Zeroth Review

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Name of the Student: Name of the Supervisor:

Valarmathi J -61781921103139 Dr.G.Ravi
Varshaa V - 61781921103141 Professor
Proposed Working
This smart glove provides a valuable tool for improving
communication and health monitoring for individuals
with limited mobility or communication abilities.
The system's accuracy, user-friendliness, and
versatility make it a promising solution for addressing
real-world healthcare challenges
Base Paper Details:
Base Paper
BASE PAPER Description
Amandeep kaur and Ashish Jasuja  This paper states about health
Health Monitoring based on IoT using monitoring using Raspberry Pi and
Raspberry Pi IEEE, IOT.
10.1109/ccaa.2017.8230004,  A system is wearable and also
December. supports remote health monitoring.
 This data can be retrieved by the
doctor for analysis anywhere and any
aberrancy will be timely detected.
Proposed Outcome:
Phase 11 Phase 2
• Real time Health • Better and fast detection.
monitoring using
Smart Gloves. • Quicker monitoring and
• Simultaneous and • The observed data is sent
continuous tracking to medical experts.
and monitoring of
blood pressure,
Oxygen level, Heart
rate, Temperature
Proposed Tools:
Name of the tool Purpose in proposed work
•Microcontroller • ESP32 has an inbuilt Bluetooth and wi-fi
•Flex sensor • Flex sensor states the degree of deflection
•Temperature sensor • Temperature sensors are used in detecting
humidity and temperature.
•Touch sensor • Detection of Physical touches is monitored
by Touch sensor
•Pulse-oxy sensor
• Pulse-oxy sensor measures the heart rate
•OLED and oxygen levels of the blood
• Organic Light Emitting Diode displays the

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