Bacteriologically Biological specimen is positive by smear microscopy, culture or WRD (e.g., Xpert MTB/RIF). All such
confirmed TB: cases should be notified, regardless of whether TB treatment has started or not.
Clinically Does not fulfil the criteria for bacteriological confirmation. Includes diagnoses based on X-ray
diagnosed TB abnormalities or suggestive histology and EPTB cases without laboratory confirmation.
case Clinically diagnosed cases subsequently found to be bacteriologically positive (before or after
starting treatment) should be reclassified as bacteriologically confirmed.
EPTB Any bacteriologically confirmed or clinically diagnosed case of TB involving organs other than the
lungs, e.g., pleura, lymph nodes, abdomen, genitourinary tract, skin, joints and bones, meninges.
Classifications based on history of previous TB
New Patients have never been treated for TB or have taken anti-TB drugs for < 1
Previously Previously treated patients have received 1 month or more of anti-TB drugs
treated in the past
o Relapse: Patients have previously been treated for TB, were declared cured or
treatment completed at the end of their most recent course of treatment and are now
diagnosed with a recurrent episode of TB.
o Treatment after failure: Patients is those who have previously been treated for TB
and whose treatment failed at the end of their most recent course of treatment.
o Treatment after loss to follow-up: patients have previously been treated for TB
and were declared lost to follow-up at the end of their most recent course of treatment.
o Other previously treated: Patients have previously been treated for TB but the
outcome after their most recent course of treatment is unknown or undocumented.
o Patients with unknown previous TB treatment history do not fit into any of the
Treatment outcomes-new definition
Cured A pulmonary TB patient with bacteriologically confirmed TB at the beginning of treatment
who completed treatment as recommended by the national policy , with evidence of
bacteriological response and no evidence of failure.
Treatment A person who completed treatment as recommended by the national policy , whose outcome
completed doesn’t meet the definition of cure or treatment failure
Treatment A patient whose treatment regimen need to be terminated or permanently changed to a new
failed treatment strategy.
Lost to follow- A patient who didn’t start treatment or whose treatment was interrupted for 2 months and
up above
Died A patient who died before starting treatment or during the course of treatment
TB case Finding
Adopted the WHO recommendations for targeted systematic TB screening
among the following Population sub-groups
Strong • Household contacts and other close contacts of individuals with TB disease including
recommendations MDR-TB
• People living with HIV (PLHIV)
• Workers in silica exposed workplaces e.g., miners.
• Prison staff, prison inmates, and people in penitentiary institutions
• Subpopulations which have risk factors for TB including urban poor communities, the
homeless, rural communities, migrants, refugees, internally displaced persons, and
other vulnerable groups with limited access to health care services
Operational Definition of Terms for systematic TB screening
• Presumptive TB case: This refers to a patient who presents with symptoms and /or signs suggestive of
• Systematic screening for active TB: This is the systematic identification of people at risk of TB disease in a
predetermined target group, by assessing using tests, examinations or other procedures that can be applied rapidly.
• Active TB case-finding (ACF): Is the systematic identification of presumptive TB cases from a
predetermined target population/ community initiated by HCWs or volunteers
• Passive Case Finding: Requires that affected individuals are aware of their symptoms, have access to
HFs where they present themselves spontaneously, and are evaluated by HCWs or volunteers who
recognize the symptoms of TB and who have access to a reliable laboratory.
• Intensified case finding (ICF): Healthcare provider-initiated TB screening among high-risk population
such as PLHIV.
• Enhanced TB case finding (ECF): The creation of population awareness of TB symptoms through
advocacy and community mobilization to encourage self-presentation for TB screening.
• Initial screening: The first screening test, examination or other procedure applied in the population
eligible for screening.
• Computer-aided detection (CAD): The use of specialized software to interpret abnormalities on chest
radiographs that are suggestive of TB. CAD may be used for screening or triage presumptive TB cases
Overall organization of the Case finding strategy
• Health facilities
• Community level
• institution and
other with
Facility based systematic TB Case Finding
• TB screening should be done at Priority target groups
all outpatient departments
(OPDs), under five clinics, • OPD attendees • Prisoners and miners presenting to the
inpatients departments, HIV • Household contact of index TB health facilities
cases • Undernourished people or people
clinics, non-communicable • People previously treated or with a body mass index ≤ 18
disease clinics and other exposed to TB • People in the in-patient department
service outlets. • People with an untreated fibrotic • People with chronic renal failure
lesion shown on CXR • People on treatments that
• Priority target group while it is • People with chronic respiratory compromise their immune system
recommended to administer TB disease • Older people (60 years and older)
screening to all individuals • People presenting with pneumonia • People in mental health clinics or
presenting to the HFs at each • People with diabetes mellitus institutions
service delivery point, priority • People who smoke • Health care workers
should be given to individuals
with high risk for TB infection
or risk of developing active TB
TB Screening tool
1. WHO 4 symptom screening 2. CXR as screening tool
High risk population groups: Other population Groups not Chest X-ray together with computer aided detection for TB
PLHIV / included in High Risk for TB. can be used as screening tool for the following high-risk
Prisoners/Miner/mining group presenting to health facilities where applicable:
• PLHIV with advanced HIV disease and/or high viral load
1. Cough (any duration) 1. Cough lasting >2 • Prison Inmates
2. Fever (any duration) weeks • Miners
3. Night sweats (any 2. Fever lasting >2 weeks • Household contact of index bacteriologically confirmed
duration), 3. Weight loss and PTB cases
4. Weight loss 4. Profuse night sweats • Undernourished people or people with a body mass
lasting >2 weeks index ≤ 18,
• People with chronic renal failure,
• Older people (60 years and older)
• Anyone fulfilling ANY of • Anyone fulfilling ANY
the above criteria will of the above criteria
be labelled as a will be labelled as a
presumptive TB case presumptive TB case
Facility based TB screening
• Who
• HCWs: all HCWs attending to the patient visiting the HFs includes: Nurses, clinicians, Health
Surveillance Assistants, Patients/ward attendants and lab personnel Screening can also be done
using trained volunteers or non-clinical staff for example FAST promoters.
• Documentation: Presumptive TB register.
• Adult OPD, Under five OPDs, HIV clinic, Inpatient departments, Diabetes clinics clinic, TB clinic and
all other facility entry points
•Diagnostic tool
• GeneXpert and other WRD tests for all priority group
• Microscopy for non-priority group
FAST strategies (Finding TB patients, Actively Separate safely and Treat effectively)
Target group • All individuals presenting to health facility for any reason should be asked for TB symptoms
• Individual with high risk for TB infection or developing active TB disease who present to health
facilities with any form of respiratory symptoms
By Whom FAST can be done by nurses, clinical officers, health surveillance assistants, lab personnel, volunteers
based in the facility,
Diagnostic tool • Gene Xpert and other WRD test for priority groups
• Microscopy for non-GeneXpert site
TB Screening algorithm- at Health facility
Algorithm: community based active TB screening
• TB screening
algorithm among
High-risk group using
symptom, CXR and AI
(active case finding)
• Combined
symptom and
chest X-ray
screening has
been shown to
increase the yield
of TB cases.
Contact investigation
• Contact investigation: CI is a systematic process intended to identify undiagnosed cases of TB among
the contacts of an index case.
• Index Case/Index patients: the index case is the initially identified and diagnosed case of new or
recurrent PTB of any age in specific household or other comparable setting in which others may have
been exposed.
• Household Contact: A person who shared the same enclosed living space for one or more nights or for
frequent or extended periods during the day with the index case during the 3 months before the
commencement of the current treatment episode.
• Close TB Contact: A person who is not in the household but shares an enclosed space (such as a social
gathering, workplace, or facility) for extended periods with the index case (definition above) during the
3 months before the commencement of the current treatment episode.
Priority should be given when the index TB patients have any of the following characteristics
● Bacteriologically confirmed PTB
● Presumptive or confirmed or clinically diagnosed Drug-Resistant TB
● Children under 5 years of age with TB (to find the source of infection)
childhood TB.
Lethargy +3 Cavity +6
Enlarged LN +17 After 2 weeks ,if symptoms persist ---use the scoring
Weight loss +3
Haemoptysis +4 Opacities +5
YES Is sum >10? Night sweats +2
Swollen lymph +4
Tachycardia +2
Miliary pattern +15
Effusion +8 (2RHZE/2HR) present
Tachypnea -1
on pages 82 and 83.
Treat most likely non TB conditions
Do not treat with TB treatment -follow • The introduction of
up in 1-2 weeks
pediatric pulmonary
Treatment of TB in children
Age Intensive Phase Treatment of Drug-Susceptible non-severe
/Continuation Phase Pulmonary TB
All children with severity of 2 HRZE/4 HR • Eligibility Criteria for 4-month regimens in
children/adolescents 3 months-16 years
Genotypic testing-GeneXpert MTB/RIF (Ultra)
• GeneXpert MTB/RIF (Ultra) is a stand alone and fully
automated molecular test
• Uses real time PCR to detect the presence of TB, as well as
testing for resistance to Rifampicin.
• It’s a Point of care test, takes almost 2 hours to deliver results.
Eligibility criteria for urine LF-LAM test in Malawi (FOR USE IN HIV POSITIVE INDIVIDUALS
• Viral load of 1000+ in ART experienced clients (on ART for >1 year)
• All children with HIV aged under 5 years with unsuppressed VL on ART should be
considered as having advanced disease.
• It can be performed either directly from smear-positive sputum samples or from culture isolates.
• Rapid test (results within two days) • Infection control precautions require
• Capacity to perform large numbers of tests per sophisticated biosafety level (BSL-3).
TB Culture diagnostic method
• Provides a definitive diagnosis of TB ▪ Solid culture media
• Primarily for monitoring MDR-TB - Results may take up to 8 weeks for a negative
patient’s response to therapy culture and from third week to eighth week for a
positive culture.
• Helps to perform DST
▪Liquid culture media
May take several weeks for results
outcome -Specially enriched broth-based culture method
(BACTEC MGIT 320/960)
• Requires a special lab structure, culture
-Makes MTB growth from 4th day to 21 days for
media and trained personnel
positive samples or 42 days for negative ones.
Drug Susceptibility Testing (DST)
• Conventional DST (also known as phenotypic DST)
– Culture based
• Solid media (Lowenstein-Jensen:) – results in 4-6 weeks
• Liquid media (MGIT) – results within 2 weeks
– Expensive, requires high functioning laboratory
• Molecular DST (also known as genotypic DST)
– DNA assay based
– Examples: Xpert MTB/RIF/Ultra/XDR/LPA
– Designed for use at local laboratories (GeneXpert)
Conventional DST: technical considerations
First-line drugs
• Well standardized and reliable for Isoniazid, Rifampicin and
Second-line drugs
• Linezolid, Delamanid, Bedaquiline, Clofazimine, FLQs-(Mox and Levo)
Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment (TPT)
• The guideline has now incorporated the shorter TB preventive
treatment options
• Other
• People who are initiating anti-TNF treatment, or receiving dialysis, or preparing for an organ or
hematological transplant, or who have silicosis
• Newly diagnosed PLHIV up to 3 months on ART
3RH: 3 months of daily Rifampicin and Suitable for all age groups 0-15 who are HIV negative due to Rifamycin
Isoniazid and INSTI interactions (DTG etc)
6H: 6-months course of daily dose of Suitable for all age groups regardless of HIV status ie. Children less than 2
isoniazid. years
Management of Treatment interruption for
Target Preferred regimen
3HR , 6H Less Resume TPT immediately upon return and add the number of days of missed dose to the total
than 2 treatment duration
More If treatment interruption occurred after 80% of the doses expected in the regimen were taken:
than 2 • No action is required.
wks. • Continue and complete the remaining treatment
If less than 80% of the does expected in the regimen were taken, and treatment course can be
completed within the expected time, for completion( treatment duration +33% additional time)
• No action is required.
• Continue and complete the remaining treatment as per original plan
If less than 80% of doses expected in the regimen were taken, and treatment course can’t be
• Continue the remaining treatment
• Complete the remaining doses to make it full doses as per the guideline
Integrated TB diagnostic algorithm
GeneXpert MTB/Rif Ultra: RR detected
result interpretation
In the case of presumptive TB patients who undergo Xpert MTB/Rif testing and receive
a test result indicating the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) and
Rifampicin resistance (RR), the interpretation should be as follows:
2. If the patient is determined to be at a high risk of DR-TB and the test results
confirm resistance to rifampicin, commence the patient on a treatment regimen
for MDR/RR-TB following the established guidelines.
700 0.45
500 0.30
400 632 573 0.25
300 556 0.20
584 531 516 0.15
200 459 554 411 0.10
100 0.05
0 0.00
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Diagnosis of Leprosy
Back view of
Front view of MDT Front view of MDT MDT adult
Back view of MDT adult blister pack blister pack
child blister pack child blister pack
Leprosy Reaction
• This is sudden onset of inflamed lesions in leprosy
• may occur before, during treatment and after treatment.
• These are not drug adverse effects, but rather
immunological reaction of the body to M. leprae.
• Don’t stop MDT
• They are the main cause of deformities and disabilities in
• Treatable with non-steroidal anti-inflammatories in mild
cases and Prednisolone in severe cases
Facility TB register Updates: Inclusion of PTLD and PRP data elements to help in recording and reporting of PTLD data.
Reporting tools updated to reflect changes made
TPT Register ----- Updates
TPT Register: Inclusion of TPT options. Reporting tools updated to reflect the changes in the data recording tool.
Laboratory Register --- Updates
Number of presumptive
TB cases Examined
Additions done on Examination requested, Indications for Urine Lam, Reflex test (XDR) Result
Reporting templates updated to reflect changes made
Key Updates On TB
Recording and
Reporting Tools
TB and Leprosy RR tools updates
Key registers updated
• Facility TB register( inclussion of Post TB diseases)
• TPT regsiter( all option for TPT included)
• Contact tracing register (Inclusion of 12 month follow screening outcome)
• Lab register: Additions done on Examination requested, Indications for Urine Lam, Reflex test (XDR)
• Presumptive TB Register (Inclusion of Xray Screening result)
• Reporting templates updated to reflect changes made
• Leprosy Register
• Leprosy case reporting tool
Registers and reporting tools introduced
• Leprosy Contact tracing register
• Leprosy patient treatment card
• Leprosy CI reporting form
• Leprosy treatment outcome reporting form
Reporting of CI data:
• Introduction of new reporting data elements to demonstrate contact follow up screening outcome @ 6 and 12
• Guidance on frequency of reporting to be provided as soon as possible.
Possible Implementation challenges:
• Missing 12 month follow up screening result --- Need to define better implementation modalities.
TPT Register ----- Key Updates
Reason for change:-
• Ensures documentation of different TPT options and treatment monitoring.
• Ensures inclusion of key data elements important for decision making