Praktik Cara Pemberian Obat
Praktik Cara Pemberian Obat
Praktik Cara Pemberian Obat
Sugi purwanti
a.Baki obat
b.Kartu rencana pengobatan
c.Cangkir disposible untuk tempat obat
d.Martil dan lumpang penggerus
Tahap Kerja:
a. Siapkan peralatan dan cuci tangan
b. Kaji kemampuan pasien untuk dapat minum obat per oral (kemampuan menelan, mual dan muntah, akan dilakukan
penghisapan cairna lambung, atau tidak boleh makan/minum).
c. Periksa kembali order pengobatan
d. Ambil obat sesuai yang diperlukan.
e. Siapkan obat-obatan yg akan diberikan (gunakan teknik aseptik, jangan menyentuh obat dan cocokkan dgn order
f. Beri obat pada waktu dan cara yg benar yi dgn cara :
Yakin pasien benar
Atur posisi pasien duduk bila mungkin
Kaji tanda-tanda vital pasien
Berikan cairan/air yg cukup u membantu menelan, anjurkan pasien meletakkan obat di lidah bagian belakang, kemudian
pasien dianjurkan minum
Bila obat mempunyai rasa tidak enak, beri es batu/pisang
Tetap bersama pasien sampai obat ditelan
g. Catat tindakan, kembalikan peralatan, evaluasi stlh 30 menit
Letakkan di antara gigi dengan selaput lendir pda
pipi bagian dalam
Rectal Suppositories
1. Wash your hand thoroughly with a soap and water
2. If the suppository is soft, hold it under cool water to harden it before removing
the wrapper.
3. Remove the wrapper, if present.
4. If you were told to take half of a suppository, cut it lengthwise with a clean,
single-edge razor blade.
5. Put on a finger cot or disposable glove, if desired
6. Lubricate the suppository tip with a water-soluble lubricant such as K-Y Jelly,
not petroleum jelly (vaseline). If you do not have this lubricant, moisten your
rectal area with cool tap water.
Rectal Suppositories
7. Lie on your side with your lower leg straightened out and your upper leg
bent forward toward your stomach.
8. Lift upper buttock to expose the rectal area.
9. Insert the suppository, pointed end first, with your finger until it passes
the muskular sphincter of the rectum, about ½ to 1 inch in infants and 1
inch in adults. If not inserted pst this sphincter, the suppository may pop
10. Hold buttocks together for a few seconds
11. Remain lying down for about 15 minutes to avoid having the suppository
come out.
12. Discard used materials and wash your hands thoroughly.
Cream/Salep Rektal
Bersihkan dan keringkan daerah rektal, kemudian masukkan
salep atau krim secara perlahan ke dalam rektal.
Cara lain adalah dengan menggunakan aplikator. Caranya
adalah aplikator dihubungkan dengan wadah salep/krim yang
sudah dibuka, kemudian
Jangan Ditelan dimasukkan ke dalam rektum dan sediaan
ditekan sehingga salep/krim keluar.
Buka aplikator dan cuci bersih dengan air hangat dan sabun.
Setelah penggunaan, tangan penderita dicuci bersih
Obat Vagina
• Cuci tangan sebelum menggunakan obat dan gunakan aplikator sesuai
dengan petunjuk penggunaan dari industri penghasil sediaan.
• Jika penderita hamil, maka sebelum menggunakan obat sebaiknya
berkonsultasi terlebih dahulu dengan profesional perawatan kesehatan.
• Penderita berbaring dengan kedua kaki direnggangkan dan dengan
menggunakan aplikator obat dimasukkan ke dalam vagina sejauh mungkin
tanpa dipaksakan dan biarkan selama beberapa waktu.
• Setelah penggunaan, aplikator dan tangan penderita dicuci bersih dengan
sabun dan air hangat.
1. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water
2. Check the dropper tip to make sure that is not chipped or cracked.
3. Avoid touching the dropper tip against your eye or anitthing else- eyedrops must be kept
4. While tilting your head back, pull down the lower lid of your eye with your index finger to
form a pocket.
5. Hold the dropper (tip down) with the other hand, as close to the eye as posibble eithout
touching it.
6. Brace the remaining fingers of that hand against your face.
7. Gently squeeze the dropper so that the correct number of drops falls into the pocket made
by the lower eyelid.
8. Close your eye for two to three minutes. Wipe any eccess liquid from your face with a
9. Replace and tighten the cap right away. Don’t wipe or rinse the dropper tip.
10. Wash your hands to remove any medication
Ophthalmic Ointments
1. Wash hands
2. Remove cap from tube
3. With one hand, gently pull lower eyelid down
4. While looking up, squeeze a small amount of the ointment
(about ¼ to ½ in) inside lower lid. Be careful not to touch tip of
tube to eye, eyelid, or fingers, etc.
5. Close eye gently and roll eyeball in all directions while eye is
closed. Temporary blurring may occur.
6. The closed eyelid may be rubbed very gently by a finger to
distribute the drug throughout the fornix
7. Replace cap on tube
Nose Drops
1. Blow your nose gently
2. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water
3. Check the dropper tip to make sure that is not chipped or cracked
4. Avoid touching the dropper tip againts your nose or anything else-
nose drops must be kept clean
5. Tilt your head as far back as possible, or lie down on your back on a
flat surface (such as a bed) and hang your head over the edge
6. Place the drops into your nose
7. Bend your head forward toward your knees and move it left and right
8. Remain in this position for a few minutes
9. Clean the dropper tip with warm water. Cap the bottle right away.
10.Wash your hands to remove any medication.
Obat Semprot Hidung
• Hidung dibersihkan dan kepala tetap tegak. Kemudian
obat disemprotkan ke dalam lubang hidung sambil
menarik napas dengan cepat.
• Untuk posisi duduk, kepala ditarik dan ditempatkan
diantara dua paha
• Setelah digunakan, botol alat semprot dicuci dengan air
hangat tetapi jangan sampai air masuk ke dalam botol
kemudian dikeringkan dengan tissue bersih.
Ear Drops
1. Gently clean your ear with a damp facecloth and then dry it
2. Wash your hands thoroughly with a soap and water
3. Warm the drops to near body temperature by holding the container in your hand for a few
4. If the drops are a cloudy suspension, shake the bottle well for 10 seconds
5. Check the dropper tip to make sure that it is not chipped or cracked
6. Draw the medication into the dropper, or hod the dropper-top bottle with the dropper tip down
7. Tilt the affected ear up or lie on your side
8. Avoid touching the dropper tip against your ear or anything else-ear drops must be kept clean
9. Place the correct amount in your ear. Then tug gently on your ear to allow the drops to run in.
10.Keep your ear tilted up for the few minutes or insert a soft cotton plug in your ear,whichever
method has been recommended by your pharmacist or doctor
11. Replace and tighten the cap or dropper right away
12.Wash your hands to remove any medication