Amaranth Family ( Greek Habit unfading, from the persistent -Usually herbs or suffrutescent shrubs, bracts and perianth) sometimes succulent; usually with concentric consists of annual or perennial, hermaphroditic, dioecious, monoecious, or polygamous herbs, vines, shrubs, or rarely trees.
rings of vascular bundles
Stems are sometimes jointed or succulent leaves are simple, spiral or opposite, exstipulate, succulent, alternate or reduced in some taxa infloresence is of solitary flowers or a spike, panicle, cyme, or thryse, with bracts and bracteoles bristle-like and pigmented in some taxa
Pleuropetalum darwinii
flowers are small, bisexual or unisexual, usually actinomorphic, hypogynous or rarely epihypogynous perianth is uniseriate (usually termed a calyx) stamens have generally the same number as the sepals and antisepalous, distinct or basally connate and forming a tube
Blutaparon vermicumelare
Branch Gynoecium
Blutaparon vermiculare
Cyathula achyranthoides
Open flower
Cyathula prostata
Open flower
Cyathula prostata
Cyathula achyranthoides
are longitudinal in dehiscence, dithecal or monothecal is unicarpellous or syncarpous, with a superior, rarely half-interior ovary and one locule are one to several
Iresine sp.
placentation is basal ovules are campylotropous or amphitropous, bitegmic nectaries are present in some, typically in annular disc fruit is a nutlet, berry, irregularly dehiscing capsule, or rarely a circumscissile capsule or multiple fruit seeds are mostly starchy-perispermous with curved embryo
Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Caryophyllales Family: Amaranthaceae
Species of Amaranthaceae belong to 163 plant genera. 7,717 scientific plant names of species rank for the family Amaranthaceae. Of these 1,825 are accepted species names.
The status of the 9,607 names (including infraspecific names) for the family Amaranthaceae recorded, are as follows:
Celosia argentea
Aerva javanica
Achyranthes, Achyropsis, Acnida, Aerva, Allmania, Alternanthera, Amaranthus, Arthraerua, Blutaparon, Bosea, Brayulinea, Calicorema, Celosia, Centema, Centemopsis, Centrostachys, Chamissoa, Charpentiera, Chionothrix, Cyathula, Dasysphaera, Dasysphaera, Deeringia, Digera, Eriostylos, Froelichia, Gomphrena, Gossypianthus, Guilleminea, Hebanthe, Hemichroa (~ Chenopodiaceae), Henonia, Herbstia, Hermbstaedtia, Indobanalia, Irenella, Iresine, Kyphocarpa, Lagrezia, Leucosphaera , Lithophila, Lopriorea, Marcelliopsis, Mechowia, Nelsia, Neocentema, Nothosaerva, Nototrichium, Nyssanthes, Pandiaka, Pfaffia, Philoxerus, Pleuropetalum, Pleuropterantha, Polyrhabda, Pseudogomphrena, Pseudoplantago, Pseudosericocoma, Psilotrichopsis, Psilotrichum, Ptilotus, Pupalia, Quaternella, Rosifax, Saltia, Sericocoma, Sericocomopsis, Sericorema, Sericostachys, Siamosia, Stilbanthus, Tidestromia, Trichuriella, Volkensinia, Woehleria, Xerosiphon.
250 species
Atriplex canescens
Atriplex elegans
Gomphrena serrata
Gomphrena globosa
Salsola oppositifolia
Salsola tragus
Alternanthera caracasana
Alternanthera philoxeroides
Chenopodium capitatum
Chenopodium polyspermum
Ptilotus obovatus
Ptilotus exaltatus
Suaeda maritima
Suaeda esteroa
Iresine herbstii
Amaranthus caudatus
Amaranthus tricolor
Corispermumlepto pterum
Celosia spicata
Celosia cristata
Almost all flowers of most species of Amaranthaceae producenectarand are insectpollinated, except for Genus
Amaranthus with about 50 species, whose flowers arewind pollinated and do not make nectar.
distributed worldwide, members common in some deserts, estuarine or alkaline regions, tropical areas and some temperate regions.
major threats to Amaranthaceae are habitat degradation and destruction by cattle and feral goats, competition with alien plant species, and a risk of extinction from naturally occurring events like landslides and hurricanes.
Flower) Status: Extinct Avhyranthes mutica(Blunt Chaff Flower) Status: Critically Endangered Pop. trend: stable Achyranthes splendens(Round-leaved Chaff Flower) Status: Vulnerable Pop. trend: decreasing
atollensis(Hawaii Chaff
talbotii Status: Vulnerable Pop. trend: decreasing Aerva microphylla Status: Least Concern Pop. trend: unknown Aerva revoluta Status: Least Concern Pop. trend: unknown
Aerva revoluta
Alternanthera areschougii Status: Vulnerable Alternanthera corymbiformis Status: Vulnerable Alternanthera filifolia Status: Lower Risk/least concern Alternanthera flavicoma Status: Vulnerable Alternanthera galapagensis Status: Vulnerable Alternanthera grandis Status: Vulnerable
Alternanthera filifolia
helleri Status: Vulnerable Alternanthera nesiotes Status: Endangered Alternanthera snodgrassii Status: Vulnerable Brown's Pigweed Amaranthus anderssoni Status: Data Deficient Amaranthus brownii (Brown's Pigweed) Status: Critically Endangered Pop. trend: unknown
Amaranthus furcatus Status: Data Deficient Amaranthus sclerantoides Status: Lower Risk/least concern Blutaparon rigidum Status: Extinct Cyathula fernando-poensis Status: Vulnerable Froelichia juncea Status: Vulnerable Froelichia nudicaulis Status: Vulnerable Irenella chrysotricha Status: Endangered Froelichia juncea
Iresine pedicellata Status: Vulnerable Lithophila radicata Status: Lower Risk/near threatened Lithophila subscaposa Status: Vulnerable Pleuropetalum darwinii Status: Vulnerable Psilotrichum aphyllum Status: Endangered Psilotrichum axilliflorum Status: Vulnerable
leaves and/ or roots of a few species, such as Beta vulgaris (beet, Swiss chard), Chenopodium spp. ( lambs quarters, goosefoot), and Amaranthus spp. (pigweed) are eaten.
seeds of several South American species of Chenopodium and Amaranthus are used to make flour. family includes a few ornamentals, including Celosia (cockscomb), Gomphrena (globe Amaranth), and Iresine (bloodleaf).
Ex Situ :
propagated at the National Tropical Botanic Gardens where, in 1997, more than hundreds of seeds were in storage and about plants were in cultivation.
In situ A fence constructed by one landowner proved successful in protecting one plant from grazing cattle in an a certain area. The construction of additional exclosures is recommended to reduce the impact from domestic cattle and feral goats. Removal of cattle to locations away from the preferred habitat of the Amaranthaceae is recommended, as are various methods of feral goat/cattle removal.