The Rock Cycle
The Rock Cycle
The Rock Cycle
• The water cycle
TPS – 2mins
What do all the pictures you have just seen have in common??
Properties of rocks
1. Sedimentary
2. Igneous
3. Metamorphic
Metamorphic rocks are usually made up of
bands or of layers.
The layers are sometimes folded over each
Task 1
Complete the worksheet..
5 minutes
Weathering and erosion (2 mins)
Q. What could cause the rock on the Earth’s surface to break off into
smaller pieces (also known as sediment)?? Mechanical weathering breaks
rocks into smaller pieces without changing their composition. Chemical
weathering breaks down rocks by forming new minerals that are stable at
the Earth's surface.
Extension: What is the difference between Lava and Magma? Scientists use
the term magma for molten rock that is underground and lava for molten
rock that breaks through the Earth's surface.
Key terms
Magma: Very hot molten rock that is under the ground.
1. Deposition-Deposition is the geological process in which sediments, soil and rocks are
added to a landform or landmass. Wind, ice, water, and gravity transport previously
weathered surface material, which, at the loss of enough kinetic energy in the fluid, is
deposited, building up layers of sediment.
2. Compaction- Compaction, in geology, decrease of the volume of a fixed mass of
sediment from any cause, commonly from continual sediment deposition at a
particular site.
3. Cementation- Cementation, in geology, hardening and welding of clastic sediments
(those formed from preexisting rock fragments) by the precipitation of mineral matter
in the pore spaces. It is the last stage in the formation of a sedimentary rock.
Q. For each stage suggest what is happening.
Formation of igneous rocks
How are igneous rocks formed?
Deep in the ground is molten rock called magma. Sometimes, magma bursts through the
surface causing volcanic eruptions.
We describe thick and gloopy liquids as viscous, while thin and runny
liquids are less viscous.
5 minutes
Deposition, compaction and cementation
The sediment reaches
a lake or the sea and
deposits the broken
down rock pieces in
layers called
sediments, this
process is called
Deposition, compaction and cementation
These conditions change the structure of the rocks so that new layers are formed.
more heat
What rock?
1) What rock is formed from magma or lava? Extrusive igneous rocks
form from magma that erupted onto the surface as lava , where it
cooled quickly. On the other hand, intrusive igneous rocks form from
magma that cooled slowly, deep underground.
2) What rock requires heat and pressure to be formed? Metamorphic
3) Suggest what rock can contain complete fossils? Sedimentary rocks
4) Suggest what rock can contain twisted fossils? Metamorphic rocks
5) What rock requires compaction and cementation to be formed?
Sedimentary rocks Potential answer
6) What rock can be intrusive or extrusive? Igneous rocks • Sedimentary
• Metamorphic
• Igneous
What rock?
1) Igneous
2) Metamorphic
3) Sedimentary
4) Metamorphic
5) Sedimentary
6) Igneous
Imagine you are a grain of sediment tumbling down the cliff side,
in first person explain your journey to becoming igneous rock.
Imagine you are a grain of sediment, in first person explain
your journey to becoming igneous rock.
The rock cycle