After several unsuccessful attempts for the establishment of a sound agricultural insurance system in Turkey, longexpected agricultural insurance law allowing public-private partnership, offering technical and economic resources to preserve the agricultural sector from suffering under difficult conditions, finally was passed on 14.06.2005.
Law (5363/ 2005 June 14th) for Agricultural Insurance. Regulation (2005 Sept. 22) for Working Procedures and Principles of Agricultural Insurance Pool. Regulation (2005 Sept. 22) for Implementation of Agricultural Insurance.
Institutions which are Involved in the New Agricultural Insurance System of Turkey
Private Sector
(Insurance and Agriculture)
Insurance Companies
Institutions which are Involved in the new Agricultural Insurance System of Turkey
Members of the Management Committee (7) : Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (2) Undersecretariat of the Treasury (2) Association of the Insurance and Reinsurance Companies (1) Union of the Turkish Chambers of Agriculture (1) Managing Company of the Pool - TARSIM (1)
Duties of the Management Committee Determination of the principles of implementation regarding the operation of the Pool. Carrying out studies for determination of crops, risks, and regions to be supported. Carrying out studies for determination of the ratio of subsidies on the basis of crops, risks and regions.
Fixing problems faced in practice and carrying out studies to solve them.
Duties of TARSIM Carrying out all kinds of works and organizations for loss adjustment activities. Carrying out the activities concerning risk sharing, risk transferring and implementation of reinsurance plan, and presenting reinsurance program for approval to the Management Committee of the Pool. Implementation of the decisions taken by the Management Committee and fulfilling the secretarial works of the Pool. Collection of the premiums and payment of indemnities.
Duties of TARSIM Informing farmers regarding agricultural insurance and carrying out public relations and publicity campaigns. Keeping statistics and preparing reports of the agricultural insurance for the Management Committee. Direction of resources of the Pool for investment. Making suggestions to the Management Committee in necessary cases. Carrying out all other works and operations related to the management of the Pool.
Institutions which are Involved in the new Agricultural Insurance System of Turkey
Duties of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Taking necessary measures to develop and expand agricultural insurance. Presenting proposals for approval to the Council of Ministers regarding premium subsidies on the basis of crops, risks, and regions. Monitoring regular and proper payments of indemnities. Organization of seminars, training and publications. Cooperation with the Pool and Managing Company. Payment of the premium subsidies of the farmers to the Managing Company.
Risks to be Covered
Natural risks to be covered such as drought, hail, flood, storms, tornadoes, earthquakes, fire,
Participation of the farmers in the Insurance System is voluntary.
All insurance companies which have a licence for selling agricultural insurance shall participate to the agricultural insurance pool with equal shares.
Insurance contracts shall be issued with the name of the underwriting insurance company according to the conditions and standards as determined by the Pool.
Risk sharing and Reinsurance All premium collected by insurance companies and total risk shall be transferred to the Pool. Pool holds the authority to retrocede the risks to insurance companies (subject to acceptance) . In cases when sufficient retrocession is not realized, then the government will participate automatically for the rest of the risks.
Premium Subsidy
With the aim of promoting the development of the agricultural insurance, premiums of the farmers shall be subsidized by the Government. The amount of premium subsidy shall be determined by the Council of the Ministers annually according to the proposal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on the basis of crops, risks, regions and farm size. Only the registered farmers in the Farmer Registration System shall be eligible for premium subsidy.
Supervision Insurance implementations of TARSIM shall be supervised by the Undersecretariat of the Treasury, all other operations shall be supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
AIF AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE FOUNDATION (VAKIF-TSV) Loss Assesment Organization Risk inspection Organization Research and Development (Data collection, Databank, GIS, Risk Analysis) Training Support INFRASTRUCTURE FOR AGROPOOL
Reinsurance Companies
Source: TSV
Premium Subsidies
Reinsurance Companies
Loss Assesment Organization Risk inspection Organization Research and Development (Data collection, Databank, GIS, Risk Analysis)
AIF AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE FOUNDATION (VAKIF-TSV) Training for Lossadjusters risk inspectors And Insurance sector
(Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Affairs, Prime Ministry Turkish Treasury, Association of the Insurance and Reinsurance Companies of Turkey, Union of Turkish Chambers of Agriculture, Administation and Services Company for Pool-TARSM)
Claim Payment
Blent BORA Director General, TARSIM Agricultural Insurance Pool Management, Turkey