Module 5 - Microsoft Teams Rooms and Microsoft Teams Panels
Module 5 - Microsoft Teams Rooms and Microsoft Teams Panels
Module 5 - Microsoft Teams Rooms and Microsoft Teams Panels
Feature availability icons
Teams displays
Microsoft Teams
Teams panels
Learn about features specific to
Teams Rooms Objectives
Meeting join Intelligent audio & video (May require additional peripherals)
Support for Intelligent Speaker live transcript with speaker
Join Teams meetings with 1-touch, proximity, and meeting ID
Start ad hoc meetings from the room Multi-stream people feed for intelligent cameras*
Direct Guest Join for Zoom and Webex meetings Multi-camera support
Device analytics
Application updates and AI-powered remediation service
previously under Managed Services in the Premium SKU*
*Feature coming soon
**Requires PSTN connectivity via Calling Plans, Direct Routing or Operator Connect
Touch console
Placed on table and controls
Console is paired with a specific Teams
Rooms device
[email protected]
Pairing console
Pairing console
Pairing console
Paired Unpair
Console management
Manage via Teams admin center
Scheduling meetings
Here's an example of the home screen on a front-of-room display & touch console:
Start instant meetings
Meet now
Participate in meetings
Here's an example of the home screen on a front-of-room display & touch console:
Participate in meetings
Here's an example meeting controls
Participate in meetings - Layouts
Layouts – content + gallery
Participate in meetings – Layouts
Layouts – gallery + large gallery
Participate in meetings – Layouts
Layouts – together mode
Make Calls
Select Dial pad on the home screen to place a phone call.
Dual Screen Support
Some devices support two displays for a more immersive meeting experience.
Teams Rooms on Android - HDMI ingest and
HDMI ingest sharing during and outside of a meeting is now available to all
capable certified Teams Rooms on Android.
Microsoft Teams Rooms on Android updates
Start an ad-hoc meeting & Join meeting by ID
Extend meeting room reservation Front Row for Teams Rooms on Android
On the occasion when your meeting needs Front Row, a layout experience designed to
to run beyond the scheduled time, if the enhance hybrid meetings, is now available for
room is available, you can extend the room Teams Rooms on Android.
reservation with one touch.
Microsoft Teams Rooms on Android updates
Opt-in to share content via HDMI & Watermark camera streams and meeting
Opt-in to share content via HDMI Watermark camera streams and meeting
When sharing content over HDMI, including content
audio, admins can control whether content It’s now easier to safeguard confidential
gets shared automatically or presenters are information. Meeting organizers with a Teams
required to opt-in via a tap of the “Share” Premium license can add a room account
button. watermark on video participants’ camera
streams and supported shared content.
Microsoft Teams Rooms on Android updates
Annotations on shared content
Bluetooth low
energy beacon MTR1
How Cast and Room Remote work
Teams panels
Teams panels
You can not set a start time. The meeting start time is
Find your meeting
time, day, Meeting
date, and space
meeting availabilit
space y and
details meeting
Meeting space availability and meeting details tile
space is
reserved for
a scheduled
Meeting space availability and meeting details tile (a)
space is
reserved for
an ad hoc
Meeting space availability and meeting details tile (b)
space is
On the
screen, tap
Reserve meeting spaces for ad hoc meetings (d)
Microsoft Teams panels app settings – Wallpapers
The LED color indicates that an available space is always green and can't be
Teams Rooms on
Android and Teams
Teams panels – check in
Meeting attendees can claim their reserved meeting room by tapping the “Check
in” button on the panel.
If no one checks into the room, it will be released—allowing for others to reserve
and use the room.
Check-in notification
on front-of-room display
When a Teams panel is paired with Microsoft Teams Rooms, the new “Check in”
button on the panel can be used to send a notification to the front-of-room display.
Check-in “knock-knock”
notification on front-of-
room display