Lesson 1. ICT in The Context of Global Communication
Lesson 1. ICT in The Context of Global Communication
Lesson 1. ICT in The Context of Global Communication
of Global
ICT in the Context of Global
Communication will give you
an introduction into ICT and the
different online platforms that
may be used for its specific
purpose. It will also tackle on
online safety, security, and
online etiquette. You will be
able to get tips on how to
maximize the power of the
Internet to assist you in your
research work through
discussing research tools and
evaluating relevant and
reliable websites
By the end of this lesson, you are
expected to:
*Conduct a short interview of the business owner using the following guide:
Company/ Nature of
Establishment Business:_______________
__________________________ Guide questions:
Name:___________________ __________________________
_________________________ _____________
3. Does your
establishment have
1. What are the 2. How often do you
internet connection? If 4. Does your business
different ways for use your phone or
yes, what is its have a website? If yes,
costumers and/or cellular phone for
purpose? If no, would how does it help the
suppliers to contact business? Estimate
you consider having it company?
you? only
in the future? Why or
why not?