Hema II Chapter 3 - OFT

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Chapter three


 Determines the resistance of the red cell to hemolyis in varying

concentrations of hypotonic solutions.

 Gives an indication of the surface area: volume ratio of

erythrocytes SA:V ratio

 Results of OFT are increased in blood sample ( erythrocytes)

with decrease SA / V ratio

-Useful in the diagnosis & confirmation of hereditary

 To maintain viable cells in vivo/vitro the cells must be

suspended in a solution with an osmotic concentration relatively

equal to their interior osmotic concentration: ISOTONIC :0.85%
NaCl solution.
 Normal Healthy erythrocytes can tolerate a broad range of

Hypotonic osmotic concentrations (0.85 to 0.55%) due to their

ability to expand or collapse as the environment changes.

This results from RBCs BICONCAVE shape (allows the cell to

increase its volume by about 70%
 When RBCs are put in hypotonic solution the cells take up

water and swell until an equilibrium is attained and then the

cell ruptures

- Normal hemolysis is proceeded by a phase in which the red

cells assume a spherical shape

-Lysis occurs (Na Cl) < 0.55%

Spherocytes have:

- a decreased SA / V ratio
- thinner surface membrane
-Lost ability to expand under osmotic pressure
-Take up less water in a hypotonic solution than
normal red cells (<0.7%)
Lyse in less hypotonic ( <0.7%) solution than normal
shaped, biconcave RBCs and therefore have increased
OF ( resistance decreased).
Large flat cells such as target cells, have the
ability to take in more water then normal
RBCs, resulting in a decreased osmotic
Decreased OF= or increased resistance seen in
Sickle cell anemia

Hypochromic Anemia

IDA , thalassemia,

target cell
Test Procedure
Principle :- Test and normal red cells are placed in a series
of graded strength NaCl solution and resulting
Hemolysis compared a 100% standard.
 Reagents :-
 Stock buffered NaCl solution (10%).

-NaCl (powder) -180g

-Na2 HPO4 27.31g
-NaH2PO4.2H2O 4.86g .......

-Buffering effect
-keep Ph 7.4
 Make up to 2L= D.H2O
 Prepare a1% solution from the stock 10% and proccess as
 Procedure
 Mix the contents of each tube (5ml) dilutions:
- NB the 12 dilutions are set up in duplicate (Test &
 Add 0.05ml (50) of pt’d blood to each of the 12 tubes
marked test

 Add the 50l amount (0.05ml) of the normal control blood

in the 2nd row of tubes marked control.
 Mix each tube well
 Let stand at RTO for 30min. Remix & contrifuge at 1000G
for 10 min.
 Separate the supernatants carefully without including
 Measure Absorbances and of supernatants
Use tube No. 12 of test and control of BLANK
Use tube No 1 of test and control 100% Hemolysis
Calculation: Calculate % Hemolysis of each tube
% Hemolysis = Abs T- Abs B X 100
Abs Std – AbsB

But, Abs B (tabe 12) = 0.00

% Hemolysis = Abs T X 100

Abs Std
Ex = Abs. Tube- 1 (100% STD) = 0.40
Abs. Tube. 5 = 0.20

% Hemolysis of tube 5 = 0.20 X 100 = 50%

 Reporting of Results: Red cell fragility is best

reported as a curve on a linear graph,

 Inspect the entire fragility curve

-Include the normal control

-Indicate the concentration of Salt in which;

(1) The highest concentration at which Hemolysis


(2) The highest concentration Hemolysis is complete

(3) 50% hemolysis occurred

-Median corpuscular fragility [MCF]
 Normal Range (200c, PH 7.4)
Tube No NaCl% Hemolysis (%)
1. 0.10 100%
2. 0.20 100%
3. 0.30 99-
4. 0.35 90-99%
5. 0.40 50-98%
6. 0.45 6-49%
7. 0.50 0.5%
8. 0.55 0%
9. 0.60 0%
10. 0.65 0%
11. 0.70 0%
12. 0.80 0%
Saline concentration at which Hemolysis
0.45 – 0.50%
Saline concentration at which 50% RBC
lyse( MCF)
0.40 – 0.45%
Saline concentration at which Hemolysis is
0.30 – 0.35%
Elevated values high OF= increased V / SA
-Hereditary spherocytosis
-Acquired immune Hemolytic -
Anemia with Spherocytesis
-Hereditary stomatocytrsis
Decreased Values decreased (V/SA)
=decreased OF
In Hypochromic microcytic cells,
Iron deficency Anemia
Leptocytosis (target cells)
OF after Incubation
 Patients of spherocytosis who are mildly affected

may have fewer than 1% - 2% spherocytes in the

total RBC population.
 It is difficult to diagnose based on morphologic
 Even they give normal or slight increase OF in
the un-incubated OFT.
 Increasing the difference between a normal and
abnormal result is usually possible by increasing
the susceptibility of red cell to osmotic lysis by
prior incubation of the blood at 37oc for 24hrs.

During incubation RBCS (HS cells) become

metabolically deprived and tend to lose
membrane surface because of their relative
less membrane stability.
Both normal subjects & HS patients will have
increased OF after incubation, but the effect
is more marked for patients with HS. In HS
lysis may occur in 8-9 g/L
-set up additional hypotonic solution of 9 g/L
 Also prepare 12 g / L Na Cl solution to use
supernatant as a BLANK
Factors Affecting OF

1. Volume of blood & saline

Increase volume blood in 100 volume saline

0.05ml = 1/100

5ml saline

The concentration of blood is so small that the effect of the

PLASMA on the final tonicity of the suspension is negligible.

2.PH of blood in saline suspension

0.1 PH shift is equivalent to altering (saline) by 0.1 g/l a in

PH increase OF
3. Temperature
The test is carried out at RTO

Increase TO =decreased OF
50C increase = increase the concentration of
saline by 0.1 g/dl

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