Hema II Chapter 3 - OFT
Hema II Chapter 3 - OFT
Hema II Chapter 3 - OFT
- a decreased SA / V ratio
- thinner surface membrane
-Lost ability to expand under osmotic pressure
-Take up less water in a hypotonic solution than
normal red cells (<0.7%)
Lyse in less hypotonic ( <0.7%) solution than normal
shaped, biconcave RBCs and therefore have increased
OF ( resistance decreased).
Large flat cells such as target cells, have the
ability to take in more water then normal
RBCs, resulting in a decreased osmotic
Decreased OF= or increased resistance seen in
Sickle cell anemia
Hypochromic Anemia
IDA , thalassemia,
target cell
Test Procedure
Principle :- Test and normal red cells are placed in a series
of graded strength NaCl solution and resulting
Hemolysis compared a 100% standard.
Reagents :-
Stock buffered NaCl solution (10%).
-Buffering effect
-keep Ph 7.4
Make up to 2L= D.H2O
Prepare a1% solution from the stock 10% and proccess as
Mix the contents of each tube (5ml) dilutions:
- NB the 12 dilutions are set up in duplicate (Test &
Add 0.05ml (50) of pt’d blood to each of the 12 tubes
marked test
Reporting of Results: Red cell fragility is best
0.05ml = 1/100
5ml saline
Increase TO =decreased OF
50C increase = increase the concentration of
saline by 0.1 g/dl