Grade 12 Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Let’s have an activity!
For 10 minutes, create a
timeline of the important
events and discoveries
related to cell theory and
who are the scientists
that contributed to these
discoveries. After the
allotted time, present and
discuss your group
Score 4 3 2 1
Descriptio The The The The
n timeline timeline is timeline is timeline is
demonstra accurate, somewhat inaccurate
tes well- accurate , lacks
exceptiona organized, and organizatio
l accuracy, clear, and organized, n and
organizatio creative, with clarity,
n, clarity, with good adequate shows
creativity, content clarity and minimal
and depth. creativity, creativity,
content but lacks and lacks
depth. in content content
depth. depth.
1. How do you find doing the activity?
2. What strategies did you use in conducting
the activity?
3.What instrument was necessary before cell
theory could be developed?
4. How are the discoveries of these scientists
contributed to the development of cell theory?
5. Imagine you are a scientist living in
the 17th century. Given the limited
knowledge and tools available at the
time, how would you have approached
the study of cells? What challenges
and limitations might you have faced?