Evidence For Evolution
Evidence For Evolution
Evidence For Evolution
Evolution has not occurred gradually but in
spurts as small populations adapted quickly
to change.
Problems interpreting fossil records.
Fossil record is incomplete (fossilisation is
a chancy process).
Evidence for evolution
1. Comparative anatomy
a. Homologous structures: compares the structural
features of related animals to ascertain the degree of
similarity between them. We look at homologous organs.
2. Comparative embryology
Compares the early developmental stages of
organisms. In early development stages, all
vertebrates share gill slits and arches.
Evidence for evolution
2. Comparative embryology
Also common to all the embryos
are a tail and a two-chambered
3-chambered heart
4-chambered heart
2-chambered heart
Evidence for evolution
Evidence for evolution
All living things use the same DNA code = all living things are related
Evidence for evolution