. bias
B. prejudice
C. discrimination
D. stereotyping
Identify whether the statement for
each item shows bias or prejudice.
1. Your neighbor blames teenagers
for the increasing number of crime
incidents in your barangay despite
the absence of proof.
a. Prejudice
b. Bias
2. Sam's aunt is fond of black dogs
like her own. She is always more
friendly and caring to them.
a. Prejudice
b. Bias
3. A successful businesswoman
prefers women employees because
she thinks they are more efficient.
a. Prejudice
b. Bias
4. Your brother only follows people
on social media who share the same
view points as his.
a. Prejudice
b. Bias
5. You avoid places where
indigenous people live because you
think they are dangerous.
a. Prejudice
b. Bias
What do you
think is the
impact of bias
and prejudice?
How can we avoid
committing bias
and prejudice?